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Mentioned the need to upload a photo
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aa7401 committed Jul 30, 2021
1 parent b4776e9 commit e1804c1d37a3162a402ae65bdf72ad0cac14579a
Showing 1 changed file with 3 additions and 2 deletions.
@@ -25,8 +25,9 @@ The screen should display a form that contains the following:
1. A dropdown category selector where they can choose from "Sandwich", "Drink" or "Snack".
2. A textbox where they can enter the name of the item.
3. A multiline textbox where they can enter a short description of up to 100 characters.
4. A price slider where they can choose the price being charged in _pence_, this should have the scale 50-500p.
5 The _option_ to upload a picture of the item.
4. The option to upload a photo from the device.
5. A price slider where they can choose the price being charged in _pence_, this should have the scale 50-500p.
6. The _option_ to upload a picture of the item.

> To demonstrate this feature and to prove that the form works correctly you will need to show that the data is being persisted correctly, either by running a database query or an API call depending on the platform and technology you are using.

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