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Added decline option
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aa7401 committed Jul 20, 2021
1 parent 855bc44 commit b4776e9a66a847f7299fc20f2a3ae66c26d1cc4f
Showing 1 changed file with 14 additions and 8 deletions.
@@ -57,11 +57,17 @@ Clicking on an expense label should display the details for that particular expe

This feature requires you to add a `manager's` console to the web app. One of the accounts needs to be flagged as the manager's and the following screens must only be accessible to this user:

1. The home screen should contain the total amount paid out in expenses to date plus a summary all the users including:
1. Their profile picture.
2. Their name (first and last).
3. The total unclaimed expenses (see third screen).
2. Clicking on the name or profile picture of a user should display the detailed expenses screen for that user (the same information as the normal user's home screen). It should also allow each expense to be clicked to view the details page (same as the normal user in the sate 1 functionality).
3. The detailed expense screen should include a button/link against each user labelled "Approve expenses". Clicking on this should:
1. Set the status of all these expense items to `approved`.
2. Increment the total money paid out by the amount being claimed by the user. This will also reset the amount outstanding to 0.
The manager's home screen should show:

1. The number of expenses claims that are waiting for approval (this should update as they approve/cancel requests).
2. The total amount of the expenses waiting to be dealt with.

There should be a summary all the users including:

1. Their profile picture.
2. Their name (first and last).
3. The total unclaimed expenses (see third screen).

Clicking on the name or profile picture of a user should display the detailed expenses screen for that user (the same information as the normal user's home screen). It should also allow each expense to be clicked to view the details page (same as the normal user in the feature 3 functionality).

The detailed expense screen should include a button/link against each user labelled "Approve" and another called "Decline". Clicking on either should Set the status of all these expense items to **approved** or **declined**.

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