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Dan Goldsmith edited this page Jan 31, 2020 · 7 revisions

Getting Started

After downloading the template, you should have a directory that looks like this

dang@dang-laptop ~/Github/MarkdownRelated/Markdown-FYP-Example$ ls -l
total 28
-rw-r--r-- 1 dang dang  298 Jan 30 10:30 bibliography.bib
-rw-r--r-- 1 dang dang 1867 Jan 30 10:30
-rw-r--r-- 1 dang dang  875 Jan 30 10:30
-rw-r--r-- 1 dang dang 1083 Jan 30 10:30 Makefile
-rw-r--r-- 1 dang dang 1177 Jan 30 10:30
drwxr-xr-x 2 dang dang 4096 Jan 30 10:30 Supporting
drwxr-xr-x 4 dang dang 4096 Jan 30 10:30 Template

The Header File

The first thing we need to do is edit

This file contains all the Header information for the report. You Will need to modify this to get your name, Student Id etc correct. Hopefully the contents are self-explanatory.

author:  "Your Name"
sid: 424242
title: "Project Title"

# Keywords associated with your project
keywords: Comma, Seperated, Keywords

degreetitle:  'BSc: Ethical Hacking and cybersecurity'

#Hide the Declaration and Ethics Form
draft: False

PDF-ethics: Supporting/ethics-certificate.pdf

#Origianlity Statement:  REPLACE THIS WITH YOURS
PDF-declaration: Supporting/submission-declaration.pdf

#Finally the Bibtex file for your references.
bibliography: example-bib.bib

#Font to use
fontfamily: helvet

The other Header file

There is quite a lot of other configuration information that we need to add, but you wont need to play with. This is pulled in with the line

!include Template/

Building the Document

Each time we want to build the document, and turn it into a PDF For this we can use the Makefile

This will call pandoc with the relevant parameters. It accepts an Existing markdown file as input.

Therefore to convert into a PDF, we use.

$ make Dissertation.pdf

A PDF, by default Disso.pdf, is then generated (or updated).

Adding More Material

So far we have the skeleton of a report, with Title Page, Tables of Contents and References. We will need some text in the report, to do this we need to:

  1. Create a new file that contains the text[^footfile]
  2. Include this in the document using !include <theFile>
  3. Write Stuff
  4. Rebuild the Document
  5. .....
  6. Profit

[^footfile]: You dont "need" to create a new file, and can use one big file to hold all the text. Personally, I prefer having one file per section / chapter to help me organise things.

Worked Example: Adding an Introduction section

Create a new file called and add the following text

# Introduction

This is the introduction section

## What my project is 

Here is Discuss my Project

## What I have found out

Here I talk about my results

## Summary

Here I summarise the project

Worked Example: Including the file in the Document

We now need to update the file so we include our new input

Add the line


Worked Example: Build the new version of the document

Re-run the Build script

Rinse and Repeat

That is it for adding new content. Remember:

  • Git add
  • Git commit
  • Git push

Other Types of Content

So far we have only added text, but have covered the basics of generating the report. The Markdown primer section walks through common elements you may want to add.


I dont want to use Markdown

  • Sucks to be you ;)
  • We cannot mix the inputs which is a shame.
  • We cant convert the header, but I think we can convert the Template parts of the document