# A Quick Pandoc Markdown Primer A walkthrough of common markdown constructs you will need. This is a quick introduction and is no subsititute for RTFM The report is written in markdown, a text based markup language (like HTML) that allows you to provide struture to the docuement using plain text. > A Markdown-formatted document should be publishable as-is, as plain > text, without looking like it’s been marked up with tags or > formatting instructions. – John Gruber You may be familair with Markdown from GitHub, or other project. Unfortunately, like many decent open source project, it does suffer from differnt project having different "Flavors"[^flavors]. However, about 99% of what you will need to do is compatable between versions. [^flavors]: Or A Maze of Twisty Turny standards, all alike ## Document Structure The first thing we need to do is add some structure to our document. If you look back at the Introduction we created in [Getting Started](#getting-started) you can see we had some structure, with headings and subheadings breaking up the text. My preferred way to setup section headings is to use the *ATX* format[^headers] Each header consists of a 1..6 ```#``` Signs followed by the header text ``` # Chapter / Section Header ## Header ### Sub Header #### Sub Sub Header ``` [^headers]: Other Header formats exist, including ReST style underlines. > NOTE: I prefer to have a seperate file for each Chapter / Section, > (Ie Introduction.md, LitReview.md) I find it helps me to keep > things organsed. ## Text Formatting You may also want to change the way text is formatted. ```markdown - *Emphasis* (Itallic) - **Strong Emphasis** (Bold) - _Underline_ - ~~Strikeout~~ - Superscript 2^4^ - Subscipt H~2~0 ``` - *Emphasis* (Itallic) - **Strong Emphasis** (Bold) - _Underline_ - ~~Strikeout~~ - Superscript 2^4^ - Subscipt H~2~0 We can also have Quotations ~~~ > This is a quotation, the text will be displayed Verbatim. > > The quotation can span multiple Lines > ~~~ ## Lists Another way of structuring the report is to use lists. There are several types of list we may want to use. 1. Bullet Points 1. Numbered Lists 1. Definition Lists > As well as section headings, I like to use lists to help me > structure the document. My own workflow for writing is to get the > structure right, then use lists to outline the content of each > section. Finally turning each of those bullet points into > sentances. ### Bullets Are represented by either ```*``` ```+``` or ```-``` followed by a space then the list text. ```markdown * First Item in the List * Second Item in the List * Nested List Item ``` Which renders as: * First Item in the List * Second Item in the List * Nested List Item ### Ordered Ordered lists work in the same way as bullets, but instead we use ```N.``` (where N is some integer), It doesnt matter what number is used, as pandoc will automagically start the numbering at 1 ```markdown 1. Numbered List 1. Second item in the list 1. Nested item in the list ``` Which Renders as 1. Numbered List 1. Second item in the list 1. Nested item in the list ### Lists containing long lines of text Lists can contain multiple paragraphs, However, each paragraph must be intented to align with the first item in the list. ~~~markdown * This is the first Item of my list We have a paragraph here that is part of the first item * Second Item Paragraph for the Second item, More text for the Second item. ~~~ ## Tables ## Source Codes ## Images ## Links ## References