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Removed Nested Callbacks because they appear in 06.
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harjaus committed Sep 15, 2019
1 parent c16cb7f commit b5c8cadb514e595e07a66644709218ca5c056bf0
Showing 1 changed file with 0 additions and 28 deletions.
@@ -617,31 +617,3 @@ OMDB key: 220d2590
First task is for students to get an OMDB API key and paste it into the provided script.
### 5.3 Nested Callbacks
Use the same API and show that multiple steps cause nested callbacks and callback hell.
//TODO: use the OMDB API in this section.
Find films released in year X starring Y in genre Z from producer A, etc. country B.
Because the code to be run after a callback is run needs to be _inside_ the callback code it is very challenging to build a script that contains several long-running tasks you get into a situation where you nest callbacks inside callbacks (inside callbacks) which makes the code very difficult to write, debug and read and means its very difficult to split into separate functions, a situation commonly known as **Callback Hell**.
Open the file `nestedCallbacks.js` which asks for a _base_ currency code then prints out all the exchange rates against other currencies. Notice that there are four functions defined, three of which include a callback. Our script is designed to capture user input using `stdin` (needing a callback), identify whether a currency code is valid (requiring a second callback) and then getting the currency conversion rates for the specified currency (requiring a third callback).
1. Notice that the `checkValidCurrencyCode()` function is called by the callback for the `getInput()` function and the `getData()` function is called by the callback for the `checkValidCurrencyCode()` function.
2. Each callback takes two parameters as normal. The first contains the error (if any) and this needs to be handled in each callback.
3. The data from the first callback is needed when calling the third function so needs to be stored in an immutable variable (constant).
4. The fourth, and final, function does not have a callback.
Callbacks are the simplest possible mechanism for asynchronous code in JavaScript. Unfortunately, raw callbacks sacrifice the control flow, exception handling, and function semantics familiar from synchronous code.
### 5.4 Test Your Knowledge
The callbacks are already nested 3 deep. To test your knowledge of deeply nested callbacks you are going to create a script that has 6 levels of nested callbacks!
1. modify the script to ask for the currency to convert to and display only the one conversion rate.
2. instead of printing the exchange rate, ask for the amount to be converted and them return the equivalent in the chosen currency
3. use the [OpenExchangeRates]( API to display the full name of the chosen currency.
Even though the script is still simple you are probably already getting in a tangle! Imagine a more complex script with conditions, it would quickly get out of hand and become practically impossible to debug.

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