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harjaus committed Sep 15, 2019
1 parent 32957f6 commit c16cb7f1cf8ea1a8b0193baffcd8105fa027410c
Showing 1 changed file with 3 additions and 3 deletions.
@@ -26,15 +26,15 @@ const biggest = largestNumber(5, 8)

1. The function is declared using the `function` keyword and the function is given a name which must be a valid variable name.
a. If the name comprises more than one word these should be written using camel casing as shown above. This is known as a **Function Declaration**
- If the name comprises more than one word these should be written using camel casing as shown above. This is known as a **Function Declaration**
2. The function above takes two parameters, `a` and `b`.
- These are variables with local scope (they can't ba accessed outside the function)
- When the function is called, you need to pass two **values** which get assigned to the two parameters.
- If you pass too many values the extra ones get _ignored_.
- If you don't pass enough values the remainder are assigned a value of `null`. `Null` is an assignment value (means a value of no value).
3. The function returns a value.
a. If the numbers are not the same it returns the largest.
b. If they are the same it returns `null`.
- If the numbers are not the same it returns the largest.
- If they are the same it returns `null`.

#### 1.1.1 Test Your Understanding

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