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clarified feature 3 requirements
  • Loading branch information
aa7401 committed Dec 17, 2021
1 parent be7bb3f commit eedbd3dcdbc1f3bf07e43da2aa5f60d65b8cb108
Showing 1 changed file with 1 addition and 1 deletion.
@@ -49,7 +49,7 @@ If the librarian is logged in they should see a book stock list on their home pa

## Feature 3

The librarian should see a button labelled **Manage user**. Clicking on this takes them to a screen that lists all the students showing their name. Clicking on one of these displays the student borrowing record (what they currently have booked out). This should display the following information on each borrowed book:
The librarian should see a button labelled **Manage user**. Clicking on this takes them to a screen that lists all the students showing their name and the number of books they are currently borrowing. Clicking on a student name displays the student borrowing record (what they currently have booked out). This should display the following information on each borrowed book:

1. The book title.
2. When it is due to be returned, displaying the date as DD/MM/YYYY but not the time (overdue books need to be highlighted). You can choose how long books can be borrowed.

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