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aa7401 committed Dec 22, 2017
1 parent f65633b commit 6e4def208a2de00a1cb23ee0d63e25bcbb4f5658
Showing 1 changed file with 9 additions and 0 deletions.
@@ -43,6 +43,14 @@ There are a number of sensors that can be used for environmental sensors but it
| _Hydrogen_ | _MQ-8_ | - |
| _Carbon Monoxide, Coal Gas, Liquefied Gas_ | _MQ-9_ | - |

## Displays

As part of this project you may want to add a screen to display useful information such as the IP address etc.

| Display | Interface | Tutorial |
| ----------------------- | --------- | --------------------- |
| SSD1306 I2C OLED Screen | I2C | |

## Equipment List

**You will be provided with kit** to use during the project however you may wish to purchase your own resources, below you can find a full costed kit. Prices and links are for Amazon but you can find these a lot cheaper if you shop around and you may be able to find some of this kit in the electronics lab (ask the supervisor in the lab first).
@@ -79,6 +87,7 @@ Your trip organisers can provide your team with the following components.
| [UV sensor KS-204 GUVA-S12SD]( | £5.29 | 5 |
| [Dust sensor GP2Y1010AU0F]( | £8.76 | 5 |
| [GY-NEO6MV2 NEO-6M GPS Module]( | £5.99 | 5 |
| [0.96 ssd1306 i2c OLED]( | £6.99 | 5 |
| [Multimeter]( | £3.82 | 2 |
| [USB voltage/current meter]( | £3.99 | 2 |
| [ESP8266 ESP-12E module]( | £2.03 | 2 |

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