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Update for MKdocs 7
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aa9863 committed Jun 10, 2021
1 parent 5320cbe commit 5c9159be3253505bfa8df9de5156202cec63da42
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Some quick modifications for MK docs and teaching

- Current mk-docs material version 7.1.7

## Notes for Updating

If I make changes it may be useful to update any other repos
We can do this with

PS C:\Users\dang\Documents\GitHub\245CT> git remote add template
PS C:\Users\dang\Documents\GitHub\245CT> git fetch --all
PS C:\Users\dang\Documents\GitHub\245CT> git merge template/master --allow-unrelated-histories
Merge made by the 'recursive' strategy.


- Material 7.x Introduced dark mode toggle, So this has been removed.

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This file was deleted.

This file was deleted.

This file was deleted.

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title: "A guide to the module materials"

# A Guide to Module Materials

While we will be using Aula to drive the module materials, all of the content
written is also available on GitHub Pages.
<!-- Because AULA doesn't even support Fucking Section headings -->
Here is a quick overview of the conventions I will use here, where I get a few more formatting options.

!!! important "Accessibility"

One reason I have used the GitHub / Markdown approach in the past, is to help students with
accessibility issues. For example, I find it really hard to work outside of "Dark Mode".

If you want to talk to me about this, please do, there is a heck of a lot we can do with
formatting that can help address any requirements you have.

## Dark and Light Mode:

Personally, I hate light mode, the contrast seems to make things much harder to
read, but I also appreciate it not for everyone. Therefore, I have written a plugin for mkdocs that means you also have the option to read
text in a format that works for you.

!!! info

I am using localstorage on your browser to remember your preferences,
this means that no details get sent to the server.

Feel free to use the View Page Source (++ctrl+u++) or Inspect Element (++rbutton+q++) to check my working

## Footnotes

Will be used either to:

- refer to other material (like a citation)
- As a note on something[^hidden-notes]

## Breakout Boxes

Throughout the text I will be using breakout boxes.
I will use this as a way to highlight important points or make tasks clear.

I also use notes to replace the side-tracks that I tend to go down when
giving lectures...

!!! discuss

A question to think about and discuss on the Aula
It will usually come with a ```#tag```

!!! task

A practical task to complete.
I love learning through doing. So we will have lots
of practical activities to complete.

There are also different levels of task

!!! easytask "Easy Task"

You **should** be able to do this to pass the module

!!! task "Task"

Being able to complete this should give you a decent grade.

!!! hardtask "Hard Task"

**Optional** harder task for those who want to test their skills

!!! note

Something interesting that I would add as a side note in
lectures. (It replaces me side-tracking myself).

!!! example

An example of whatever we have been talking about.

!!! warning

Lets you know something is important.
Its probably a good idea to pay attention.

!!! info

Another way of talking about something interesting. Usually technical.

!!! tip

A Tip, or other thing that might be worth knowing

## Spotted a Bug or Typo

Well done. Writing this module was hard because of how much content
went into it, and the nature of the topic. Just like writing code,
it's not possible to be 100% bug-free and although I try to catch any problems,
inevitably some will slip through the gaps[^custom-dict]

The "minimising" step here is to try to get multiple people reading the
material in advance of the module start, using a spell-checker, and
developing in an environment that allows for version control,
separation of content and presentation, reducing duplication and the
chance for drift, etc. [^toolchain]

As for catching bugs that make it through that process: you're the
beta tester. If you find a bug, typo, factual error or even just have
a good idea for improvement, let me know. Drop me a message at
([]( Unless you
prefer to remain anonymous, you will be credited as a contributor to
the page.

[^toolchain]: Markdown, MKDocs, Git
[^custom-dict]: You do not want to see the custom dictionary to get rid of the
"red squiggles", spell checkers do not like assembly code.
[^hidden-notes]: There may even be notes that are less visible. You are hackers, you know the drill.
@@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
title: "Teaching and Learning"

# How You will get Taught

Due to the Plague[^not-that-plague] the module will be mostly online.
While this is good in a couple of ways: You get to study when you want, no
trekking into the Uni at 9AM, or having to buy extortionate Starbucks coffee. It
does mean that you are more responsible for your own learning.

Module materials will be delivered through the following:

## Offline Pre-Reading

Each week you will have some offline pre-reading work.
This will usually consist of some reading materials (hosted here),
videos. and depending on the topic, a demo task to help you work through the

!!! tip "Reading the Pre-Reading"

It's going to make your life so much easier if you read the materials before the "lecture" takes place (or at least in the same week as the materials).
It means, at the least, you can ask questions relevant to bits you dont understand in the Lecture session.

Also, there's a lot to cover, stuff builds on other topics, and trying to cram in the last few weeks probably isn't going to work[^hate-failing]

## Online "Lecture"

We will also have an online Lecture / Lab session.

In these sessions we will have:

- A recap of the week's materials, as a short[^short-lecture] lecture.
- Q&A Session on the topics
- Walkthrough / Practical tasks related to the work we do.

!!! important

I will be recording the lectures, so you can go back over them later

However, the notes about doing things in the relevant week still stand. There's 11 weeks of materials,
I suspect we will be having 2 hour lectures, cramming 22+ hours of videos into one week of learning isn't going to be pleasant.

[^not-that-plague]: [Sadly not this Plague](
[^short-lecture]: For a given value of short.
[^hate-failing]: I hate failing people, it always makes me feel guilty.[^fail-note]
[^fail-note]: However, that doesn't mean you can expect to pass without doing
some work. While I am happy to help explain things, being asked to pull your arris
out of the fire by covering the whole module in the last two weeks tends to put me
in a bad mood.

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