Some quick modifications for MK docs and teaching
- Current mk-docs material version 7.1.7
- Updated Mkdocs mateiral is 8.3.9
Main Docs can be found here
With python. (I would also use a virtualenv)
(env)python -m pip install -r REQUIREMENTS.txt
mkdocs gh-deploy
Turned Navigation Sections on, meaning we no longer need a new index.
- Section:
- section/
- Page 1: section/
- Page n: section/
If I make changes it may be useful to update any other repos We can do this with
PS C:\Users\dang\Documents\GitHub\245CT> git remote add template
PS C:\Users\dang\Documents\GitHub\245CT> git fetch --all
PS C:\Users\dang\Documents\GitHub\245CT> git merge template/main --allow-unrelated-histories
Merge made by the 'recursive' strategy.
Material 9.2 (2023-24)
Material 8.3.9 (2022-23)
Material 7.2.1
- Material 7.x Introduced dark mode toggle, So this has been removed.
- Added Analytics script section for probable plausible integrations.
Version 1.0
- Removed my boilerplate text for how the docs work etc. This is now a subrepo. Ask if you want a copy.
INFO - DeprecationWarning: 'materialx.emoji.twemoji' is deprecated. Material emoji logic has been officially moved into mkdocs-material version 9.4. Please use Material's 'material.extensions.emoji.twemoji' instead of 'materialx.emoji.twemoji' in your 'mkdocs.yml' file.
- pymdownx.emoji:
emoji_index: !!python/name:material.extensions.emoji.twemoji
emoji_generator: !!python/name:material.extensions.emoji.to_svg
'mkdocs_material_extensions' is deprecated and will no longer be
supported moving forward. This is the last release.