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aa7401 committed Dec 27, 2017
1 parent 6e47f70 commit 33778c44c753376bf5c6f9c17ea6fb22f0653a4c
Showing 1 changed file with 55 additions and 39 deletions.
@@ -21,35 +21,39 @@ You should use the Arduino SDK for this project.

## Sensors

There are a number of sensors that can be used for environmental sensors but it is important that you only pick those that are supported by Arduino libraries. The table below shows some of the most useful ones and includes links to online tutorials. If you identify other useful ones, let the module leader know and they can be added to the list. The ones shown _italicised_ are **not** part of the provided kit.

| Environment | Sensor | Tutorial |
| ------------------------------------------ | ------------ | --------------------- |
| Temperature | DS18B20 | |
| Temperature and humidity | DHT11 | |
| NH3,NOx, alcohol, Benzene, smoke, CO2 | MQ-135 | |
| Hygrometer | YL-69 | - |
| UV | GUVA-S12SD | |
| Light | TSL2561 | |
| Dust | GP2Y1010AU0F | |
| _Dust_ | _DSM501A_ | - |
| Vibration | SW-420 | |
| Sound | KY-038 | |
| Combustible Gas, Smoke | MQ-2 | |
| _Alcohol gas_ | _MQ-3_ | - |
| _CH4 / Natural gas_ | _MQ-4_ | - |
| _LPG, Natural Gas, Town Gas_ | _MQ-5 MQ-6_ | - |
| _CO (carbon monoxide)_ | _MQ-7_ | - |
| _Hydrogen_ | _MQ-8_ | - |
| _Carbon Monoxide, Coal Gas, Liquefied Gas_ | _MQ-9_ | - |
There are a number of sensors that can be used for environmental sensors but it is important that you only pick those that are supported by Arduino libraries. The table below shows some of the most useful ones and includes links to online tutorials. If you identify other useful ones, let the module leader know and they can be added to the list. The ones shown _italicised_ are **not** part of the provided kit. Links are provided to suitable tutorials.

| Environment | Sensor | Interface |
| ----------------------------------------------------- | ------------ | ---------- |
| [_Temperature_]( | _DS18B20_ | _1-WIRE_ |
| [_Temperature_]( | _TC74_ | I2C |
| [Temperature and humidity]( | DHT11 | 1-WIRE* |
| [NH3,NOx, alcohol, smoke, CO2]( | MQ-135 | ANALOG/THR |
| Hygrometer | YL-69 | - |
| [_UV_]( | _GUVA-S12SD_ | _ANALOG_ |
| [UV]( | VEML6070 | I2C |
| [Light]( | TSL2561 | I2C |
| [Dust]( | GP2Y1010AU0F | ANALOG |
| _Dust_ | _DSM501A_ | - |
| [Vibration]( | SW-420 | THR |
| [Sound]( | KY-038 | ANALOG/THR |
| [_Real time clock_]( | _DS1307_ | _I2C_ |
| [Real time clock]( | DS3231 | I2C |
| [_Combustible Gas, Smoke_]( | _MQ-2_ | - |
| _Alcohol gas_ | _MQ-3_ | - |
| _CH4 / Natural gas_ | _MQ-4_ | - |
| _LPG, Natural Gas, Town Gas_ | _MQ-5 MQ-6_ | - |
| _CO (carbon monoxide)_ | _MQ-7_ | - |
| _Hydrogen_ | _MQ-8_ | - |
| _Carbon Monoxide, Coal Gas, Liquefied Gas_ | _MQ-9_ | - |

## Displays

As part of this project you may want to add a screen to display useful information such as the IP address etc.

| Display | Interface | Tutorial |
| ----------------------- | --------- | --------------------- |
| SSD1306 I2C OLED Screen | I2C | |
| Display | Interface |
| ------------------------------------------------ | --------- |
| [SSD1306 I2C OLED Screen]( | I2C |

## Equipment List

@@ -75,25 +79,37 @@ The following items will be in the kit issued to your team. Make sure you check

**NOTE:** One member of the team will have to sign for the kit at the start of the project. Any missing items will be charged at the prices in the table above.

### Basic Electronic Components

As well as the various sensors you will need some basic electronic components.

| Component | Qty |
| -------------------------------- | --: |
| Variable (trimmer) resistor 10K | 2 |
| Variable (trimmer) resistor 100K | 2 |
| Resistor 27K | 5 |
| Push button (DP) | 5 |

### Additional Components

Your trip organisers can provide your team with the following components.

| Equipment | Cost | Qty |
| -------------------------------------------------------------- | ----: | --: |
| [USB type-c to Micro-b 15cm cable]( | £5.51 | 2 |
| [USB to USB-C adapter]( | £5.49 | 2 |
| [Breadboard power supply]( | £2.48 | 5 |
| [Rechargable 9v battery]( | £5.78 | 5 |
| [UV sensor KS-204 GUVA-S12SD]( | £5.29 | 5 |
| [Dust sensor GP2Y1010AU0F]( | £8.76 | 5 |
| [GY-NEO6MV2 NEO-6M GPS Module]( | £5.99 | 5 |
| [0.96 ssd1306 i2c OLED]( | £6.99 | 5 |
| [ESP8266 ESP-12E module]( | £2.03 | 2 |
| [MicroUSB 3.3v/5v regulator]( | £2.99 | 2 |
| [Male header pins 0.1" pitch (40 pin)]( | £5.99 | 50 |
| [Male header pins 2mm pitch (40 pin)]( | £1.27 | 10 |
| [USB TTL serial cable]( | £5.99 | 2 |
| Equipment | Cost | Qty |
| -------------------------------------------------------------- | -----: | --: |
| [USB type-c to Micro-b 15cm cable]( | £5.51 | 2 |
| [USB to USB-C adapter]( | £5.49 | 2 |
| [Breadboard power supply]( | £2.48 | 5 |
| [Rechargable 9v battery]( | £5.78 | 5 |
| [UV sensor VEML6070]( | £10.42 | 5 |
| [Dust sensor GP2Y1010AU0F]( | £8.76 | 5 |
| [GY-NEO6MV2 NEO-6M GPS Module]( | £5.99 | 5 |
| [Real time clock DS3231]( | £4.99 | 2 |
| [0.96 ssd1306 i2c OLED]( | £6.99 | 5 |
| [ESP8266 ESP-12E module]( | £2.03 | 2 |
| [MicroUSB 3.3v/5v regulator]( | £2.99 | 2 |
| [Male header pins 0.1" pitch (40 pin)]( | £5.99 | 50 |
| [Male header pins 2mm pitch (40 pin)]( | £1.27 | 10 |
| [USB TTL serial cable]( | £5.99 | 2 |

## Lab Equipment

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