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306 lines (286 sloc) 19.9 KB
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
/// Creating a two dimensional array containing 90 entries ///
/// There was a bug with [8][8] array so I added the 9th ///
/// Column (which cannot be manipulated by the player) to ///
/// Fix the nasty bug I discovered ///
int field [8][9];
class SudokuMinigame
/// Adding the starting numbers to the grid ///
void startingNumbers()
field [0][1]=6; field [0][3]=3; field [0][6]=8; field [0][8]=4;
field [1][0]=5; field [1][1]=3; field [1][2]=7; field [1][4]=9;
field [2][1]=4; field [2][5]=6; field [2][6]=3; field [2][8]=7;
field [3][1]=9; field [3][4]=5; field [3][5]=1; field [3][6]=2; field [3][7]=3; field [3][8]=8;
field [5][0]=7; field [5][1]=1; field [5][2]=3; field [5][3]=6; field [5][4]=2; field [5][7]=4;
field [6][0]=3; field [6][2]=6; field [6][3]=4; field [6][7]=1;
field [7][4]=6; field [7][6]=5; field [7][7]=2; field [7][8]=3;
field [8][0]=1; field [8][2]=2; field [8][5]=9; field [8][7]=8;
/// This is a simple test case, fills all the ///
/// Squares except one, so I can showcase the ending ///
void testCase()
field [0][0]=2; field [0][1]=6; field [0][2]=1; field [0][3]=3; field [0][4]=7; field [0][5]=5; field [0][6]=8; field [0][7]=9;
field [1][0]=5; field [1][1]=3; field [1][2]=7; field [1][3]=8; field [1][4]=9; field [1][5]=4; field [1][6]=1; field [1][7]=6; field [1][8]=2;
field [2][0]=9; field [2][1]=4; field [2][2]=8; field [2][3]=2; field [2][4]=1; field [2][5]=6; field [2][6]=3; field [2][7]=5; field [2][8]=7;
field [3][0]=6; field [3][1]=9; field [3][2]=4; field [3][3]=7; field [3][4]=5; field [3][5]=1; field [3][6]=2; field [3][7]=3; field [3][8]=8;
field [4][0]=8; field [4][1]=2; field [4][2]=5; field [4][3]=9; field [4][4]=4; field [4][5]=3; field [4][6]=6; field [4][7]=7; field [4][8]=1;
field [5][0]=7; field [5][1]=1; field [5][2]=3; field [5][3]=6; field [5][4]=2; field [5][5]=8; field [5][6]=9; field [5][7]=4; field [5][8]=5;
field [6][0]=3; field [6][1]=5; field [6][2]=6; field [6][3]=4; field [6][4]=8; field [6][5]=2; field [6][6]=7; field [6][7]=1; field [6][8]=9;
field [7][0]=4; field [7][1]=8; field [7][2]=9; field [7][3]=1; field [7][4]=6; field [7][5]=7; field [7][6]=5; field [7][7]=2; field [7][8]=3;
field [8][0]=1; field [8][1]=7; field [8][2]=2; field [8][3]=5; field [8][4]=3; field [8][5]=9; field [8][6]=4; field [8][7]=8; field [8][8]=6;
/// This is the layout of the game, ///
/// The "\033[36m" is baically a way to colour the different ///
/// Sections of the grid, for better visibility. ///
/// I am puting one array in each empty square. ///
/// If You are not using coodio put "\033c" infront ///
void sudokuLayout()
std::cout <<"\033[2J\033[1;1H"<<"\033[35m"<< "C\\R| 0 | 1 | 2 || 3 | 4 | 5 || 6 | 7 | 8 |"<< endl;
std::cout <<"\033[35m"<<"---"<< "\033[36m"<< "+---+---+---+"<<"\033[33m"<<"+---+---+---+"<<"\033[36m"<<"+---+---+---+"<< endl;
std::cout <<"\033[35m"<<" 0 "<< "\033[36m"<< "| "<< field[0][0] <<" | "<< field[0][1] <<" | "<< field[0][2] <<" |"<<"\033[33m"<<"| "<< field[0][3] <<" | "<< field[0][4] <<" | "<< field[0][5] <<" |"<<"\033[36m"<<"| "<< field[0][6] <<" | "<< field[0][7] <<" | "<< field[0][8] <<" |" << endl;
std::cout <<"\033[35m"<<"---"<< "\033[36m"<< "+---+---+---+"<<"\033[33m"<<"+---+---+---+"<<"\033[36m"<<"+---+---+---+" << endl;
std::cout <<"\033[35m"<<" 1 "<< "\033[36m"<< "| "<< field[1][0] <<" | "<< field[1][1] <<" | "<< field[1][2] <<" |"<<"\033[33m"<<"| "<< field[1][3] <<" | "<< field[1][4] <<" | "<< field[1][5] <<" |"<<"\033[36m"<<"| "<< field[1][6] <<" | "<< field[1][7] <<" | "<< field[1][8] <<" |" << endl;
std::cout <<"\033[35m"<<"---"<< "\033[36m"<< "+---+---+---+"<<"\033[33m"<<"+---+---+---+"<<"\033[36m"<<"+---+---+---+" << endl;
std::cout <<"\033[35m"<<" 2 "<< "\033[36m"<< "| "<< field[2][0] <<" | "<< field[2][1] <<" | "<< field[2][2] <<" |"<<"\033[33m"<<"| "<< field[2][3] <<" | "<< field[2][4] <<" | "<< field[2][5] <<" |"<<"\033[36m"<<"| "<< field[2][6] <<" | "<< field[2][7] <<" | "<< field[2][8] <<" |" << endl;
std::cout <<"\033[35m"<<"---"<< "\033[36m"<< "+---+---+---+"<<"\033[33m"<<"+---+---+---+"<<"\033[36m"<<"+---+---+---+" << endl;
std::cout <<"\033[35m"<<"---"<< "\033[33m"<< "+---+---+---+"<<"\033[36m"<<"+---+---+---+"<<"\033[33m"<<"+---+---+---+" << endl;
std::cout <<"\033[35m"<<" 3 "<< "\033[33m"<< "| "<< field[3][0] <<" | "<< field[3][1] <<" | "<< field[3][2] <<" |"<<"\033[36m"<<"| "<< field[3][3] <<" | "<< field[3][4] <<" | "<< field[3][5] <<" |"<<"\033[33m"<<"| "<< field[3][6] <<" | "<< field[3][7] <<" | "<< field[3][8] <<" |" << endl;
std::cout <<"\033[35m"<<"---"<< "\033[33m"<< "+---+---+---+"<<"\033[36m"<<"+---+---+---+"<<"\033[33m"<<"+---+---+---+" << endl;
std::cout <<"\033[35m"<<" 4 "<< "\033[33m"<< "| "<< field[4][0] <<" | "<< field[4][1] <<" | "<< field[4][2] <<" |"<<"\033[36m"<<"| "<< field[4][3] <<" | "<< field[4][4] <<" | "<< field[4][5] <<" |"<<"\033[33m"<<"| "<< field[4][6] <<" | "<< field[4][7] <<" | "<< field[4][8] <<" |" << endl;
std::cout <<"\033[35m"<<"---"<< "\033[33m"<< "+---+---+---+"<<"\033[36m"<<"+---+---+---+"<<"\033[33m"<<"+---+---+---+" << endl;
std::cout <<"\033[35m"<<" 5 "<< "\033[33m"<< "| "<< field[5][0] <<" | "<< field[5][1] <<" | "<< field[5][2] <<" |"<<"\033[36m"<<"| "<< field[5][3] <<" | "<< field[5][4] <<" | "<< field[5][5] <<" |"<<"\033[33m"<<"| "<< field[5][6] <<" | "<< field[5][7] <<" | "<< field[5][8] <<" |" << endl;
std::cout <<"\033[35m"<<"---"<< "\033[33m"<< "+---+---+---+"<<"\033[36m"<<"+---+---+---+"<<"\033[33m"<<"+---+---+---+" << endl;
std::cout <<"\033[35m"<<"---"<< "\033[36m"<< "+---+---+---+"<<"\033[33m"<<"+---+---+---+"<<"\033[36m"<<"+---+---+---+" << endl;
std::cout <<"\033[35m"<<" 6 "<< "\033[36m"<< "| "<< field[6][0] <<" | "<< field[6][1] <<" | "<< field[6][2] <<" |"<<"\033[33m"<<"| "<< field[6][3] <<" | "<< field[6][4] <<" | "<< field[6][5] <<" |"<<"\033[36m"<<"| "<< field[6][6] <<" | "<< field[6][7] <<" | "<< field[6][8] <<" |" << endl;
std::cout <<"\033[35m"<<"---"<< "\033[36m"<< "+---+---+---+"<<"\033[33m"<<"+---+---+---+"<<"\033[36m"<<"+---+---+---+" << endl;
std::cout <<"\033[35m"<<" 7 "<< "\033[36m"<< "| "<< field[7][0] <<" | "<< field[7][1] <<" | "<< field[7][2] <<" |"<<"\033[33m"<<"| "<< field[7][3] <<" | "<< field[7][4] <<" | "<< field[7][5] <<" |"<<"\033[36m"<<"| "<< field[7][6] <<" | "<< field[7][7] <<" | "<< field[7][8] <<" |" << endl;
std::cout <<"\033[35m"<<"---"<< "\033[36m"<< "+---+---+---+"<<"\033[33m"<<"+---+---+---+"<<"\033[36m"<<"+---+---+---+" << endl;
std::cout <<"\033[35m"<<" 8 "<< "\033[36m"<< "| "<< field[8][0] <<" | "<< field[8][1] <<" | "<< field[8][2] <<" |"<<"\033[33m"<<"| "<< field[8][3] <<" | "<< field[8][4] <<" | "<< field[8][5] <<" |"<<"\033[36m"<<"| "<< field[8][6] <<" | "<< field[8][7] <<" | "<< field[8][8] <<" |" << endl;
std::cout <<"\033[35m"<<"---"<< "\033[36m"<< "+---+---+---+"<<"\033[33m"<<"+---+---+---+"<<"\033[36m"<<"+---+---+---+" <<"\033[0m"<< endl;
/// The next function will print the rules of ///
/// Sudoku and it is also coloured with ///
/// The uppermentioned method ///
void rulesOfSudoku()
cout <<"\033[35m"<< " The objective is to fill the grid so that each row, each column, and each of the nine 3x3 boxes \n contains the digits from 1 to 9. Remember thare canrow be repeating digits in any of the rows, columns and 3 by 3 boxes. \n Good Luck!" <<"\033[0m"<< endl;
/// This function checks if the user input for column is correct ///
/// If not, returns a message for the player ///
int inputColumnChecker(string column)
if(stoi(column)<0 || stoi(column)>8)
cout << "Please enter a valid column!" << endl;
return -69;
return stoi(column);
/// This function checks if the user input for row is correct ///
/// If not, returns a message for the player ///
int inputRowChecker(string row)
if(stoi(row)<0 || stoi(row)>8)
cout << "Please enter a valid row!" << endl;
return -69;
return stoi(row);
/// This function checks if the user input for NUMBER IN GRID is correct ///
/// If not, returns a message for the player ///
int inputPlayerChecker(string playerInput)
if(stoi(playerInput)>0 && stoi(playerInput)<=9)
return stoi(playerInput);
std::cout << "Please enter a valid number!" << endl;
return -69;
/// This function checks the finished grid ///
/// It is called only when the grid is filled ///
/// With numbers different than 0's ///
bool gameFinishCheck(bool won)
int sum=0;
for (int r=0; r<9; r++)
for (int c=0; c<9; c++)
/// This loop collects all the numbers in the grid and adds them ///
sum += field[c][r];
/// Checking if everything is correct, the sum of the cells ///
/// Should be exactly 405, which is 9*(1+2+3+4+5+6+7+8+9) ///
if (sum != 405)
std::cout <<"\033[1m\033[31m"<< "YOU FILLED THE BOARD, BUT IT SEEMS LIKE YOU MADE A MISTAKE, TRY AGAIN <3" <<"\033[0m"<< endl;
/// At this point the game should probably restart or something, but ///
/// I'm going to give an easy sudoku hoping for a solve without any mistakes ///
std::cout << "Congratulations! You finished the Sudoku!" <<"\033[0m"<< std::endl;
return won = true;
/// Returns the won variable (which was false at the beginning), ///
/// Which breaks the loop and then game ends ///
/// This function checks if the whole board is filled with numbers ///
/// If not, the value of boardFull is returned and set to false ///
bool isBoardFull(bool boardFull)
for (int i=0; i<8; ++i) /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
{ /// This part of the code took me the longest to debug but, ///
for (int j=0; j<8; ++j) /// With a little bit of help from David Croft, who suggested ///
{ /// To flip my logic arround (searching for numbers in grid ///
if (field[i][j] == 0) /// not for the 0's) I managed to get it working ///
return boardFull = false; /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
return boardFull = true;
/// This is the main fucntion for this .h file, the name speaks for itself ///
/// A basic while loop is used to check whether the game has to keep ///
/// Calling all the other functions in this .h file. When the game is ///
/// Complete it returns the boolean won to the main function of the text ///
/// Adventure Game. ///
bool kindaMainFunctionButNotQuite()
rulesOfSudoku(); ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
string toBeTestedPlayerInputNumber; /// Number that player wants to insert into the grid. ///
string input_column; /// ID if the columnl that the answer needs to be inserted. ///
string input_row; /// ID of the row that the answer needs to be inserted ///
bool won = false; ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
bool boardFull = false;
while (won == false)
/// Asking for a column, checking if the input is acceptable ///
std::cout << "\033[1m" <<"Column:" << endl;
int column = inputColumnChecker(input_column);
if(column == -69)
/// Asking for a row, checking if the input is acceptable ///
std::cout << "\033[1m" <<"Row:" << endl;
int row = inputRowChecker(input_row);
if(row == -69)
/// Asking for a number, checking if the input is acceptable ///
std::cout << "\033[1m" <<"Number:"<<endl;
std::getline(cin, toBeTestedPlayerInputNumber);
int playerInput = inputPlayerChecker(toBeTestedPlayerInputNumber);
if(playerInput == -69)
/// Making a simple check if the place given by the player is ///
/// Taken by another integer, if it is empty (A.K.A. =0) it ///
/// Will place it in the given box ///
if(field[stoi(input_column)][stoi(input_row)] == 0)
field[stoi(input_column)][stoi(input_row)] = stoi(toBeTestedPlayerInputNumber);
/// Here we need to check if the whole board is filled with ///
/// Numbers(isBoardFull function), if it is, then the ///
/// gameFinishCheck is run, where the validity of the answers ///
/// Given by the player is taken. If the board is filled ///
/// Correctly, then the boolean won is set to true, ///
/// Which breaks the While Loop ///
boardFull = isBoardFull(boardFull);
if (boardFull == true)
won = gameFinishCheck(won);
return won;
/// If the selected box in which the player wants to put their ///
/// Number is taken, this else statement lets the player know ///
/// That this action is illegal ///
std::cout <<"\033[1m\033[31m"<< "Wrong cell! This cell has number in it already. Plaese try again:" <<"\033[0m"<< endl;