Build a website for an online company selling new computers (either Apple, Dell or HP):
- Customers can browse the computer models without logging in.
- When they log in they can click on a button to add the item to their shopping cart. They can view the shopping cart.
- New products can be added by the admin user, each new product should include a single product picture.
- In addition, the customers can customise the products from fixed options before adding to the cart.
- Items can be removed from the cart.
- When registering their account they should supply a delivery address.
- When new items are added, the admin should be able to add more than one product picture and specify each option with a price attached.
- In addition the customer can search for products.
- At any point they can update their contact details.
- A customer can enter a promotional code to receive either a 5%, 10% or 20% discount.
- The admin user should be able to add multiple promo codes and assign a discount value to each.