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using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
namespace ChessTest3
//My previous attempt did not allow for the actual printing of the game, and ended up being
//more of a guideline on how to do so.
//Also i had accidently used terms that would work in Javascript rather than C#,
//so the method in which get and set, as well as the throw keyword, were incorrect.
public class Cell
private int x, y;
//Establishing the individual squares that will make up our Board
public Cell(int x, int y)
this.x = x;
this.y = y;
public int X
return x;
if ((value >= 0) && (value < 8)) //The limit will be 0-8, the size of a chess board
x = value;
public int Y
return y;
if ((value >= 0) && (value < 8))
y = value;
//Creating the piece class; this will be very useful to refer to with the board.
abstract public class Piece
//Here, I use the protected keyword so the presented members of this piece class are
////accessible through the instances that it may be used outside the class
//This will identify the piece, and see what piece it is
protected char whatPiece;
//This simplifies the process, so White pieces are classified under a 1, Black pieces under a 0
protected bool isWhite;
protected Cell start;
//This indicates the starting square of a specific piece
protected Piece[,] Square;
//The actual matrix that will create the board itself
public Piece(bool isWhite, int x, int y, Piece[,] Square)
this.Square = Square;
this.start = new Cell(x, y);
this.isWhite = isWhite;
public abstract bool MoveChecker(Cell end);
public int MoveValue(Cell end, char coordinates)
//Math abs is essentially a method to return the absolute value of the number presented
return coordinates == 'X' ? Math.Abs(start.X - end.X) : Math.Abs(start.Y - end.Y);
public bool FreeSpace(Cell pos)
return Square[pos.X, pos.Y] != null ? (Square[pos.X, pos.Y].IsWhite != isWhite) : true;
public char WhatPiece
return whatPiece;
whatPiece = value;
public bool IsWhite
return isWhite;
isWhite = value;
public Cell Start
return start;
start = value;
//Creating the Piece classes, I will start with the Knight as that's the most complex
public class Knight : Piece
//This extends the Knight class and connects it to the Piece class so
//the program knows that they're connected
public Knight(bool isWhite, int x, int y, Piece[,] Square) : base(isWhite, x, y, Square)
whatPiece = 'H';
//H for Horse as King will be K
public override bool MoveChecker(Cell end)
//This checks that the moves are valid
int absX = MoveValue(end, 'X');
int absY = MoveValue(end, 'Y');
//This dictates the X and Y moves of the Knight.
//This method is how I'll dictate the piece movements for the knight
return ((absX == 2) && (absY == 1) || (absX == 1) && (absY == 2)) ? FreeSpace(end) : false;
public class King : Piece
public King(bool isWhite, int x, int y, Piece[,] Square) : base(isWhite, x, y, Square)
whatPiece = 'K';
public override bool MoveChecker(Cell end)
return ((MoveValue(end, 'X') <= 1) && (MoveValue(end, 'Y') <= 1)) ? FreeSpace(end) : false;
public class Pawn : Piece
bool moved;
public Pawn(bool isWhite, int x, int y, Piece[,] Square) : base(isWhite, x, y, Square)
whatPiece = 'P';
moved = false;
public override bool MoveChecker(Cell end)
bool result = false;
int absX = MoveValue(end, 'X');
int absY = MoveValue(end, 'Y');
if (start.X == end.X)
if (absY == 2 && !moved)
if (isWhite)
result = !((Square[end.X, end.Y] != null) || (Square[end.X, end.Y - 1] != null));
result = !((Square[end.X, end.Y] != null) || (Square[end.X, end.Y + 1] != null));
else if (absY == 1)
result = isWhite ? (start.Y < end.Y) : (start.Y > end.Y);
if (result)
if (Square[end.X, end.Y] == null)
result = FreeSpace(end);
result = false;
else if (absX == 1 && absY == 1)
//result = Square[end.X, end.Y] != null && Square[end.X, end.Y]IsWhite != isWhite;
if (result)
moved = true;
return result;
// {
// return (MoveValue(end, 'Y') <= 1) ? FreeSpace(end) : false;
// }
//I assumed Pawns were very simple, but there are many more factors that play into a pawn
public class Rook : Piece
public Rook(bool isWhite, int x, int y, Piece[,] Square) : base(isWhite, x, y, Square)
whatPiece = 'R';
public override bool MoveChecker(Cell end)
//This essentially says that if the following moves aren't attempted
//The result will be returned false and will not execute
bool result = false;
if (start.X == end.X)
//This will dictate the vertical movement
result = true;
for (int i = 1; ((i < MoveValue(end, 'Y')) && (result)); i++)
//this for loop is essentially saying,
//For when i = 1, up to when i = the max value it can move up the board, return the result,
//it increases i by increments of 1 to go through all the options it can take
//before reaching max value (7).
if (start.Y < end.Y)
//If the starting horizontal position is larger than the destination position
result = Square[start.X, start.Y + i] == null;
//i increases through the loop, so it will be start.Y + 1, 2, 3, etc...
else if (start.Y > end.Y)
//This does the same as the previous but in the opposite horizontal direction
result = Square[start.X, start.Y - i] == null;
else if (start.Y == end.Y)
//This is how the Horizontal Movement is done
result = true;
for (int i = 1; ((i < MoveValue(end, 'X')) && (result)); i++)
if (start.X < end.X)
result = Square[start.X + i, start.Y] == null;
else if (start.X < end.X)
result = Square[start.X - i, start.Y] == null;
return result ? FreeSpace(end) : result;
public class Bishop : Piece
public Bishop(bool isWhite, int x, int y, Piece[,] Square) : base(isWhite, x, y, Square)
whatPiece = 'B';
public override bool MoveChecker(Cell end)
bool result = false;
int absX = MoveValue(end, 'X');
int absY = MoveValue(end, 'Y');
//Diagonal Movement. The X movement and the Y movement for the bishop will always be the same for Bishop
if (absX == absY)
result = true;
//We have to check for any occupied squares in front of the Bishop
for (int i = 1; ((i < absX) && (result)); i++)
if (start.X < end.X)
result = start.Y < end.Y ?
!(Square[start.X + i, start.Y + i] != null) : !(Square[start.X + i, start.Y - 1] != null);
result = start.Y < end.Y ?
!(Square[start.X - i, start.Y + i] != null) : !(Square[start.X - i, start.Y - i] != null);
return result ? FreeSpace(end) : result;
//Queen, which is essentially just combining Bishop and Queen's moves
public class Queen : Piece
public Queen(bool isWhite, int x, int y, Piece[,] Square) : base(isWhite, x, y, Square)
whatPiece = 'Q';
public override bool MoveChecker(Cell end)
bool result = false;
int absX = MoveValue(end, 'X');
int absY = MoveValue(end, 'Y');
if (start.X == end.X)
result = true;
for (int i = 1; ((i < MoveValue(end, 'Y')) && (result)); i++)
if (start.Y < end.Y)
result = Square[start.X, start.Y + i] == null;
else if (start.Y > end.Y)
result = Square[start.X, start.Y - i] == null;
else if (start.Y == end.Y)
result = true;
for (int i = 1; ((i < MoveValue(end, 'X')) && (result)); i++)
if (start.X < end.X)
result = Square[start.X + i, start.Y] == null;
else if (start.X < end.X)
result = Square[start.X - i, start.Y] == null;
else if (absX == absY)
result = true;
for (int i = 1; ((i < absX) && (result)); i++)
if (start.X < end.X)
result = start.Y < end.Y ?
!(Square[start.X + i, start.Y + i] != null) : !(Square[start.X + i, start.Y - 1] != null);
result = start.Y < end.Y ?
!(Square[start.X - i, start.Y + i] != null) : !(Square[start.X - i, start.Y - i] != null);
return result ? FreeSpace(end) : result;
public static class ErrorChecking
public static void PieceCheck(bool isWhite)
Console.ForegroundColor = isWhite ? ConsoleColor.Yellow : ConsoleColor.Blue;
string player = isWhite ? "White" : "Black";
Console.Write("It is " + player + "'s turn! Please choose which piece to move using their X and Y coordinates, like so: (X, Y): ");
public static void Moving(bool isWhite)
Console.ForegroundColor = isWhite ? ConsoleColor.Yellow : ConsoleColor.Blue;
string player = isWhite ? "White" : "Black";
Console.Write("Great! Now select where you wanna move the piece, also using X and Y, like so: (X, Y)");
public static void Info(string text, ConsoleColor color = ConsoleColor.White)
Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.White;
Console.WriteLine("[Info] " + text);
public static void GameEnd(bool isWhite)
Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Green;
string player = isWhite ? "WHITE" : "BLACK";
Console.WriteLine("CHECKMATE! " + player + " has won the game!");
public static void Error(string text)
Console.WriteLine("[Error] " + text);
//Creating the board
public class Board
private Piece[,] Square;
private Cell whiteKing, blackKing;
private List<Piece> whitePieces, blackPieces;
//The king pieces are in separate classes to the other pieces as they hold different properties to other pieces
// For example, taking a King will result in a Win,
private bool checkWhite = false, checkBlack = false;
private bool checkMateWhite = false, checkMateBlack = false;
public Board()
Square = new Piece[8, 8]; //Size of the board is 8x8
//This will initialize the board and also add all the pieces onto the board.
public void Initialize()
whitePieces = AddPieces(true);
blackPieces = AddPieces(false);
private List<Piece> AddPieces(bool isWhite)
//List work similarly to Enums and can be accessed later
List<Piece> pieces = new List<Piece>();
int columnStart = isWhite ? 0 : 6;
int columnEnd = isWhite ? 2 : 8;
for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++)
for (int j = columnStart; j < columnEnd; j++)
if ((isWhite && j == columnStart) || (!isWhite && j != columnStart))
switch (i)
case 0:
case 7:
Square[i, j] = new Rook(isWhite, i, j, Square);
case 1:
case 6:
Square[i, j] = new Knight(isWhite, i, j, Square);
case 2:
case 5:
Square[i, j] = new Bishop(isWhite, i, j, Square);
case 3:
Square[i, j] = new Queen(isWhite, i, j, Square);
case 4:
Square[i, j] = new King(isWhite, i, j, Square);
if (isWhite)
whiteKing = Square[i, j].Start;
blackKing = Square[i, j].Start;
pieces.Add(Square[i, j]);
Square[i, j] = new Pawn(isWhite, i, j, Square);
pieces.Add(Square[i, j]);
return pieces;
//Placing the piece Symbols and also the general shape of the board
public void TheGrid()
for (int j = 7; j >= 0; j--)
Console.Write(" ");
for (int k = 0; k < 8; k++)
Console.Write((j + 1) + " | ");
for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++)
{//This gives distinct colours to both White and Black to clearly tell who is up next.
Console.ForegroundColor = IsWhiteColor(i, j) ? ConsoleColor.Yellow : ConsoleColor.Blue;
ShowPiece(i, j);
Console.Write(" |");
Console.Write(" . ");
for (int k = 0; k < 8; k++)
Console.Write("--- ");
Console.Write(" ");
for (int k = 0; k < 8; k++)
Console.Write(" " + (k + 1) + " ");
//This should show the piece's identifiers It goes through each empty cell in the board
////that I put a piece into through the switch case earlier and fills them with their symbols
public void ShowPiece(int i, int j)
char piece = Square[i, j] != null ? Square[i, j].WhatPiece : ' ';
Console.Write(" " + piece);
public bool IsWhiteColor(int i, int j)
return Square[i, j] != null ? Square[i, j].IsWhite : false;
public bool ProcessMove(bool isWhite)
bool result = false;
string[] Points;
Points = Console.ReadLine().Split(',');
//Spit is used to separate the string arrays into multiple substrings.
//So in this case, These substrings will separate to communicate to the player
int startX = int.Parse(Points[0]) - 1;
int startY = int.Parse(Points[1]) - 1;
Points = Console.ReadLine().Split(',');
int endX = int.Parse(Points[0]) - 1;
int endY = int.Parse(Points[1]) - 1;
if (Move(startX, startY, endX, endY, isWhite))
result = true;
if (checkWhite)
{ //If either opponent is in check, the Info string will let the opposing player know
ErrorChecking.Info("Check on the white King", ConsoleColor.Green);
if (checkBlack)
ErrorChecking.Info("Check on the black King", ConsoleColor.Green);
catch (SystemException)
{ //This should prevent crashes when user inputs incorrectly when typing coordinates
//This is an exception ot the other error checks as it's concerning
//What the user has actually inputted into the program
ErrorChecking.Error("Wrong Input format, should be: X, Y, try again");
return result;
private bool InBoard(int startX, int startY, int endX, int endY)
return (startX >= 0 && startX < 8) && (startY >= 0 && startY < 8) && (endX >= 0 && endX < 8) && (endY >= 0 && endY < 8);
public bool Move(int startX, int startY, int endX, int endY, bool isWhite)
bool result = false;
if (InBoard(startX, startY, endX, endY))
Piece piece = Square[startX, startY];
Cell end = new Cell(endX, endY);
if (piece != null)
if (piece.IsWhite == isWhite)
if ((startX != endX) || (startY != endY))
if (piece.MoveChecker(end))
result = true;
if (piece.Start == whiteKing)
whiteKing = end;
if (piece.Start == blackKing)
blackKing = end;
if (Square[endX, endY] != null)
if (Square[endX, endY].IsWhite)
whitePieces.Remove(Square[endX, endY]);
blackPieces.Remove(Square[endX, endY]);
piece.Start = end;
Square[endX, endY] = piece;
Square[startX, startY] = null;
piece = null;
if (Verified(Square[endX, endY].IsWhite))
if (Square[endX, endY].IsWhite)
checkMateWhite = true;
checkMateBlack = true;
if (Square[endX, endY].IsWhite)
checkBlack = Verified(!Square[endX, endY].IsWhite);
checkWhite = Verified(!Square[endX, endY].IsWhite);
ErrorChecking.Error("That move is invalid! please try again!");
ErrorChecking.Error("Start and end position can't be the same! Don't stay there");
ErrorChecking.Error("You can't move the enemy's forces! Try again");
ErrorChecking.Error("Ummm....there is no piece there, try again");
ErrorChecking.Error("Those positions aren't on this board! Try again!");
return result;
private bool Verified(bool isWhite)
bool result = false;
if (isWhite)
foreach (Piece piece in blackPieces)
if (piece.MoveChecker(whiteKing))
result = true;
foreach (Piece piece in whitePieces)
if (piece.MoveChecker(blackKing))
result = true;
return result;
public bool CheckWhite
return checkWhite;
public bool CheckBlack
return checkBlack;
public bool CheckMateWhite
return checkMateWhite;
public bool CheckMateBlack
return checkMateBlack;
class program
public static void Main(string[] args)
Console.BackgroundColor = ConsoleColor.White;
Console.WriteLine("Welcome to the chess game! Would you like a standard game or a custom game? Type S for standard, or C for custom");
string input = Console.ReadLine();
if (input == "Y" || input == "y")
Board board = new Board();
while (!board.CheckMateWhite && !board.CheckMateBlack)
while (!board.ProcessMove(true));
while (!board.ProcessMove(false));