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verp committed Oct 5, 2020
0 parents commit 76dd80a1be16faa2005568ec1234b443c0c64e92
Showing 1 changed file with 273 additions and 0 deletions.
@@ -0,0 +1,273 @@
import sys
import os

def restart_program():
"""Restarts the current program.
Note: this function does not return. Any cleanup action (like
saving data) must be done before calling this function."""
python = sys.executable
os.execl(python, python, * sys.argv)
"""Peter's part"""
print("“Alright, welcome to the Neuralink product demo, I’m really excited to show you what we’ve got, I think it’s going to blow your mind.” Elon Musk - 2020")
print("The alarm shrieked in your ears. You forced an eye open and took a look at its dimly lit display and sighed. The time was 7:53.")
print("What next? Type in 'wake' or 'snooze'!")
while choiceWakeUp=="snooze":
print("New day, new possibilities. The alarm shrieked in your ears. You forced an eye open and took a look at its dimly lit display and sighed. The time was 7:53.")
print("What next? Type in 'wake' or 'snooze'!")
choiceWakeUp = input("")
if choiceWakeUp=="wake":
print("Good morning Luke! Are you overslept again you lazy bastard? Your boss is going to kill you!")
while choiceWakeUp!="wake" or "snooze":
print("Sorry, but it's not possible right now! Do you want to wake up or hit snooze?")
if choiceWakeUp=="wake":
elif choiceWakeUp=="snooze":
print("Sorry, but it's not possible right now! Do you want to wake up or hit snooze?")
if choiceWakeUp=="wake":
print("What would like to this morning? Choose wisely, you're late, so you can just do one thing. You'll start working at 8:30.")
print("Check your phone?")
print("Brush your teeth?")
print("Eat something?")
print("Just go to work as you are?")
choiceMorning=input("Type in 'check', 'brush' 'eat' or 'go'! ")
while choiceMorning!="check" and choiceMorning!="brush" and choiceMorning!="eat" and choiceMorning!="go":
print("No, this is not what you want to do. Check, brush, eat or go?")
if choiceMorning=="check":
print("You whip your phone out and check over the emails and your Instagram feed, when you see, the time is "+str(checkingHour)+":"+str(checkingMin)+". This is impossible!")
print("Did you just go back in time for eight minutes? No way. Maybe your phone is glitching. This is happening a lot recently. You should get a new phone, Luke.")
elif choiceMorning=="brush":
print("Your breath is marvelous. Mesmerisingly minty.")
print("Aaand the time now is "+checkingHour+":"+checkingMin+". Definitely worth it.")
elif choiceMorning=="eat":
print("Eggs and bacon or pancakes with maple syrup? Type in 'eggs' or 'pancake'!")
while breakfast!="pancake" and breakfast!="eggs":
print("You checked your fridge, but it's pathetically empty. You don't have this item in your fridge. Eggs or pancake?")
if breakfast=="eggs":
print("Yes! The breakfast of champions! Very nice and delicious!")
print("But everything's got a price. Look at the time! It's "+checkingHour+":"+checkingMin+"!")
print("Sweet sweet pancake! Love it! Look at the golden maple syrup as it flows down slowly on the side of the pancake! A masterpiece!")
print("What the...? Time has just flown! It's "+checkingHour+":"+checkingMin+"!")
print("You have no time to waste. You get dressed in you working uniform and head to the factory!")
print("You're on time. Or not? Oh, ok. It's "+checkingHour+":"+checkingMin+".")
if choiceMorning=="check":
print("So, after all, we're on time, even though you're incredibly lazy. It's "+checkingHour+":"+checkingMin+". Ready to go!")
print("Do you want to go with car or catch the bus? Type in 'car' or 'bus'")
elif choiceMorning=="brush":
print("A true minty maniac! Your smile is shining! Good to go! And the time again is: "+checkingHour+":"+checkingMin+".")
print("Do you want to go with car or catch the bus? Type in 'car' or 'bus'")
elif choiceMorning=="eat" and breakfast=="eggs":
print("Life is beautiful if your belly's full! It's time to go. You don't have much time. It's "+checkingHour+":"+checkingMin+" now.")
print("Do you want to go with car or catch the bus? Type in 'car' or 'bus'")
elif choiceMorning=="eat" and breakfast=="pancake":
print("Nothing is better with a pancake party in the morning! You can go now with a wide smile on your face. Get'em tiger! But make sure you don't be late from work.")
print("The time is "+checkingHour+":"+checkingMin+".")
print("Do you want to go with car or catch the bus? Type in 'car' or 'bus'")
print("It's good to see you being responsible Mr Bad Breath. And really? Not even a scrambled egg? Anyway, at least you're not late.")
print("Do you want to go with car or catch the bus? Type in 'car' or 'bus'")
while (carOrBus!="car") and (carOrBus!="bus"):
print("This kind of vehicle is not available. Car or bus?")
if carOrBus=="car":
print("Good choice! This is the fastest way to get to work. Hop in!")
if carOrBus=="bus":
print("Good! It's a bit slower than a car but hey, save the environment right?")
if carOrBus=="car":
print("What? How did you get here? What happened with the car journey? You already at the factory? Is it something wrong with you? Is it some kind of amnesia or what?!")
if carOrBus=="bus":
print("What? How did you get here? What happened with the bus journey? You already at the factory? Is it something wrong with you? Is it some kind of amnesia or what?!")
print("OK, what time is it? Oh no, it's "+checkingHour+":"+checkingMin+". Your boss is gonna kill you.")
print("Anyway, you don't have enough time to think about that. Stay calm, and try to avoid him.")
print("Ok, you're in the building. You have to avoid Dave and start your work before he notices that you're late again. Do you want to go 'left' or 'right'?")
while avoidBoss!="left" and avoidBoss!="right":
print("You can't go there. Left or right?")
if avoidBoss=="left":
print("Fine, let's go left. This is loud. But it's no surprise, this is a factory. No sign of Dave. So far so good.")
print("Hey, you did it! Just start, like nothing happened!")
if avoidBoss=="right":
print("Right is the way! But is it the right way? Through the administration section. How quiet! You usually don't come here, because you work at the actual factory part.")
print("You're almost done. Just few steps...")
print("Hey, you did it! Just start, like nothing happened!")
print("Oh, no...")
print("- Luke...")
print("- Yes, boss... *acts like an innocent*")
print("- Do you know what time is it?")
print("- I apologise, I haven’t been myself lately, it won’t happen again you have my word.")
print("- That's not my problem, I don’t pay you to have problems. Last chance, Luke. Don't make me regret it.")
print("Oh, boy... You really did allow your boss talking to you in such a manner?")
print("But you have to start...")
print("What? Is it "+checkingHour+":"+checkingMin+"? No, this is impossible!")
print("Somehow the time had flown by, you look down at the workbench and realise that you had done nothing.")
print("Are you in some kind of glicthing video game? You should see a doctor. Take some medicine...")
print("Damn it, lunchtime?")
print("Something's wrong? But what is it?")

"""Emanuel's and Raheelakou's part"""
print("After the lunch no the way back to work, you realise you're not wearing what you're supposed to wear.")
print("You want to figure out what's going. You search your agenda when, all of a sudden, a black "
"car comes out of nowhere and hits you.")
print("The driver drives off, feeling no remorse whatsoever.")
print("You're very bruised and in an instant you find yourself under an heavy rain. What a day!")
print("You feel cold and hopeless.. ")
print("You could call the 911, but perhaps it's better to run for shelter and help.")
whatToDo = input("What do you want to do? You \'call\' or \'run\'? ")
if whatToDo.lower() == "call":
print("There's no service. Maybe it's the rain or your phone got damaged. You have no choice but to run.")
print("Running off the street you manage to enter the nearest building.")
print("Running off the street you manage to enter the nearest building. And you find yourself in a large empty room.")

"""Dominik's part"""

print("You have entered a strange building. You are frightened."
" While you looking around you noticed the cameras on the walls. You are trying to escape the building")
print("Where to go?: \'Corridor\' or \'stairs\'")
whichWay = input('Where do you want to go?: ')
while whichWay.lower() == "stairs":
print("When you tried to open the door it's doesn't opened. The door locked.")
whichWay = input('Where do you want to go?: ')
print('You have entered into the corridor. While you walking you noticed the windows.')
print("Would you like to look in?: \'yes\' or \'no\'")
lookIn = input()
if lookIn == "yes".lower():
print("You looked what is happening behing the walls and then you don' t believed your eyes. There were people"
"in a lab eyuipment and they done some experiment. And also there were a few american flags on the wall."
"You are in a american bunker...")
print("You heard some strange noise, someone is coming, maybe for you. You can hide or try to run away, what"
"is you decision?")
decision = input("Decide:")
if decision == "run".lower():
print("You are runing but the strange sounds is getting closer and closer to you. You have to hide or this"
"strange creature will catch you.")
hideOrDie = input("\'hide\' or \'run\'")
if hideOrDie == "run".lower():
print("You tried to leave the creature but it was all in vain, the creature catched yoo."
"The next thing you heard is the alarm sound and the time was 7:53.")

print("You succesfully hid away in a room. You heard that the creature went away in front of the door."
"But suddenly you heard something from a cage in the room. There was a really wierd living being there."
"Definitely it was not human. You tried to escape and you found a secret door. Everything is dark in there."
"When you able to see again you are at home.")
print("You are very tired but you had recieved an alarm notification to meet someone at the MCdonalds.")
stayOrGo = input("Would you like to \'stay\' or \'go\'?")
if stayOrGo == "stay".lower():
print("You just fell into the bed with this crazy day behind you and you hope this was only just a dream."
"When you woke up the alarm ringed at 7:53")

print("You get yourself ready and went to the MCdonalds. While you was on your way you started to see flashblacks"
" from things you didn't remember.")
print("When you arrived to MCdonalds you doesn't remembered who is your friend.")
print("Guess your friend: Mark Zuckerberg, Bill Gates, Steve Jobs, Borish Johnson")
name = input()
while "Steve Jobs" != name:
print("Guess your friend: Mark Zuckerberg, Bill Gates, Steve Jobs, Borish Johnson")
name = input("Guess who is your friend: ")
print("You sit next to Steve Jobs but he doesn't recognised you. You have blinked and now there is no McDonalds."
"You scared and only now realized that you are alone. You feel like it has been years since the last time when you were"
"with someone. Maybe you can try to call the doctor or just sit down and collect your thoughts.")
decide = input("\'call the doctor\' or \'sit down\':")
if decide.lower() == "call the doctor":
print("You pulled out your phone from your pocket when you realized that you don't have enough money to visit"
"the doctor. There was no more opinion instead of sit down and remember.")
print("You sat down into the grass. You remembered his last visit to the doctor, when they told you they were going to put that thing in his head. \'It’s the latest model.\'."
"You started to run to figure out finally what is happening here.")
runWay = input("You have to decide where do you want to go. \'To the doctor\' or \'to the hill\'.")
if runWay.lower() == "to the doctor":
print("You ran like never before, like someone chasing you. Maybe you have been chased but it doesn't matter, you don't mind what is happening with you.When you reached the hospital"
"the main entrance was opened. The hospital was empty. You have never been here before but somehow you knew the way and you find myself in a modern medical room."
"There was some kind of box and something was writen on the box and a red and blue button.")
print("You went closer and you finally saw what was written on the box"+str(name)+".")
print("You shocked. Suddenly you get back your memory. You saw yourself talking with a doctor. He said\'if you sign it here you can live forever in your memory."
"You don't have to worry about any more from death.\'")
print("You look outside the window and everything was messed up, like in Inception. You went back to the box and you had to decide which button do you want to push.")
lifechange = input("\'Blue\',\'Red\'")
if lifechange.lower() == "Blue":
print("ring,ring......It was 7:53")
print("During the way you hade to avoid pipes which are stood out from the road and walls which were half build.You reached the top of the hill and you didn't believed youre eyes."
"It was something from a movie, visual glitches everywhere, surely he was seeing this. He was going insane, he cried out in despair. Held his hands next to his head, wanting to "
"squeeze the insanity out of himself. He looked up again slowly and it was still there. He couldn't take it. He noticed the logo of the private doctors in the sky reading ‘Neuralink’, "
"a private doctor which he had used months before to cure some memory loss issues.")
whereToGo = input("You felt like you have two options left, \'go to the hospital\' or \'jump of the edge\'")
if whereToGo.lower() == "go to the hospital":
"You ran like never before, like someone chasing you. Maybe you have been chased but it doesn't matter, you don't mind what is happening with you.When you reached the hospital"
"the main entrance was opened. The hospital was empty. You have never been here before but somehow you knew the way and you find myself in a modern medical room."
"There was some kind of box and something was writen on the box and a red and blue button.")
# What is the name of player?????!!!!
"You got shocked. Suddenly you get back your memory. You saw yourself talking with a doctor. He said\'if you sign it here you can live forever in your memory."
"You don't have to worry about any more from death.\'")
"You look outside the window and everything was messed up, like in Inception. You went back to the box and you had to decide which button do you want to push.")
lifechange = input("\'Blue\',\'Red\'")
if lifechange.lower() == "Blue":
print("ring,ring......It was 7:53")
print("ring,ring......It was 7:53")

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