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Added Notes on managing modules
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aa7401 committed Nov 14, 2019
1 parent 92f29a5 commit 7af1d8d6c420878771e1191a17e1ede1978b351d
Showing 1 changed file with 11 additions and 0 deletions.
@@ -56,6 +56,17 @@ In the previous example you ran the script from the terminal. If you open a proj

![Scripts Explorer](exercises/.images/npm_scripts.png)

### 1.2 Managing Modules

As you continue developing your project you will both be adding additional dependencies and stop using some existing ones. In addition certain modules receive major updates. All these issues can cause a lack of consistency between the package manifest and the modules in use by your code. Thankfully there is a useful tool called `npm-check` to identify where there might be issues. Once installed you can run it from the `node_modules/.bin/` directory just like other binaries.

npm install --save-dev npm-check

This will generate a detailed report to help you manage your package dependencies.

## 2 Modularisation

Next you will need to do is to split your code up to make it easier to understand. Take a look at the `06_code_quality/todo/` project. If you run this you will see that it is a simple shopping list app where you can add multiple items and quantities. Currently all the functionality is contained in the `index.js` file. Locate the `modules/list.js` file. This declares a new Object Prototype called `List` which includes all the necessary functionality for the app. At the moment this is not being used by the app.

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