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Windows Security Event Log

// Failed Authentication (RDP, SMB)
| where EventID == 4625
| where TimeGenerated > ago(15m)

// Authentication Success (RDP, SMB)
| where EventID == 4624
| where TimeGenerated > ago(15m)

// Brute Force Attempt
| where EventID == 4625
| where TimeGenerated > ago(60m)
| summarize FailureCount = count() by SourceIP = IpAddress, EventID, Activity
| where FailureCount >= 10

// Brute Force Success Windows
let FailedLogons = SecurityEvent
| where EventID == 4625 and LogonType == 3
| where TimeGenerated > ago(60m)
| summarize FailureCount = count() by AttackerIP = IpAddress, EventID, Activity, LogonType, DestinationHostName = Computer
| where FailureCount >= 5;
let SuccessfulLogons = SecurityEvent
| where EventID == 4624 and LogonType == 3
| where TimeGenerated > ago(60m)
| summarize SuccessfulCount = count() by AttackerIP = IpAddress, LogonType, DestinationHostName = Computer, AuthenticationSuccessTime = TimeGenerated;
| join kind = leftouter FailedLogons on DestinationHostName, AttackerIP, LogonType
| project AuthenticationSuccessTime, AttackerIP, DestinationHostName, FailureCount, SuccessfulCount

Windows Security Event Log (Malware & Firewall)

// Malware Detection
| where EventLog == "Microsoft-Windows-Windows Defender/Operational"
| where EventID == "1116" or EventID == "1117"

// Firewall Tamper Detection
| where EventLog == "Microsoft-Windows-Windows Firewall With Advanced Security/Firewall"
| where EventID == 2003

Linux Syslog

// Failed logon (ip address extract)
let IpAddress_REGEX_PATTERN = @"\b\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\b";
| where Facility == "auth"
| where SyslogMessage startswith "Failed password for"
| project TimeGenerated, SourceIP = extract(IpAddress_REGEX_PATTERN, 0, SyslogMessage), DestinationHostName = HostName, DestinationIP = HostIP, Facility, SyslogMessage, ProcessName, SeverityLevel, Type

// Successful logon (ip address extract)
let IpAddress_REGEX_PATTERN = @"\b\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\b";
| where Facility == "auth"
| where SyslogMessage startswith "Accepted password for"
| project TimeGenerated, SourceIP = extract(IpAddress_REGEX_PATTERN, 0, SyslogMessage), DestinationHostName = HostName, DestinationIP = HostIP, Facility, SyslogMessage, ProcessName, SeverityLevel, Type

// Brute Force Attempt Linux Syslog
let IpAddress_REGEX_PATTERN = @"\b\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\b";
| where Facility == "auth" and SyslogMessage startswith "Failed password for"
| where TimeGenerated > ago(1h)
| project TimeGenerated, AttackerIP = extract(IpAddress_REGEX_PATTERN, 0, SyslogMessage), DestinationHostName = HostName, DestinationIP = HostIP, Facility, SyslogMessage, ProcessName, SeverityLevel, Type
| summarize FailureCount = count() by AttackerIP, DestinationHostName, DestinationIP
| where FailureCount >= 5

// Brute Force Success Linux
let FailedLogons = Syslog
| where Facility == "auth" and SyslogMessage startswith "Failed password for"
| where TimeGenerated > ago(1h)
| project TimeGenerated, SourceIP = extract(@"\b\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\b", 0, SyslogMessage), DestinationHostName = HostName, DestinationIP = HostIP, Facility, SyslogMessage, ProcessName, SeverityLevel, Type
| summarize FailureCount = count() by AttackerIP = SourceIP, DestinationHostName
| where FailureCount >= 5;
let SuccessfulLogons = Syslog
| where Facility == "auth" and SyslogMessage startswith "Accepted password for"
| where TimeGenerated > ago(1h)
| project TimeGenerated, SourceIP = extract(@"\b\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\b", 0, SyslogMessage), DestinationHostName = HostName, DestinationIP = HostIP, Facility, SyslogMessage, ProcessName, SeverityLevel, Type
| summarize SuccessfulCount = count() by SuccessTime = TimeGenerated, AttackerIP = SourceIP, DestinationHostName
| where SuccessfulCount >= 1
| project DestinationHostName, SuccessfulCount, AttackerIP, SuccessTime;
let BruteForceSuccesses = SuccessfulLogons
| join kind = leftouter FailedLogons on AttackerIP, DestinationHostName;

// Queries the linux syslog for any user accounts created
// By @slendymayne (Discord)
| where Facility == "authpriv" and SeverityLevel == "info"
| where SyslogMessage contains "new user" and SyslogMessage contains "shell=/bin/bash"
| project TimeGenerated, HostIP, HostName, ProcessID, SyslogMessage

// Queries for any users given sudo privileges
// By @slendymayne (Discord)
| where Facility == "authpriv" and SeverityLevel == "info"
| where SyslogMessage contains "to group 'sudo'"
| project TimeGenerated, HostIP, Computer, ProcessID, SyslogMessage

Azure Active Directory

// View Mass AAD Auth Failures
| where ResultDescription == "Invalid username or password or Invalid on-premise username or password."
| extend location = parse_json(LocationDetails)
| extend City =, State = location.state, Country = location.countryOrRegion, Latitude = location.geoCoordinates.latitude, Longitude = location.geoCoordinates.longitude
| project TimeGenerated, ResultDescription, UserPrincipalName, AppDisplayName, IPAddress, IPAddressFromResourceProvider, City, State, Country, Latitude, Longitude

// View Global Administrator Assignment
| where OperationName == "Add member to role" and Result == "success"
| where TargetResources[0].modifiedProperties[1].newValue == '"Global Administrator"' or TargetResources[0].modifiedProperties[1].newValue == '"Company Administrator"' 
| order by TimeGenerated desc
| project TimeGenerated, OperationName, AssignedRole = TargetResources[0].modifiedProperties[1].newValue, Status = Result, TargetResources

// View Password Activities
| where OperationName contains "password"
| order by TimeGenerated

// Brute Force Success Azure Active Directory
let FailedLogons = SigninLogs
| where Status.failureReason == "Invalid username or password or Invalid on-premise username or password."
| where TimeGenerated > ago(1h)
| project TimeGenerated, Status = Status.failureReason, UserPrincipalName, UserId, UserDisplayName, AppDisplayName, AttackerIP = IPAddress, IPAddressFromResourceProvider, City =, State = LocationDetails.state, Country =, Latitude = LocationDetails.geoCoordinates.latitude, Longitude = LocationDetails.geoCoordinates.longitude
| summarize FailureCount = count() by AttackerIP, UserPrincipalName;
let SuccessfulLogons = SigninLogs
| where Status.errorCode == 0
| where TimeGenerated > ago(1h)
| project TimeGenerated, Status = Status.errorCode, UserPrincipalName, UserId, UserDisplayName, AppDisplayName, AttackerIP = IPAddress, IPAddressFromResourceProvider, City =, State = LocationDetails.state, Country =, Latitude = LocationDetails.geoCoordinates.latitude, Longitude = LocationDetails.geoCoordinates.longitude
| summarize SuccessCount = count() by AuthenticationSuccessTime = TimeGenerated, AttackerIP, UserPrincipalName, UserId, UserDisplayName;
let BruteForceSuccesses = SuccessfulLogons
| join kind = leftouter FailedLogons on AttackerIP, UserPrincipalName;
| project AttackerIP, TargetAccount = UserPrincipalName, UserId, FailureCount, SuccessCount, AuthenticationSuccessTime

// Excessive password Resets
| where OperationName startswith "Change" or OperationName startswith "Reset"
| order by TimeGenerated
| summarize count() by tostring(InitiatedBy)
| project Count = count_, InitiatorId = parse_json(InitiatedBy), InitiatorUpn = parse_json(InitiatedBy).user.userPrincipalName, InitiatorIpAddress = parse_json(InitiatedBy).user.ipAddress
| where Count >= 10

Azure Storage Account

// Authorization Error
| where MetricResponseType endswith "Error"
| where StatusText == "AuthorizationPermissionMismatch"
| order by TimeGenerated asc

// Reading a bunch of blobs
| where OperationName == "GetBlob"

//Deleting a bunch of blobs (in a short time period)
StorageBlobLogs | where OperationName == "DeleteBlob"
| where TimeGenerated > ago(24h)

//Putting a bunch of blobs (in a short time period)
StorageBlobLogs | where OperationName == "PutBlob"
| where TimeGenerated > ago(24h)

//Copying a bunch of blobs (in a short time period)
StorageBlobLogs | where OperationName == "CopyBlob"
| where TimeGenerated > ago(24h)

Network Security Groups

// Allowed inbound malicious flows
| where FlowType_s == "MaliciousFlow" and AllowedInFlows_d >= 1
| project TimeGenerated, FlowType = FlowType_s, IpAddress = SrcIP_s, DestinationIpAddress = DestIP_s, DestinationPort = DestPort_d, Protocol = L7Protocol_s, NSGRuleMatched = NSGRules_s, InboundFlowCount = AllowedInFlows_d