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Added a quick guide on how to install and run the software so that users can easily configure it in their machines
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reisborw committed Dec 4, 2019
1 parent 456c781 commit 54c060f8b1317cb629d087675896aab2585bb71e
Showing 1 changed file with 81 additions and 29 deletions.
@@ -1,40 +1,92 @@
# FAQs
# Frequently Asked Questions

A knowledge-base system about video games where users can post and answer questions.

These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes.

## Getting started
### Prerequisites

This will produce a basic yet functional FAQ system.
You need to have [node]( and [npm]( installed in your machine

~~Without logging in a user can view all the question titles and dates on the homepage.
Clicking on a question title takes the user to a details page where they can see the question details together with any answers supplied by other users.~~
~~If a user logs in they can add new questions. This should include:
A short title.
A detailed description of the problem.
An optional photo or screenshot
If a logged in user views a question details page they will be able to add an answer.~~
### Installing

First things first, here's how to clone the repository:

This adds some additional functionality.
$ git clone

~~The optional screenshot should be displayed as a low-resolution thumbnail.
Clicking on the thumbnail should display the full-resolution image.
The person who posted the original question can flag one of the answers as the correct one.~~
~~This correct answer should be flagged on the details page.~~
~~On the home page any question that has a correct answer flag should be indicated as 'solved' on the homepage.~~
~~Any logged in user can rate any answer that they did not provide on a scale of 1-5 stars.~~
After cloning the repository, run the following command in order to install all of the project's dependencies:

$ npm install

The advanced functionality covers gamification.
After that, make sure you create a `.env` file. This will be where you set your environment variables, such as the port you want the project to run.

~~Every user start off with a contribution score of 0.~~
~~Logged in users can flag answers as off topic or inappropriate. This takes 5 points off the poster's score.~~
~~Every answer flagged as correct adds 50 points to the posting person's contribution score.~~
~~The best users are flagged with a gold, silver or bronze star:
The top 5% of users are flagged with a gold star.
The top 25% are flagged as silver.
The top 50% are flagged as bronze star users.~~
For now, all you need to get the project working are two variables, `DB_NAME` and `SERVER_PORT`. For example:


Once these steps are taken, you're ready to run the program. Both of the following commands are acceptable:

$ node index.js


npm run start

## Running the tests

In this project you can run some different tests. These are:

### Unit tests

These tests will make sure every function in the project are working and throwing the appropriate errors when wrong data is provided. In order to achieve that, simply run:

$ npm run test

If you would like to see how long each individual test takes to run, simply run:

$ npm run test-verbose

### Acceptance tests

We also provide acceptance tests. These tests serve as a tool to make sure everything is also working in terms of UI. The following command will run these tests:

$ npm run cucumber

## JSDocs

We provide an easy way of creating and seeing documentation. By running the following command a new folder, `docs` will be generated. In that folder, you will be able to see all the available documentation for the project:

$ npm run jsdoc

## Built With

* [Koa]( - The web framework used)

## Authors

* [**Avelino Tomas**](
* [**Ben Townsend**](
* [**Kieran Dhir**](
* [**Mihai Ene**](
* [**Olalekan Busari**](
* [**Wallef Borges**](

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