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Command List

Mihai Stavila (stavilam) edited this page Nov 25, 2018 · 4 revisions

Call commands by ">" or bot mention on Discord.

comhelp - returns a command list with descriptions

help - returns a list of all commands available to the user with or without descriptions


user [@user_name?] - shows info about the mentioned user; if no user is mentioned, returns for self

server - shows info about the server in which the command was called

weather [city_name] - gives detailed information about the weather in given city

time [city_name] - gives detailed information about the current time in given city

mcache - counts the user's recent messages


word [word] - shows the meaning of the requested word, as well as links to Oxford Dictionaries for more details

syn/ant [word] - shows a list of synonyms/antonyms for the requested word

example [word] - gives some example sentenced in which the requested word is used in different contexts

Image Search

searches for and returns an image from different image boards with the specified tags, otherwise random

kona [tags?] - KonaChan

danb [tags?] - Danbooru Donmai

yan [tags?] -


dice [num?] - Rolls one or more dices, default is one

roll [max?] - Returns a random number starting from 1 to (default) 100

flip - Flips a coin (returns Heads or Tails)

gstart - Starts a letter guessing game. For more info use guess or ghelp.


ip - shows detailed information about the current Internet Service of the client, such as IP Address, ISP + location etc.

sleep [time?] - puts the bot on standby, default 10 seconds maximum 1 minute