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import newspaper
from newspaper import Article
import concurrent.futures
URLs = ['',
def get_headlines():
Function for printing 5 firtst headlines from news sites specified in URLs list
Input: none
Output: none, print statements instead
for url in URLs: #for each element in URLs list
result =, memoize_articles=False) #create an instance of an article and set the url attribute value to thread parameter and memoize_articles attribute value to False
print('\n''The headlines from %s are' % url, '\n') #print string with url from URLs as inserted value
for i in range(1,6): #loop 5 times
art = result.articles[i] #set art variable to a refrence to an instruction for getting i article from the website #download article specified in art variable
art.parse() #parse article specified in art variable
print(art.title) #print headline of the article
def get_headlines_thread(thread):
Function for accesing a website from url provided and getting first 5 headlines
Input: string. url of the website
Output: string. first 5 headlines of the website
art_content = "" #create string in which headlines will be stored
result =, memoize_articles=False) #create an instance of an article and set the url attribute value to thread parameter and memoize_articles attribute value to False
art_content += '\n''The headlines from %s are\n\n' % thread #add to art_content string another string with website url as inserted value
for i in range(1,6): #loop 5 times
art = result.articles[i] #set art variable to a refrence to an instruction for getting i article from the website #download article specified in art variable
art.parse() #parse article specified in art variable
art_content += art.title + "\n" #join art content string, headline of article specified in art variable, and an enter key
return art_content,thread #return art_content string
def concurent_get_headlines():
Function for councurrently printing url of a news website and 5 of its headlines
Input: no Input
Output: no output, the functions ends with a print statement instead
threaded_message = [None] * len(URLs) #initialise list of None values with the same length as URLs list
with concurrent.futures.ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=5) as executor: #create Executor class from concurrent.futures module and ThreadPoolExecutor subclass with max_workers argument set to 5
threads = {executor.submit(get_headlines_thread,url): url for url in URLs} #create threads dictionary with keys being submit method from Executor class and values being ulrs from URLs list
for thread in concurrent.futures.as_completed(threads): #for each thread in pool of threads
headlines = thread.result() #initialise healines tuple and place in it two return values of thread function
threaded_message[URLs.index(headlines[1])]= headlines[0] #get the index of a value inside the URLs list that is equal to second element of headlines tuple,
#and under the same index inside threaded_message list, place first element of headline tuple
print("\n".join(threaded_message)) #print strings in threaded message list joined by enter keys
if __name__ == '__main__':
import timeit
elapsed_time = timeit.timeit("get_headlines()", setup="from __main__ import get_headlines", number=2)/2 #create a timer with passed statement and setup code being the get_headlines() function,
#set the number of executions to two, divide the whole thing by two, and save the results in elapsed_time variable
elapsed_time2 = timeit.timeit("concurent_get_headlines()", setup="from __main__ import concurent_get_headlines", number=2)/2 #create a timer with passed statement and setup code being the concurent_get_headlines() function,
#set the number of executions to two, divide the whole thing by two, and save the results in elapsed_time2 variable
print("non_concurent: ",elapsed_time," concurent: ",elapsed_time2) #print execution time of non_concurent and concurent function