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from collections import defaultdict
import sys
class Graph():
Class which stores a weighted undirected graph and method for finding shortest path between two graph nodes using Dijsktra's algorithm
def __init__(self, size):
self.edges = defaultdict(list) #dictionary of all connected nodes e.g. {'X': ['A', 'B', 'C', 'E'], ...}
self.weights = {} #dictionary of edges and weights e.g. {('X', 'A'): 7, ('X', 'B'): 2, ...}
self.size = size #number of nodes inside the graph
self.dist = [] #list of all distances from the starting node to node under the same index inside unpoppedQ list
for i in range(size): #repeat number of nodes inside the graph times
self.dist.append(sys.maxsize) #set distance to that node to maximum size of python data structure
self.previous = [] #list of previous nodes in the path set by Dijsktra's algorithm
for i in range(size): #repeat number of nodes inside the graph times
self.previous.append(None) #append the previous list with None
def add_edge(self, from_node, to_node, weight): #bidirectional
Class method for adding edges into the graph
Input: string,string,integer. two nodes to be connected with an edge and weight of that connection
Output: no output, edges and weights attributes are modified instead
self.edges[from_node].append(to_node) #create edge connecting from_node with to_node
self.edges[to_node].append(from_node) #create edge connecting to_node with from_node
self.weights[(from_node, to_node)] = weight #set weight of the edge connecting from_node with to_node to the value of weight parameter
self.weights[(to_node, from_node)] = weight #set weight of the edge connecting to_node with from_node to the value of weight parameter
def findSmallestNode(self):
Class method for linearly searching for the node inside Q list with smallest distance from starting node
Input: no input
Output:integer. Index of a node inside Q list with smallest distance from the starting node
smallest = self.dist[self.getIndex(self.Q[0])] #set value of smallest distance to the distance of the node at the beggining of the Q list
result = self.getIndex(self.Q[0]) #set the node at the beggining of the Q list as the node with the smallest distance
for i in range(len(self.dist)): #loop length of distance list ammount of times
if self.dist[i] < smallest: #if distance under i index in distance list is smaller than current smallest distance
node = self.unpoppedQ[i] #create node variable and set it to the node inside unpoppedQ list under i index
if node in self.Q: #if node is inside Q list
smallest = self.dist[i] #set value inside distance list under i index as the current smallest distance
result = self.getIndex(node) #set value of result variable to index of a node inside node variable
return result #return index of a node with the smallest distance from the starting node
def getIndex(self, neighbour):
Class method for linearly searching the index of a graph node inside the unpoppedQ list
Input: string. a node inside the graph
Output: integer. index of neighbour node inside unpoppedQ list
for i in range(len(self.unpoppedQ)): #loop length of unpoppedQ list ammount of times
if neighbour == self.unpoppedQ[i]: #if neighbour parameter node is equal to value under i index inside unpoppedQ list
return i #return i value
def getPopPosition(self, uNode):
Class method that indicates position of uNode inside Q list
Input: string. a node inisde the graph
Output: integer. index of uNode inside Q list
result = 0 #innitiate the result value and set it to 0
for i in range(len(self.Q)): #loop length of Q list ammount of times
if self.Q[i] == uNode: #if value under i index inside Q list is equal to uNode parameter
return i #return the i value
return result #return 0
def getUnvisitedNodes(self, uNode):
Class method for finding all of the unvisited nodes bordering uNode
Input: string. node inside the graph
Output: list. all of the unvisited nodes adjacent to uNode node argument
resultList = [] #list of all unvisited nodes bordering uNode
allNeighbours = self.edges[uNode] #set value of allNeighbours variable to all nodes which have an edge with uNode
for neighbour in allNeighbours: #for each node that has an edge with uNode
if neighbour in self.Q: #if the Node is inside Q list attribute
resultList.append(neighbour) #append the node to resultList list
return resultList #return the resultList list
def dijsktra(self, start, end):
Class method for finding path with lowest cost between two nodes inside the graph using djikstra algorithm
Input: string. two nodes inside the graph
Output: list,integter. nodes inside the path with lowest cost between two nodes, cost of the path
self.Q = [] #list of all the unvisited nodes
for key in self.edges: #for key value in edges dictionary attribute
self.Q.append(key) #append the key value to Q list
for i in range(len(self.Q)): #repeat loop times length of list Q
if self.Q[i] == start: #if i element of list Q
self.dist[i] = 0
self.unpoppedQ = self.Q[0:] #set unpoppedQ list to the copy of Q list
while self.Q: #while Q list is not empty
u = self.findSmallestNode() #set value u to the return value of findSmallestNode() function
if self.dist[u] == sys.maxsize: #if current smallest distance is equal to maximum size of python data structure
if self.unpoppedQ[u] == end: #if value under u index inside unpoppedQ is the end node
uNode = self.unpoppedQ[u] #set value of uNode variable to a value of the element in unpoppedQ list attribute under u index
for i in self.getUnvisitedNodes(uNode): #loops that goes through all Nodes adjacent to uNode
iIdx = self.getIndex(i) #create i index variable and set it to index of i Node inside unpoppedQ list attribute
NewINodeDist = self.dist[u] + self.weights[(uNode,i)] #create variable new distance from start node to I node and set it to the sum of distance from start to uNode and weight od edge connecting uNode and i Node
if NewINodeDist < self.dist[iIdx]: #if new distance from start to i node is smaller than current distance from start to i node
self.dist[iIdx] = NewINodeDist #set current distance to i node to new distance to i node
self.previous[iIdx] = uNode #set uNode as Node previous to i node
self.Q.remove(uNode) # remove uNode from Q list
shortest_path = [] #list with nodes indicating shortest path from start node to end node
shortest_path.insert(0, end) #insert end node to the begining of the shortest_path list
u = self.getIndex(end) #set u variable to return value of getIndex function with end Node as passed argument
while self.previous[u] != None: #while u Node has a previous value
shortest_path.insert(0, self.previous[u]) #insert into the begining of the shortest path list the value inside previous list attribute under u index
u = self.getIndex(self.previous[u]) #set value of u to return value of getIndex function with passed argument being the value inside previous list attribute under u index
return shortest_path,self.dist[self.getIndex(end)] #return shortest path from start parameter to end parameter and total weight of this path
graph = Graph(8)
edges = [
('O', 'A', 2),
('O', 'B', 5),
('O', 'C', 4),
('A', 'B', 2),
('A', 'D', 7),
('A', 'F', 12),
('B', 'C', 1),
('B', 'D', 4),
('B', 'E', 3),
('C', 'E', 4),
('D', 'E', 1),
('D', 'T', 5),
('E', 'T', 7),
('F', 'T', 3),
for edge in edges:
print(graph.dijsktra('O', 'T'))
graph2 = Graph(9)
edges2 = [
for edge in edges2:
print(graph2.dijsktra('A', 'G'))
#instead of using the provided getPopPosition() method i am using built in python remove method instead, which does the same thing and makes the class method obsolete