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Merge pull request #16 from 340CT-1920SEPJAN/develop
  • Loading branch information
sellers3 committed Nov 28, 2019
2 parents c025840 + 82db2da commit 7d2679336266c4010cde79cfcdadbe02e804ae51
Show file tree
Hide file tree
Showing 86 changed files with 958 additions and 35 deletions.
@@ -1,8 +1,7 @@
image: node:latest
image: node:12.10.0

- code-testing
- staging-server
- acceptance-testing

@@ -11,48 +10,28 @@ linting:
- npm install
- npm run linter

stage: code-testing
- npm install
- npm run dependency

stage: code-testing
- npm install
- npm run duplication

stage: code-testing
- npm install
- npm test

stage: code-testing
stage: acceptance-testing
- npm install
- npm run coverage
- npm run check-coverage
- apt-get update
- apt-get install -y -q gconf-service libasound2 libc6 libcairo2 libcups2 libexpat1 libfontconfig1 libgcc1 libnspr4 libstdc++6 libx11-xcb1 libxcb1 libxcomposite1 libxcursor1 libxdamage1 libxext6 libxfixes3 libxi6 libxrandr2 libxrender1 libxss1 libxtst6 ca-certificates fonts-liberation libappindicator1 libnss3 lsb-release xdg-utils wget -y
- npm run test

stage: staging-server
stage: acceptance-testing
- npm install
- apt-get update
- apt-get install -y -q gconf-service libasound2 libc6 libcairo2 libcups2 libexpat1 libfontconfig1 libgcc1 libnspr4 libstdc++6 libx11-xcb1 libxcb1 libxcomposite1 libxcursor1 libxdamage1 libxext6 libxfixes3 libxi6 libxrandr2 libxrender1 libxss1 libxtst6 ca-certificates fonts-liberation libappindicator1 libnss3 lsb-release xdg-utils wget -y
- npm run coverage
#- mv ./docs/coverage/ public/
- docs
expire_in: 30 days
- master

stage: acceptance-testing
- npm install --only=dev
- apt-get update
- apt-get install -y -q gconf-service libasound2 libatk1.0–0 libc6 libcairo2 libcups2 libdbus-1–3 libexpat1 libfontconfig1 libgcc1 libgconf-2–4 libgdk-pixbuf2.0–0 libglib2.0–0 libgtk-3–0 libnspr4 libpango-1.0–0 libpangocairo-1.0–0 libstdc++6 libx11–6 libx11-xcb1 libxcb1 libxcomposite1 libxcursor1 libxdamage1 libxext6 libxfixes3 libxi6 libxrandr2 libxrender1 libxss1 libxtst6 ca-certificates fonts-liberation libappindicator1 libnss3 lsb-release xdg-utils wget -y
- npm run acceptance
- master
Binary file not shown.
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
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@@ -0,0 +1 @@
2019/11/27-17:32:51.969001 7f19c6ffd700 Delete type=3 #1
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@@ -0,0 +1 @@
Empty file.
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
2019/11/27-17:32:52.564846 7f19d4f1e700 Delete type=3 #1
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@@ -0,0 +1 @@
Empty file.
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
2019/11/27-17:32:51.808153 7f19d4f1e700 Delete type=3 #1
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Binary file not shown.
Binary file not shown.
Binary file not shown.
Binary file not shown.
Binary file not shown.
Binary file not shown.
Binary file not shown.
Binary file not shown.
Binary file not shown.
Binary file not shown.
Binary file not shown.
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
Empty file.

Large diffs are not rendered by default.

Binary file not shown.
Binary file not shown.
Binary file not shown.
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Binary file not shown.
Binary file not shown.
Binary file not shown.
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
Empty file.
@@ -0,0 +1,152 @@
2019/11/27-17:32:50.649385 7f19c7fff700 Delete type=3 #1
2019/11/27-17:32:55.879043 7f19c67fc700 Level-0 table #5: started
2019/11/27-17:32:55.902689 7f19c67fc700 Level-0 table #5: 1204835 bytes OK
2019/11/27-17:32:55.904871 7f19c67fc700 Delete type=0 #3
2019/11/27-17:32:57.901346 7f19c67fc700 Level-0 table #7: started
2019/11/27-17:32:57.924804 7f19c67fc700 Level-0 table #7: 1205134 bytes OK
2019/11/27-17:32:57.927029 7f19c67fc700 Delete type=0 #4
2019/11/27-17:32:57.991257 7f19c67fc700 Compacting 1@1 + 1@2 files
2019/11/27-17:32:58.037501 7f19c67fc700 Generated table #8@1: 14043 keys, 2152842 bytes
2019/11/27-17:32:58.044679 7f19c67fc700 Generated table #9@1: 1747 keys, 265826 bytes
2019/11/27-17:32:58.044693 7f19c67fc700 Compacted 1@1 + 1@2 files => 2418668 bytes
2019/11/27-17:32:58.046710 7f19c67fc700 compacted to: files[ 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 ]
2019/11/27-17:32:58.046795 7f19c67fc700 Delete type=2 #5
2019/11/27-17:32:58.047005 7f19c67fc700 Delete type=2 #7
2019/11/27-17:33:00.024696 7f19c67fc700 Level-0 table #11: started
2019/11/27-17:33:00.047483 7f19c67fc700 Level-0 table #11: 1188792 bytes OK
2019/11/27-17:33:00.049845 7f19c67fc700 Delete type=0 #6
2019/11/27-17:33:00.413998 7f19c67fc700 Compacting 1@1 + 2@2 files
2019/11/27-17:33:00.465052 7f19c67fc700 Generated table #12@1: 14041 keys, 2152553 bytes
2019/11/27-17:33:00.497082 7f19c67fc700 Generated table #13@1: 9632 keys, 1466381 bytes
2019/11/27-17:33:00.497100 7f19c67fc700 Compacted 1@1 + 2@2 files => 3618934 bytes
2019/11/27-17:33:00.499201 7f19c67fc700 compacted to: files[ 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 ]
2019/11/27-17:33:00.499309 7f19c67fc700 Delete type=2 #11
2019/11/27-17:33:00.499524 7f19c67fc700 Delete type=2 #9
2019/11/27-17:33:00.499649 7f19c67fc700 Delete type=2 #8
2019/11/27-17:33:02.707655 7f19c67fc700 Level-0 table #15: started
2019/11/27-17:33:02.729759 7f19c67fc700 Level-0 table #15: 1201671 bytes OK
2019/11/27-17:33:02.731994 7f19c67fc700 Delete type=0 #10
2019/11/27-17:33:02.762522 7f19c67fc700 Compacting 1@1 + 2@2 files
2019/11/27-17:33:02.805653 7f19c67fc700 Generated table #16@1: 13945 keys, 2153144 bytes
2019/11/27-17:33:02.845553 7f19c67fc700 Generated table #17@1: 14033 keys, 2152524 bytes
2019/11/27-17:33:02.858284 7f19c67fc700 Generated table #18@1: 3480 keys, 531641 bytes
2019/11/27-17:33:02.858301 7f19c67fc700 Compacted 1@1 + 2@2 files => 4837309 bytes
2019/11/27-17:33:02.860329 7f19c67fc700 compacted to: files[ 0 0 3 0 0 0 0 ]
2019/11/27-17:33:02.860438 7f19c67fc700 Delete type=2 #13
2019/11/27-17:33:02.860718 7f19c67fc700 Delete type=2 #12
2019/11/27-17:33:02.861056 7f19c67fc700 Delete type=2 #15
2019/11/27-17:33:04.747843 7f19c67fc700 Level-0 table #20: started
2019/11/27-17:33:04.772756 7f19c67fc700 Level-0 table #20: 1190190 bytes OK
2019/11/27-17:33:04.774980 7f19c67fc700 Delete type=0 #14
2019/11/27-17:33:04.873357 7f19c67fc700 Compacting 1@1 + 3@2 files
2019/11/27-17:33:04.913519 7f19c67fc700 Generated table #21@1: 13884 keys, 2152236 bytes
2019/11/27-17:33:04.956515 7f19c67fc700 Generated table #22@1: 13993 keys, 2153071 bytes
2019/11/27-17:33:04.989350 7f19c67fc700 Generated table #23@1: 11327 keys, 1749020 bytes
2019/11/27-17:33:04.989363 7f19c67fc700 Compacted 1@1 + 3@2 files => 6054327 bytes
2019/11/27-17:33:04.991420 7f19c67fc700 compacted to: files[ 0 0 3 0 0 0 0 ]
2019/11/27-17:33:04.991531 7f19c67fc700 Delete type=2 #18
2019/11/27-17:33:04.991696 7f19c67fc700 Delete type=2 #17
2019/11/27-17:33:04.992051 7f19c67fc700 Delete type=2 #20
2019/11/27-17:33:04.992292 7f19c67fc700 Delete type=2 #16
2019/11/27-17:33:06.780201 7f19c67fc700 Level-0 table #25: started
2019/11/27-17:33:06.809092 7f19c67fc700 Level-0 table #25: 1190238 bytes OK
2019/11/27-17:33:06.811372 7f19c67fc700 Delete type=0 #19
2019/11/27-17:33:07.152636 7f19c67fc700 Compacting 1@1 + 3@2 files
2019/11/27-17:33:07.199802 7f19c67fc700 Generated table #26@1: 13876 keys, 2152334 bytes
2019/11/27-17:33:07.251618 7f19c67fc700 Generated table #27@1: 13842 keys, 2152301 bytes
2019/11/27-17:33:07.296395 7f19c67fc700 Generated table #28@1: 13910 keys, 2153294 bytes
2019/11/27-17:33:07.316671 7f19c67fc700 Generated table #29@1: 5257 keys, 808652 bytes
2019/11/27-17:33:07.316693 7f19c67fc700 Compacted 1@1 + 3@2 files => 7266581 bytes
2019/11/27-17:33:07.318708 7f19c67fc700 compacted to: files[ 0 0 4 0 0 0 0 ]
2019/11/27-17:33:07.318803 7f19c67fc700 Delete type=2 #21
2019/11/27-17:33:07.319110 7f19c67fc700 Delete type=2 #22
2019/11/27-17:33:07.319381 7f19c67fc700 Delete type=2 #25
2019/11/27-17:33:07.319550 7f19c67fc700 Delete type=2 #23
2019/11/27-17:33:10.381049 7f19c67fc700 Level-0 table #31: started
2019/11/27-17:33:10.409518 7f19c67fc700 Level-0 table #31: 1205290 bytes OK
2019/11/27-17:33:10.411737 7f19c67fc700 Delete type=0 #24
2019/11/27-17:33:11.051125 7f19c67fc700 Compacting 1@1 + 4@2 files
2019/11/27-17:33:11.114880 7f19c67fc700 Generated table #32@1: 13845 keys, 2153109 bytes
2019/11/27-17:33:11.175833 7f19c67fc700 Generated table #33@1: 13855 keys, 2153060 bytes
2019/11/27-17:33:11.230655 7f19c67fc700 Generated table #34@1: 13979 keys, 2153052 bytes
2019/11/27-17:33:11.282347 7f19c67fc700 Generated table #35@1: 13055 keys, 2023459 bytes
2019/11/27-17:33:11.282393 7f19c67fc700 Compacted 1@1 + 4@2 files => 8482680 bytes
2019/11/27-17:33:11.284490 7f19c67fc700 compacted to: files[ 0 0 4 0 0 0 0 ]
2019/11/27-17:33:11.284751 7f19c67fc700 Delete type=2 #31
2019/11/27-17:33:11.284989 7f19c67fc700 Delete type=2 #28
2019/11/27-17:33:11.285275 7f19c67fc700 Delete type=2 #29
2019/11/27-17:33:11.285443 7f19c67fc700 Delete type=2 #26
2019/11/27-17:33:11.285744 7f19c67fc700 Delete type=2 #27
2019/11/27-17:33:14.299384 7f19c67fc700 Level-0 table #37: started
2019/11/27-17:33:14.322740 7f19c67fc700 Level-0 table #37: 1211846 bytes OK
2019/11/27-17:33:14.324951 7f19c67fc700 Delete type=0 #30
2019/11/27-17:33:14.378103 7f19c67fc700 Compacting 1@1 + 4@2 files
2019/11/27-17:33:14.418800 7f19c67fc700 Generated table #38@1: 13852 keys, 2153357 bytes
2019/11/27-17:33:14.473471 7f19c67fc700 Generated table #39@1: 13751 keys, 2152812 bytes
2019/11/27-17:33:14.511668 7f19c67fc700 Generated table #40@1: 13927 keys, 2153272 bytes
2019/11/27-17:33:14.567871 7f19c67fc700 Generated table #41@1: 13897 keys, 2153585 bytes
2019/11/27-17:33:14.593967 7f19c67fc700 Generated table #42@1: 7077 keys, 1100459 bytes
2019/11/27-17:33:14.593983 7f19c67fc700 Compacted 1@1 + 4@2 files => 9713485 bytes
2019/11/27-17:33:14.595972 7f19c67fc700 compacted to: files[ 0 0 5 0 0 0 0 ]
2019/11/27-17:33:14.596067 7f19c67fc700 Delete type=2 #34
2019/11/27-17:33:14.596312 7f19c67fc700 Delete type=2 #33
2019/11/27-17:33:14.596536 7f19c67fc700 Delete type=2 #32
2019/11/27-17:33:14.596750 7f19c67fc700 Delete type=2 #35
2019/11/27-17:33:14.596947 7f19c67fc700 Delete type=2 #37
2019/11/27-17:33:17.156286 7f19c67fc700 Level-0 table #44: started
2019/11/27-17:33:17.176357 7f19c67fc700 Level-0 table #44: 1203913 bytes OK
2019/11/27-17:33:17.178439 7f19c67fc700 Delete type=0 #36
2019/11/27-17:33:17.212772 7f19c67fc700 Compacting 1@1 + 5@2 files
2019/11/27-17:33:17.261306 7f19c67fc700 Generated table #45@1: 13840 keys, 2153295 bytes
2019/11/27-17:33:17.306449 7f19c67fc700 Generated table #46@1: 13796 keys, 2153410 bytes
2019/11/27-17:33:17.350296 7f19c67fc700 Generated table #47@1: 13891 keys, 2152935 bytes
2019/11/27-17:33:17.433001 7f19c67fc700 Generated table #48@1: 13959 keys, 2153853 bytes
2019/11/27-17:33:17.518015 7f19c67fc700 Generated table #49@1: 13802 keys, 2152638 bytes
2019/11/27-17:33:17.524967 7f19c67fc700 Generated table #50@1: 1109 keys, 172129 bytes
2019/11/27-17:33:17.524986 7f19c67fc700 Compacted 1@1 + 5@2 files => 10938260 bytes
2019/11/27-17:33:17.527027 7f19c67fc700 compacted to: files[ 0 0 6 0 0 0 0 ]
2019/11/27-17:33:17.527149 7f19c67fc700 Delete type=2 #41
2019/11/27-17:33:17.527467 7f19c67fc700 Delete type=2 #40
2019/11/27-17:33:17.527761 7f19c67fc700 Delete type=2 #44
2019/11/27-17:33:17.527972 7f19c67fc700 Delete type=2 #38
2019/11/27-17:33:17.528246 7f19c67fc700 Delete type=2 #42
2019/11/27-17:33:17.528428 7f19c67fc700 Delete type=2 #39
2019/11/27-17:33:21.091125 7f19c67fc700 Level-0 table #52: started
2019/11/27-17:33:21.112190 7f19c67fc700 Level-0 table #52: 1208557 bytes OK
2019/11/27-17:33:21.114467 7f19c67fc700 Delete type=0 #43
2019/11/27-17:33:21.575002 7f19c67fc700 Compacting 1@1 + 6@2 files
2019/11/27-17:33:21.635696 7f19c67fc700 Generated table #53@1: 13787 keys, 2153173 bytes
2019/11/27-17:33:21.676005 7f19c67fc700 Generated table #54@1: 13766 keys, 2151957 bytes
2019/11/27-17:33:21.726331 7f19c67fc700 Generated table #55@1: 13852 keys, 2152980 bytes
2019/11/27-17:33:21.766624 7f19c67fc700 Generated table #56@1: 13878 keys, 2153305 bytes
2019/11/27-17:33:21.816200 7f19c67fc700 Generated table #57@1: 13837 keys, 2153387 bytes
2019/11/27-17:33:21.853748 7f19c67fc700 Generated table #58@1: 9089 keys, 1414958 bytes
2019/11/27-17:33:21.853764 7f19c67fc700 Compacted 1@1 + 6@2 files => 12179760 bytes
2019/11/27-17:33:21.855823 7f19c67fc700 compacted to: files[ 0 0 6 0 0 0 0 ]
2019/11/27-17:33:21.856013 7f19c67fc700 Delete type=2 #45
2019/11/27-17:33:21.856479 7f19c67fc700 Delete type=2 #47
2019/11/27-17:33:21.856873 7f19c67fc700 Delete type=2 #52
2019/11/27-17:33:21.857159 7f19c67fc700 Delete type=2 #46
2019/11/27-17:33:21.857545 7f19c67fc700 Delete type=2 #48
2019/11/27-17:33:21.857935 7f19c67fc700 Delete type=2 #49
2019/11/27-17:33:21.858298 7f19c67fc700 Delete type=2 #50
2019/11/27-17:33:24.595631 7f19c67fc700 Level-0 table #60: started
2019/11/27-17:33:24.628363 7f19c67fc700 Level-0 table #60: 1210893 bytes OK
2019/11/27-17:33:24.630679 7f19c67fc700 Delete type=0 #51
2019/11/27-17:33:24.691496 7f19c67fc700 Compacting 1@1 + 6@2 files
2019/11/27-17:33:24.737024 7f19c67fc700 Generated table #61@1: 13802 keys, 2152697 bytes
2019/11/27-17:33:24.785946 7f19c67fc700 Generated table #62@1: 13743 keys, 2153144 bytes
2019/11/27-17:33:24.831120 7f19c67fc700 Generated table #63@1: 13742 keys, 2152320 bytes
2019/11/27-17:33:24.870808 7f19c67fc700 Generated table #64@1: 13891 keys, 2154366 bytes
2019/11/27-17:33:24.921257 7f19c67fc700 Generated table #65@1: 13910 keys, 2152838 bytes
2019/11/27-17:33:24.975804 7f19c67fc700 Generated table #66@1: 13749 keys, 2152668 bytes
2019/11/27-17:33:24.989103 7f19c67fc700 Generated table #67@1: 3216 keys, 496057 bytes
2019/11/27-17:33:24.989124 7f19c67fc700 Compacted 1@1 + 6@2 files => 13414090 bytes
2019/11/27-17:33:24.991134 7f19c67fc700 compacted to: files[ 0 0 7 0 0 0 0 ]
2019/11/27-17:33:24.991291 7f19c67fc700 Delete type=2 #54
2019/11/27-17:33:24.991614 7f19c67fc700 Delete type=2 #55
2019/11/27-17:33:24.991911 7f19c67fc700 Delete type=2 #57
2019/11/27-17:33:24.992187 7f19c67fc700 Delete type=2 #58
2019/11/27-17:33:24.992389 7f19c67fc700 Delete type=2 #60
2019/11/27-17:33:24.992604 7f19c67fc700 Delete type=2 #53
2019/11/27-17:33:24.992893 7f19c67fc700 Delete type=2 #56
Binary file not shown.
Binary file not shown.
Binary file not shown.
Binary file not shown.
Binary file not shown.
Binary file not shown.
Binary file not shown.
Binary file not shown.
Binary file not shown.
Binary file not shown.
Binary file not shown.
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
Empty file.

0 comments on commit 7d26793

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