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from netCDF4 import Dataset
import numpy as np
import matplotlib as mpl
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import Axes3D
from dataPointClass import DataPoint
from dataPointClass import Centroid
from Samples import displaySample1 as ds1
from Samples import displaySample25 as ds25
import copy
import time
import concurrent.futures
bigDataLocation = '/home/jakebs/Second-Year/SecondSemester/BigDataProject/ModelCombined/'
#Loading in dataset as variable fh
fh = Dataset(bigDataLocation, mode = 'r')
#Assigning all the models to variables
Ch = fh.variables['chimere_ozone'][:]
Em = fh.variables['emep_ozone'][:]
Eu = fh.variables['eurad_ozone'][:]
Lo = fh.variables['lotoseuros_ozone'][:]
Ma = fh.variables['match_ozone'][:]
Mo = fh.variables['mocage_ozone'][:]
Si = fh.variables['silam_ozone'][:]
lat = fh.variables['lat'][:]
lon = fh.variables['lon'][:]
modelList = [Ch, Em, Eu, Lo, Ma, Mo, Si]
print("lat: ")
print("lon: ")
def centroidFactory(n):
#There are 7models*400lats*700longs = 1960000 data points in each hour
centroids = [np.random.randint(0, 25) for i in range(n)]
return centroids
def kmCluster(hourData):
#chooses random data points to become the initial centroids
#Because objects are pointers in python, I make copies of random data points to become centroids
#should be 30 centroids
startCentroids = [copy.copy(hourData[c]) for c in centroidFactory(6)]
centroids = [Centroid(, ce.lon, ce.ozone) for ce in startCentroids]
noChange = False
while not noChange:
noChange = True
#for each data point in the input
for i in hourData:
#compare it to each centroid to find the nearest one
for j in centroids:
#distance between centroid and data point
distance = np.sqrt((**2+(j.lon-i.lon)**2+(j.ozone-i.ozone)**2)
#print("distance: " + str(distance))
#if further than previous centroid distance it will update
if distance <= i.centroidD:
i.setCentroid(centroids.index(j), distance)
#the below loop, runs through all of the centroids
for i in centroids:
oldLat =
oldLon = i.lon
oldOzone = i.ozone
totLat = 0
totLon = 0
totOzone = 0
#for every centroid, it goes through the list of its associated data points, and finds the mean values of lat, lon, and ozone.
#these values become the new centroid's position
for j in i.myPoints:
totLat +=
totLon += j.lon
totOzone += j.ozone
if len(i.myPoints) > 0: = totLat/len(i.myPoints)
i.lon = totLon/len(i.myPoints)
i.ozone = totOzone/len(i.myPoints)
#print("New Lat: " + str( + " Old Lat: " + str(oldLat))
#print("New Lon: " + str(i.lon) + " Old Lon: " + str(oldLon))
#print("New Ozone: " + str(i.ozone) + " Old Ozone: " + str(oldOzone))
if round(oldLat, 3) == round(, 3) and round(oldLon, 3) == round(i.lon, 3) and round(oldOzone, 3) == round(i.ozone, 3):
i.changed = False
i.changed = True
#print("Changed: " + str(i.changed))
noChange = False
return hourData, centroids
def getEnsemble(modelList):
#list of 25sub-lists that will hold the data point objects
ensemble = [[] for i in range(25)]
#7 models
for i in range(7):
#25 hours
for j in range(25):
#400 latitude values
for k in range(2):
#700 longitude values
for l in range(2):
point = DataPoint(lat[k], lon[l], modelList[i][j][k][l])
return ensemble
def run1(modelList):
ensemble = getEnsemble(modelList)
CBEOne, centroids = kmCluster(ensemble[0])
ds1(CBEOne, centroids)
def run25(modelList):
start = time.perf_counter()
ensemble = getEnsemble(modelList)
kEnsemble = []
kEntroids = []
for i in range(25):
kHourData, centroids = kmCluster(ensemble[i])
finish = time.perf_counter()
print(f'Single-core finished in {round(finish - start, 3)} Seconds')
ds25(kEnsemble, kEntroids)
def run25MC(modelList):
start = time.perf_counter()
ensemble = getEnsemble(modelList)
kEnsemble = []
kEntroids = []
with concurrent.futures.ProcessPoolExecutor() as executor:
#iterates through ensemble variable (list of data) and uses each item in the list as a parameter of kmCluster
results =, ensemble)
for result in results:
finish = time.perf_counter()
print(f'Multi-core finished in {round(finish - start, 3)} Seconds')
ds25(kEnsemble, kEntroids)
#start = time.perf_counter()
#finish = time.perf_counter()
#print(f'finished in {round(finish-start, 2)} Seconds')