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MKDocs macro module with useful functions when creating tutorials
from io import StringIO
import sys
import math
import os
import builtins
import markdown
# import html
def evalCap(code:str, typed=None, colour=False):
Evaluate given python code, optionally simyulating typed input
code(string): python code to execute
typed(string or None): None, or a string of characters to pipe into standard input
string: the output that the executed code sends to stdout
old_stdout = sys.stdout
redirected_output = sys.stdout = StringIO()
old_stdin = sys.stdin
old_input=builtins.input #Deal with missing carriage returns and invisible input
def myinput(prompt):
data= old_input(prompt)
if colour:
displaydata=f"<span class='code-input'>{data}</span>"
return data
if typed!=None:
sys.stdin = StringIO(typed)
redirected_input = sys.stdin
sys.stdout = old_stdout
sys.stdin = old_stdin
return redirected_output.getvalue()
def define_env(env):
This is the hook for defining variables, macros and filters
- variables: the dictionary that contains the environment variables
- macro: a decorator function, to declare a macro.
# import the predefined macro
fix_url = env.variables.fix_url # make relative urls point to root
def button(label, url):
"Add a button"
url = fix_url(url)
HTML = """<a class='button' href="%s">%s</a>"""
return HTML % (url, label)
def todo(message: str):
Display state span in output
return(f"<div class='todo'>{markdown.markdown(message)}</div>")
def version_info():
if env.variables['extra']['draft']==0:
return f"""
- **Year:** {year}
- **Status:** {draftStatus}
def state(state: str):
Display state span in output
if state.upper()=="A":
text="TODO "
elif state.upper()=="B":
elif state.upper()=="C":
text="DONE "
if env.variables['extra']['draft']!=0:
return(f" <span class='state state-{state}'>[{text}]</span>")
return ""
# @env.macro
# def state(state: str):
# """
# Display state span in output
# """
# return(f"<span class='state-{state}'>{state}</span>")
def code_from_file(fn: str, start: int = None, stop: int = None, flavor: str = "", download=False, execute=False, typed=None, colour=False):
Load code from a file and save as a preformatted code block.
Start and stop can also be used to indicate the starting line and the stopping line
you wish to extract from the file.
If a flavor is specified, it's passed in as a hint for syntax highlighters.
Example usage in markdown:
{{ code_from_file("code/", flavor = "python") }}
{{ code_from_file("code/", 2, 5) }}
{{ code_from_file("code/", stop = 5) }}
{{ code_from_file("code/", 2, 5, "python") }}
docs_dir = env.variables.get("./docs_dir", "docs")
relative_fn = os.path.join(docs_dir, fn)
full_fn = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(docs_dir, fn))
if not os.path.exists(relative_fn):
return f"""<b>File not found: {fn}</b>"""
with open(relative_fn, "r") as f:
fr=str(start or "the beginning")
to=str(stop or "the end")
btn= "" if not download else button("Download this file",fn)
btn=f"<span class='dlbtn'>{btn}</span>"
output=f"<div class='codeblock'><div class='codetitle'><code>{os.path.basename(full_fn)} from {fr} to {to} </code> {btn} </div>\n"
temp = []
x = f.readlines()
# a fix to change python slicing to code line numbers, includes the final integer now.
if start is not None and start > 0:
start = start -1
if stop is not None:
stop = stop + 1
for line in x:
output+=f"""```python \n{code} \n```\n\n"""
if typed!=None:
output+="<div class='codetitle'>Given input</div>\n"
if execute:
output+="<div class='codetitle'>Output</div>\n"
output+=f"""\n<div class="highlight"><pre><span></span><code>{evalCap(code, typed=typed, colour=colour)}</code></pre></div>\n\n\n"""
return output
def external_markdown(fn: str):
Load markdown from files external to the mkdocs root path.
Example usage in markdown:
docs_dir = env.variables.get("docs_dir", "docs")
fn = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(docs_dir, fn))
if not os.path.exists(fn):
return f"""<b>File not found: {fn}</b>"""
with open(fn, "r") as f:
if __name__=="__main__":
print(evalCap("print('hello inception')"))
code="""d=input('enter some text: ')
print(f"You entered '{d}'")
print(evalCap(code, typed="hello"))
print(evalCap(code, typed="hello", colour=True))