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283 lines (263 sloc) 11 KB
import discord, asyncio, random, requests, urllib.request, json, fuzzywuzzy, re
from discord.ext import commands
from discord.ext.commands import Bot
from googletrans import Translator, LANGUAGES
from chatterbot import ChatBot
#Defining Constants
bot = commands.Bot(command_prefix="!")
translator = Translator()
chatterbot = ChatBot("Koneko",
input_adapter = 'chatterbot.input.VariableInputTypeAdapter',
output_adapter ='chatterbot.output.OutputAdapter',
database ='./Database.sqlite3')
TOKEN = "Add your token here."
translator_input = ["translate", "translator", "say"]
weather_input = ["weather"]
places_input = []
cat_input = ["cat", "cats", "neko", "kitten", "pussy"]
places_input = ["show", "places"]
directions_input = ["directions", "way", "path"]
dictionary_input = ["definition", "define"]
removal_list = ["," , "?", "!", ".", "to", "please", "in", " "]
function_list = []
weather = ""
googleMaps = 'AIzaSyAVOc0sbhcT5aSFmDshPka9f20dIy_TMNc'
apiKey = "AIzaSyAu107Z8Uys2Fo9jTTS5VHcxkpLmAQgJR4"
jsonUrl = ""
jsonUrlDetails = ""
cat_api_url = ",png,gif&format=json&order=RANDOM&page=0&limit=1"
catfact_api_url = ""
app_id ='7e4be9f6'
app_key ='fc87aebac9c9f6396cb8ec2922037763'
key = 'AIzaSyAVOc0sbhcT5aSFmDshPka9f20dIy_TMNc'
TAG_RE = re.compile(r'<[^>]+>')
m = open("encrypted_list.txt","r")
readEncrypted =
splitEncrypted = readEncrypted.split("\n")
decrypted_list = []
decrypted_text = ""
for c in splitEncrypted:
for c1 in c:
x = ord(c1)
x = x - 1
c2 = chr(x)
decrypted_text = decrypted_text + c2
decrypted_text = ""
#Defining Functions
async def on_ready():
async def translating(message):
"""Translates a specific part of the user input, indicated by "'". """
if len(function_list) != 0:
user_input = message.content.lower()
separate = user_input.split("'")
if len(separate) == 3:
sentence = separate[1]
language = separate[2]
for character in removal_list:
language = language.replace(character, "")
language = language.strip()
for key in LANGUAGES: #a dictionary with all the languages the module supports (en:english, fr:french...)
if LANGUAGES[key] == language:
language = key
result = translator.translate(sentence, dest=language, src="auto")
await bot.send_message(, result.text)
return True
await bot.send_message(, "Specify what you want me to translate with a quotation :).")
await bot.send_message(, "Ex.: Can you translate 'how are you?' to french?")
async def chat(message):
"""Chatterbot module function"""
response = chatterbot.get_response(message.content)
response = str(response)
wordsList = response.split(" ")
for i in range(len(wordsList)):
if wordsList[i] in decrypted_list:
wordsList[i] = "%$@:!"
response = " ".join(wordsList)
await bot.send_message(, response)
async def cat(message):
"""Outputs a cat fact along with a cat image"""
if len(function_list) != 0:
data_list = requests.get(cat_api_url).json()
data_dict = data_list[0]
image = data_dict["url"]
data_list = requests.get(catfact_api_url).json()["all"]
data_dict = data_list[random.randint(0, len(data_list))]
fact = data_dict["text"]
await bot.send_message(, (fact + "\n" + image))
return True
async def weatherer(message):
if len(function_list) != 0:
user_input = message.content
weather = ""
wordlist = user_input.split()
city = wordlist[-1]
for character in removal_list:
if character in city:
city = city.replace(character, "")
city = city.strip()
url = (weather)+(city)
data = requests.get(url).json()
weatherDesc = data["weather"][0]["main"]
temperature = round(float(data["main"]["temp"] - (273.15)),1)
weatherWriting = "The weather is "
temperatureWriting = "The temperature is "
await bot.send_message(, (str(weatherWriting) + (weatherDesc) + " in " + str(city)))
await bot.send_message(, (str(temperatureWriting) + str(temperature) + "°C"))
return True
async def places(message):
if len(function_list) != 0:
#message from user
#message from user
message1 = message.content.lower()
separated_list = message1.split()
#we assume the last 3 words of setence is "place in location"
meIndex = separated_list.index("me")
inIndex = separated_list.index("in")
type = separated_list[(meIndex+1):inIndex]
location = separated_list[(inIndex+1):(len(separated_list)+1)]
#formats the words to be read in the url
typeC = "+".join(type)
locationC = "+".join(location)
#creates the first url to get place id
urlAdd1 = 'query={}+in+{}&key={}'.format(typeC,locationC,apiKey) #it's what we're going to add to json url
url1 = jsonUrl + urlAdd1
data1 = urllib.request.urlopen(url1).read().decode('utf-8')
jsonDict = json.loads(data1) #Turns the json file into a dictionary that can be used
#getting the place_id from jsonUrl
placeIDList = []
n = len(jsonDict["results"])
for size in range(n):
#sorts out the places_id
placeID = jsonDict["results"][size]["place_id"]
placeIDList.insert(-1, placeID)
#grabs the place id, to form an url
for pID in placeIDList:
#second url
urlAdd2 = 'placeid={}&fields=name,website,rating,opening_hours,formatted_address,formatted_phone_number&key={}'.format(pID,apiKey)
url2 = jsonUrlDetails + urlAdd2
data2 = urllib.request.urlopen(url2).read().decode('utf-8')
jsonDict2 = json.loads(data2)
results = jsonDict2["result"]
#creating variables of all the info we need
name = results.get("name")
address = results.get("formatted_address")
phone_number = results.get("formatted_phone_number")
website = results.get("website")
rating = results.get("rating")
#getting if the restaurant is open or not
openNow = jsonDict2['result']['opening_hours']['open_now']
if openNow == True:
openNow = "Yes"
elif openNow == False:
openNow = "No"
openingHours = "\n".join(jsonDict2['result']['opening_hours']['weekday_text'])
msg_results = "--------" + "\nName: " + str(name) + "\nAddress: " + str(address) \
+ "\nPhone Number: " + str(phone_number) + "\nWebsite: " + str(website) \
+ "\nRating: " + str(rating) +"\nIs it open? " + str(openNow) \
+ "\nOpening hours:\n" + str(openingHours)
await bot.send_message(, msg_results)
await bot.send_message(, "No matches were found.")
return True
async def dictionary(message):
if len(function_list) != 0:
word_id = message.content.split(" ")[-1]
url = '' + '/' + word_id.lower()
r = requests.get(url, headers = {'app_id': app_id, 'app_key': app_key})
data = json.loads(r.text)
definitions = ''.join(data["results"][0]["lexicalEntries"][0]["entries"][0]["senses"][0]["definitions"])
etymo = ''.join(data["results"][0]["lexicalEntries"][0]["entries"][0]["etymologies"][0])
await bot.send_message(, etymo)
print("Word has no history")
await bot.send_message(,"The definition is: " + definitions)
await bot.send_message(, (data["results"][0]["lexicalEntries"][0]["entries"][0]["grammaticalFeatures"][0]["text"]))
async def directionsreece(message):
#we assume the format is - directions from (location) to (location)
if len(function_list) != 0:
wordList = message.content.split(" ")
fromindex = wordList.index("from")
toindex = wordList.index("to")
start = wordList[fromindex+1:toindex]
start = ' '.join(start)
end = wordList[(toindex+1):(len(wordList)+1)]
end = ' '.join(end)
directions = ''+start+'&destination='+end+'&key='
url = directions+key
data = requests.get(url).json()
routes = data['routes'][0]
travelInfo = routes['legs']
steps = travelInfo[0]['steps']
distance = travelInfo[0]['distance']
duration = travelInfo[0]['duration']
distance1 = distance['text']
duration1 = duration['text']
for i in range(len(steps)):
followme = (steps[i]['html_instructions'])
followme = TAG_RE.sub('',followme)
await bot.send_message(, "Directions: " + followme)
await bot.send_message(, "The distance is: " + distance1)
await bot.send_message(, "The duration is: +" + duration1)
async def on_message(message):
"""Main function"""
#Prevents the chatbot from taking its own messages as input.
if is True:
for word in message.content.split(" ") :
if word in decrypted_list:
await bot.send_message(, "Whoopsie daisy, you shouldn't say such profanities. Have a cat instead ! ")
await cat(message)
for word in translator_input:
if word in message.content:
await translating(message)
for word in cat_input:
if word in message.content:
await cat(message)
for word in weather_input:
if word in message.content:
await weatherer(message)
for word in places_input:
if word in message.content:
await places(message)
for word in directions_input:
if word in message.content:
await directionsreece(message)
for word in dictionary_input:
if word in message.content:
await dictionary(message)
if len(function_list) == 0:
await chat(message)
function_list.remove("called") #Change the ^variable^ to your token