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Split character selection to its own class
  • Loading branch information
mateussa committed Mar 6, 2018
1 parent 24486f5 commit 16158f37ed2049c58115f2aa46c5e619e2ff8dcd
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Showing 6 changed files with 371 additions and 324 deletions.
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
#include <vector>
#include <array>
#include <map>
#include <memory>
#include <windows.h>
#include <mysql.h>

using namespace std;

class LevelManager;

class CharacterSelection
CharacterSelection(shared_ptr<LevelManager> lvlman);

void ShowSelectionScreen();


weak_ptr<LevelManager> lvlManager;

// Print array to screen
void selCharPrintOptions(array<string, 12> &mOptions, int &c);
// White space between char info
void selCharWhiteSpaceDivider(array<string, 12> &mOptions, int &c);
// Screen to create character
void selCharCreateNew(MYSQL *connection);
// Delete character
void selCharDelete(MYSQL *connection, int charID, string name);

@@ -14,6 +14,7 @@ class Player;
class Enemy;
class ScoreTime;
class EnemyAI;
class CharacterSelection;

class LevelManager : public std::enable_shared_from_this<LevelManager>
@@ -24,6 +25,7 @@ class LevelManager : public std::enable_shared_from_this<LevelManager>
void BuildLevel();

shared_ptr<UI> ui;
shared_ptr<CharacterSelection> cSelection;
Player *player;
@@ -124,14 +124,6 @@ class UI
void PrintUOptions();
// Screen for gameover
void ShowGameOver();
// Print array to screen
void selCharPrintOptions(array<string, 12> &mOptions, int &c);
// White space between char info
void selCharWhiteSpaceDivider(array<string, 12> &mOptions, int c);
// Screen to create character
void selCharCreateNew(MYSQL *connection);
// Delete character
void selCharDelete(MYSQL *connection, int charID, string name);


@@ -0,0 +1,329 @@
#include "CharacterSelection.h"
#include "UI.h"
#include "Player.h"
#include "UIHelpers.h"

using namespace UIHelpers;

CharacterSelection::CharacterSelection(shared_ptr<LevelManager> lvlman)
lvlManager = lvlman;

//Show player character selection screen
void CharacterSelection::ShowSelectionScreen()
if(shared_ptr<LevelManager> lvlman = lvlManager.lock())

bool selected = false;

MYSQL *connection;
connection = mysql_init(0);
MYSQL_RES *result;

mysql_real_connect(connection, "", "jessepre", "Mazeraider123?", "jessepre_mazeraider", 0, NULL, 0);
cout << "Failed to connect to the database." << endl;

cout << endl;
PrintC(" ___ _ _ _ ");
cout << endl;
PrintC(R"( / __\| |__ ___ ___ ___ ___ _ _ ___ _ _ _ __ ___ | |__ __ _ _ __ __ _ ___ | |_ ___ _ __ )");
cout << endl;
PrintC(R"( / / | '_ \ / _ \ / _ \ / __| / _ \ | | | | / _ \ | | | || '__| / __|| '_ \ / _` || '__|/ _` | / __|| __|/ _ \| '__|)");
cout << endl;
PrintC(R"(/ /___ | | | || (_) || (_) |\__ \| __/ | |_| || (_) || |_| || | | (__ | | | || (_| || | | (_| || (__ | |_| __/| | )");
cout << endl;
PrintC(R"(\____/ |_| |_| \___/ \___/ |___/ \___| \__, | \___/ \__,_||_| \___||_| |_| \__,_||_| \__,_| \___| \__|\___||_| )");
cout << endl;
PrintC(R"( |___/ )");
cout << endl;

cout << endl << endl;

string query = SQLPrepare("SELECT pc.char_id,, pc.mesh,, pc.armour, pc.attack_power, w.weapon_id, "
"w.weapon_name, w.weapon_power, w.attack_type, w.attack_colour, pc.heal_power, pc.defence_type, pc.defence_colour, pc.heal_type, pc.heal_colour "
"FROM user_info i, PlayerChar pc, Weapon w WHERE i.user_id = %? AND i.user_id = pc.player_id AND pc.weapon_id = w.weapon_id "
"ORDER BY DESC", lvlman->getPlayerID());

if (mysql_query(connection, query.c_str()))
cout << mysql_error(connection) << endl;

result = mysql_store_result(connection);

map<int, map<string, int>> charOptions; // i count - Stats
map<int, string> charNames; // Char id - Name
map<int, pair<string, int>> charWeapons; // Weapon id - [Weapon name - Weapon power]
array<string, 12> meshOptions; // 0 - 7 = Mesh | 8 = White Space | 9 = Name | 10 = Health | 11 = Weapon
int charsPerLine = 4;
int c = 0;
int i = 1;
while((row = mysql_fetch_row(result)) != NULL)

// Print array to screen
if(c >= charsPerLine)
selCharPrintOptions(meshOptions, c);

for(unsigned line = 0; line < lvlman->ui->playerMesh[atoi(row[2])].size(); line++)
meshOptions[line] += " " + lvlman->ui->playerMesh[atoi(row[2])][line] + " ";
meshOptions[line] += bsLeftRightLines;

// White space between char info
if(c >= 1)
selCharWhiteSpaceDivider(meshOptions, c);

// Name
meshOptions[9] += " " + to_string(i) + ". " + row[1];

// Health
meshOptions[10] += " Health: " + to_string(atoi(row[3]));

// Weapon
meshOptions[11] += " ";
meshOptions[11] += row[7];

charNames[atoi(row[0])] = row[1];

charOptions[i]["id"] = atoi(row[0]);
charOptions[i]["mesh"] = atoi(row[2]);
charOptions[i]["health"] = atoi(row[3]);
charOptions[i]["armour"] = atoi(row[4]);
charOptions[i]["attack_power"] = atoi(row[5]);
charOptions[i]["weapon_id"] = atoi(row[6]);
charOptions[i]["attack_type"] = atoi(row[9]);
charOptions[i]["attack_colour"] = atoi(row[10]);
charOptions[i]["heal_power"] = atoi(row[11]);
charOptions[i]["defence_type"] = atoi(row[12]);
charOptions[i]["defence_colour"] = atoi(row[13]);
charOptions[i]["heal_type"] = atoi(row[14]);
charOptions[i]["heal_colour"] = atoi(row[15]);

if(charWeapons.find(atoi(row[6])) == charWeapons.end())
charWeapons[atoi(row[6])] = make_pair(row[7], atoi(row[8]));


// If there is still something to print on the array
if(meshOptions[0] != "")
selCharPrintOptions(meshOptions, c);

cout << endl;
PrintC(to_string(i) + ". Create new character");
cout << endl;
PrintC(to_string(i + 1) + ". Delete character");
cout << endl << endl;

int selection;
selection = requestFromUser<int>("Choose an option: ", 1, i + 2);

if(selection == i) // Create character

else if(selection == i + 1) // Delete character
int c;
cout << endl;
c = requestFromUser<int>(lvlman, "Select character: ", 1, i + 1);

selCharDelete(connection, charOptions[c]["id"], charNames[charOptions[c]["id"]]);
lvlman->player->pCharID = charOptions[selection]["id"];
lvlman->player->pName = charNames[charOptions[selection]["id"]];
lvlman->player->pMesh = charOptions[selection]["mesh"];
lvlman->player->pHealth = charOptions[selection]["health"];
lvlman->player->pDamage = charOptions[selection]["attack_power"];
lvlman->player->pArmour = charOptions[selection]["armour"];
lvlman->player->pWeapon = charWeapons[charOptions[selection]["weapon_id"]];
lvlman->player->pHealPower = charOptions[selection]["heal_power"];
lvlman->player->pAttackType = charOptions[selection]["attack_type"];
lvlman->player->pAttackColour = charOptions[selection]["attack_colour"];
lvlman->player->pDefenceType = charOptions[selection]["defence_type"];
lvlman->player->pDefenceColour = charOptions[selection]["defence_colour"];
lvlman->player->pHealType = charOptions[selection]["heal_type"];
lvlman->player->pHealColour = charOptions[selection]["heal_colour"];

selected = true;

// Print array to screen
void CharacterSelection::selCharPrintOptions(array<string, 12> &mOptions, int &c)
selCharWhiteSpaceDivider(mOptions, c);

for(unsigned l = 0; l < mOptions.size(); l++)
if(l >= mOptions.size() - 2)
PrintC(mOptions[l], 8);

cout << endl;
mOptions[l] = "";

cout << endl << endl;
c = 0;

// White space between char info
void CharacterSelection::selCharWhiteSpaceDivider(array<string, 12> &mOptions, int &c)
int s = ((28 * c) - mOptions[9].size() + c) - 1;
for(int w = 0; w < s; w++)
mOptions[9] += " ";

s = ((28 * c) - mOptions[10].size() + c) - 1;
for(int w = 0; w < s; w++)
mOptions[10] += " ";

s = ((28 * c) - mOptions[11].size() + c) - 1;
for(int w = 0; w < s; w++)
mOptions[11] += " ";

mOptions[9] += bsLeftRightLines;
mOptions[10] += bsLeftRightLines;
mOptions[11] += bsLeftRightLines;


// Screen to create character
void CharacterSelection::selCharCreateNew(MYSQL *connection)
if(shared_ptr<LevelManager> lvlman = lvlManager.lock())

// Get a random weapon from database
string query = "SELECT weapon_id, weapon_name, weapon_power FROM Weapon ORDER BY RAND() LIMIT 1";

if (mysql_query(connection, query.c_str()))
cout << mysql_error(connection) << endl;

MYSQL_RES *result = mysql_store_result(connection);
MYSQL_ROW row = mysql_fetch_row(result);

// Randomize stats
string name;
int mesh;
int health = rand() % 200 + 90; // 90 - 200
int armour = rand() % 10; // 0 - 9
int attack_power = rand() % 30 + 10; // 10 - 29
int weapon_id = atoi(row[0]);
int heal_power = rand() % 20; // 0 - 19
int defenceType = rand() % 2; // 0 - 1
int defenceColour = rand() % 16 + 1; // 1 - 15
int healType = rand() % 2; // 0 - 1
int healColour = rand() % 16 + 1; // 1 - 15

// Show random stats
cout << endl;
PrintC(" -----------------------");
cout << endl;

PrintC(" Health: ", 8);
PrintC(to_string(health), 15);
cout << endl;
PrintC(" Armour: ", 8);
PrintC(to_string(armour), 15);
cout << endl;
PrintC(" Damage: ", 8);
PrintC(to_string(attack_power + atoi(row[2])), 15);
PrintC("/ " + to_string(attack_power), 8);
cout << endl;
PrintC(" Weapon: ", 8);
PrintC(row[1], 15);
cout << endl;
PrintC(" Heal Power: ", 8);
PrintC(to_string(heal_power), 15);

cout << endl;
PrintC(" -----------------------");
cout << endl << endl;

// Show meshes
for(int i = 0; i < 8; i++) // Lines to print
for(unsigned a = 0; a < lvlman->ui->playerMesh.size(); a++) // Number character mesh
PrintC(" " + lvlman->ui->playerMesh[a][i] + " ");

cout << endl;

// Show choice numbers
for(unsigned i = 1; i <= lvlman->ui->playerMesh.size(); i++)
string number = " " + to_string(i) + ". ";
for(unsigned w = 0; w <= (25 - number.size()); w++)
PrintC(" ");
cout << endl;

mesh = requestFromUser<int>("Choose character: ", 1, lvlman->ui->playerMesh.size() + 1);
name = requestFromUser<string>("Character name: ");

string createQuery = SQLPrepare("INSERT INTO PlayerChar(player_id, name, mesh, health, armour, attack_power, "
"weapon_id, heal_power, defence_type, defence_colour, heal_type, heal_colour) "
"VALUES (%?, '%?', %?, %?, %?, %?, %?, %?, %?, %?, %?, %?)", lvlManager.lock()->getPlayerID(), name, mesh - 1, health, armour,
attack_power, weapon_id, heal_power, defenceType, defenceColour, healType, healColour);

if (mysql_query(connection, createQuery.c_str()))
cout << mysql_error(connection) << endl;
PrintC(name + " created.");


// Delete character
void CharacterSelection::selCharDelete(MYSQL *connection, int charID, string name)
string deleteQuery = SQLPrepare("DELETE FROM PlayerChar WHERE char_id = %?", charID);
string safety = requestFromUser<string>("ARE YOU 100% SURE YOU WANT TO DELETE -> " + name + " [y/n]: ");

if(toLower(safety) != "y" && toLower(safety) != "yes")
PrintC("Good you thought twice :)");

PrintC("It's sad to see " + name + " go... :(", 15);
cout << endl;

if (mysql_query(connection, deleteQuery.c_str()))
cout << mysql_error(connection) << endl;
PrintC(name + " deleted.");


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