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Get a copy of the source code from the GitHub Repo It doesn't matter if you clone the repository or get the zip file.

Once you have the code navigate to its location using the command line.

C:\Users\dang> cd reMarkable
dang@dang-laptop ~/Github$ cd reMarkAble
dang@dang-laptop ~/Github/reMarkAble$

Installation in a virtual environment

Virtual environments (venv) give us a way of sandboxing python software we install. It means that they are not installed in the global path. Personally, as a developer, I prefer this as it means I don't get caught out by dependencies or clutter up my Python name space with cruft.

We can create a venv

python -m venv env

Each time we want to use the code we need to access enter the virtual environment. We can do this in Linux / mac with

$ source env/bin/activate

or Windows

C:\> env\Scripts\activate.bat


We can now install the program using the setup script.

(env) dang@dang-laptop ~/Github/reMarkAble$ python install

running install
running bdist_egg
running egg_info

... <SNIP> ...

Finished processing dependencies for remarkable==0.3.1

And check things have installed correctly:

(env) dang@dang-laptop ~/Github/reMarkAble$ remarkable -h

usage: remarkable [-h] [-t TEMPLATE] [-d TEMPLATEDIR] [-o OUTPUT] [-v] filename

Tool to convert markdown documents into report and make parts of marking less painful

positional arguments:
  filename              File to Convert

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -t TEMPLATE, --template TEMPLATE
                        Template file to use for rendering
                        Local template directory
  -o OUTPUT, --output OUTPUT
                        Name of output file
  -v, --verbose         Log level verbosity. (-vv = Pink Lady Mode)

Optional: Run the Unit-tests

$ python test
running pytest

... <SNIP> ...
====================== test session starts ======================
platform linux -- Python 3.8.3, pytest-5.4.3, py-1.9.0, pluggy-0.13.1
rootdir: /home/dang/Github/reMarkAble
collected 66 items                                              

test/ ......                            [  9%]
test/ ........................            [ 45%]
test/ ...............                       [ 68%]
test/ ...........                           [ 84%]
test/ ..........                          [100%]

====================== 66 passed in 0.29s =======================

If any tests fail, drop me a message so I can try to work out what has happened.