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4061CEM - Programming and Algorithms 1
  • Setting up the Development Environment

Setting up the Development Environment

As part of this module, you will be expected to grow accustomed to the Linux operating system and the variety of Linux commands. Before you begin working on the lab activities for this module, you first need to set up your development environment. This is the area you are going to work on lab activities and coursework for this module; but may also be useful for other modules. The tutorials provided will guide you through the process of setting up the development environment on your Chromebook (using Linux) or through a Linux-based virtual machine.

Using the Chromebook for Development

If you are in possession of a ChromeBook, then as it stands, this is not useful for this module and some work is required to make it usable. There are various tutorials you can follow that has been created to get Linux working on these machines. Only one of these methods require to be completed, choose the one you feel is most convenient for you:

  1. ChromeOS and Linux Desktop
  2. ChromeOS and Linux Terminal

Using your Personal Machine

Alternatively, you may want to forego using the Chromebook and use your own personal machine. In this instance, there are a few methods of doing this:

  1. Installing Linux as your main operating system
  2. Dual-booting Linux and Windows
  3. Using a Virtual Machine within macOS or Windows

If you want to install Linux as your main operating system, or dual-boot it alongside Windows; the module team do not provide instructions or guides on how to do this. However, there are numerous guides available online; but keep in mind that you do this at your own risk. The module team will not take blame for any issues caused by you attempting to install Linux as your main operating system or dual-booting.

For this module, you are recommended to use the virtual machine that is provided. A guide has been provided on how to set up the virtual machine on macOS and Windows. You can access these guides at the following links:

The virtual machine will consist of all the necessary software and tools required for this module. You may find some software and tools are missing for other modules you may partake on this course. You can ask for a list of this software from the relevant module leaders; or alternatively use the virtual machine they provide.