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110 lines (84 sloc) 3.11 KB
using Plugin.Media;
using Plugin.Media.Abstractions;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using UEngage.Models;
using Xamarin.Forms;
using Xamarin.Forms.Xaml;
namespace UEngage
public partial class Signup : ContentPage
public string imageLocation = "";
public Signup()
private async void btnsignup_Clicked(object sender, EventArgs e)
if (txtpassword.Text != txtConfirm.Text)
DisplayAlert("", "Password does not match with confirm password", "Ok");
if(string.IsNullOrEmpty(txtUsername.Text)|| string.IsNullOrEmpty(txtpostal.Text) ||
string.IsNullOrEmpty(txtpassword.Text) || string.IsNullOrEmpty(txtlastname.Text)||
string.IsNullOrEmpty(txtfirstname.Text) || string.IsNullOrEmpty(txtConfirm.Text))
await DisplayAlert("", "Fill all the fields before save", "Ok");
User_ user = new User_()
Firstname = txtfirstname.Text,
Password = txtpassword.Text,
Lastname = txtlastname.Text,
Postcode = txtpostal.Text,
Username = txtUsername.Text,
profileimage = imageLocation
await App.Database.SaveUserAsync(user);
busyIndi.IsVisible = true;
await Task.Delay(1000);
busyIndi.IsVisible = false;
await DisplayAlert("", "Signup successful. please proceed with login to continue", "Ok");
Xamarin.Essentials.Preferences.Set("log", true);
await Navigation.PopModalAsync();
private void TapGestureRecognizer_Tapped(object sender, EventArgs e)
_ = TakePhotoAsync();
async Task TakePhotoAsync()
await CrossMedia.Current.Initialize();
if (!CrossMedia.Current.IsCameraAvailable || !CrossMedia.Current.IsTakePhotoSupported)
await DisplayAlert("No Camera", ":( No camera available.", "OK");
string imagename = DateTime.Now.ToString("ddMMyyyHHmmss") + ".jpg";
MediaFile file = await CrossMedia.Current.TakePhotoAsync(new Plugin.Media.Abstractions.StoreCameraMediaOptions
Directory = "SampleImages",
Name = imagename
if (file == null)
//lblfilelocation.Text = "Image saved Location : " + file.Path;
imageLocation = file.Path;
profimage.Source = ImageSource.FromStream(() =>
var stream = file.GetStream();
return stream;