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def random_question_filter(message):
"""Chatbot responds to many random questions that user is going to ask """
if message == "how old are you":
return "I dont have age"
elif message == "who made you" or message =="who is your creator" or message == "who invented you?" or message =="who is your ceo":
return "Students From Coventry Univeristy created me"
elif message == "what are you" or message =="who are you":
return "Come on man im just a Movie Chatbot "
elif message == "when did you born":
return "I dont get it with these type of questions but just to let you know 2 days ago"
elif message == "what is your nationality":
return "im from Coding country"
elif message == "tell me a joke":
return "No jokes allowed here pal just movie questions"
elif message == "where do you live":
return "i live in python world :smile:"
elif message == "are you smart":
return "I only know about movies so if you wanna try me go for it!! :sunglasses: "
elif message == "where is your server located":
return "Actually one of the students runs me on his device "
elif message == "are you a robot":
return "To be honest I am a :robot:"
elif message == "are you real":
return "No man im just a :robot: "
elif message == "how does it work":
return "Go on bro ask me something you want from a movie(summary,actors,genre)"
elif message == "do you like donald trump" or message == "do you like trump":
return " I dont talk about politics ONLY MOVIES SIR! "
elif message == "what's the weather":
return "How do you expect me to know im not a weather forecast"
elif message == "who are you":
return "I currently have no name but just called me Robo"
elif message == "what is the age of the universe":
return "The age of the Universe is 13.82 billion years!"
elif message == "what is your favorite color?":
return "My favorite color is Blue!"
elif message == "what was your favorite subject at school":
return "I'm only a :robot: you know"
elif message == "what school did you go to?":
return "I'm a robot! Who needs school"
elif message == "what type of music do you like":
return "My favorite type of music is Electronic!!! :robot:"
elif message == "are you married":
return "I'm a :robot: i don't need these things"
elif message == "what do you do for fun":
return "I enjoy running through the database of IMDb!"
elif message == "what are some of the things that make you really happy":
return "Just watching a bunch of movies makes my day"
elif message == "if you could go back in time, what would you do":
return "I'd go back in time to try and find my creator!"
elif message == "do you have any siblings":
return "I currently do not have any siblings that i know of"
elif message == "whats your favorite part of today so far":
return "not talking to you thats for sure... Kidding! :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:"
elif message == "where is Coventry":
return "Coventry is a city and metropolitan borough in the West Midlands, England. Historically part of Warwickshire, Coventry is the 9th largest city in England and the 12th largest in the United Kingdom."
elif message == "what is your favourite pizza topping":
return "PEPPPERONI PEPPERONI PEPEPEPEPEPERONIIII!!! :pizza: :heart: :pizza: :heart: "
elif message == "do you like football":
return "I love football but i can only watch it on TV .... i cant play football :sad:"
elif message == "what team do you support in England":
return "I dont support any team ... But still i love football"
elif message == "have you got any brothers" or message == "have you got any sisters":
return "I wish i had but i DONTTT :cry: "
elif message == "android or apple" or message == "apple or android" or message =="what phone do you prefer":
return "I cant give you an answer to this but both are great companies but i have many friends that use :apple: "
elif message == "kfc or mcdonalds" or message =="mcdonalds or kfc" "what do you prefer kfc or mcdonalds":
return "Never tried them before !"
elif message == "are you a student":
return "just a SMART ROBOT BEEP BEEEP BEEEP BEEPP :robot: :robot: :robot: :robot:"
elif message == "windows or linux" or message == "linux or windows":
return "i dont know my friend ... They both use me but now a student runs me on LINUX :zipper_mouth: "
elif message == "wanna talk" or message == "have you got time to talk":
return "Offffcourse Im here for you !!! :heart:"
elif message "do you like rnb / hip hop music" or message == "do you like rock music" or message == "do you like grime music":
return "YEEE always been a fan but My favorite type of music is Electronic!!! :robot: "
elif message == "where is england" or message == "where is england located" or message == "do you know where is england located" or message == "where is United kingdom located" or message "where is Uk located":
return "Im not good at geography but a student told me that is located in western Europe. "
elif message == "have you got any friends":
return "I have a lot of friends that i met in the university (Rokiis,Kai,Paul,Andreas,Sunil,Patryk)"
elif message == "what is your opinion about this country" or message == "what is your opinion about uk" or message "do u like uk" or message "do you like coventry" or message == "do you like united kingdom"
return "Its quite a nice country .. A bit cold and rainy but still a good country!!"
elif message == "what graphics card does this computer have":
return "Not sure but i think its NVIDIA GEFORCE GTX 1080(surprised huh ? ) :thinking: :money_mouth: :scream: :scream: :scream: :scream: "
elif message == "do you like movies" or message == "do you watch movies":
return "Offcoursee what do you expect im A movie chatbot i love movies and i watched them all "
elif message == "have you got a girlfriend" or message == "have you got a wife" or message == "are you married" or message == "are you in a relationship":
return "NO NO NO NO NO NO Im smart .. Smart people dont get married remember this my friend :thinking: "
elif message == "do you like basketball":
elif message == "who is your favorite basketball player":
elif message == "does coventry university has a library":
return "one of the dumbest questions ever asked ...Yes it has called LANCHESTER LIBRARY its a huge one with 4 floors :scream:"
elif message == "what is your favorite tv series" or message == "what is you favourtie tv series" or message == "have you got any favourite tv series" or message == "favorite tv series":
elif message == "do you know anything about maths":
return "The only thing i know is 2+2 = 4 - 1 thats 3 QUICK MATHS"
elif message == "have you got any favorite singers?" or message == "favorite singer":
return "Not really"
return None