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@app.route('/add', methods=['POST'])
def add_product_to_cart():
Takes no paramethis inputs, will take inputs from form which adds products to the cart and will then use data from the products database to add costs and book codes
will then also link to the simple payments project to create a checkout when the user checkouts the products.
cursor = None
_quantity = int(request.form['quantity'])
_code = request.form['code']
# forms which take input for the quanityt of books being added and adding the books to the cart
if _quantity and _code and request.method == 'POST':
con = sqlite3.connect('products.db')
cur = con.cursor();
cur.execute("SELECT * FROM products WHERE code=?;", [_code])
row = cur.fetchone()
#connects to the product database and look for the product details and then add them to an array
itemArray = { row[2] : {'name' : row[1], 'code' : row[2], 'quantity' : _quantity, 'price' : row[4], 'image' : row[3], 'total_price': _quantity * row[4]}}
print('itemArray is', itemArray)
all_total_price = 0
all_total_quantity = 0
session.modified = True
if 'cart_item' in session:
print('in session')
#This will check if the code for the book selected is within the cart and make sure to adjust the quantity depending on how many are added to the cart
if row[2] in session['cart_item']:
for key, value in session['cart_item'].items():
if row[2] == key:
old_quantity = session['cart_item'][key]['quantity']
total_quantity = old_quantity + _quantity
session['cart_item'][key]['quantity'] = total_quantity
session['cart_item'][key]['total_price'] = total_quantity * row[4]
session['cart_item'] = array_merge(session['cart_item'], itemArray)
for key, value in session['cart_item'].items():
individual_quantity = int(session['cart_item'][key]['quantity'])
individual_price = float(session['cart_item'][key]['total_price'])
all_total_quantity = all_total_quantity + individual_quantity
all_total_price = all_total_price + individual_price
#this will check for the price and adjust the price within the cart
session['cart_item'] = itemArray
all_total_quantity = all_total_quantity + _quantity
all_total_price = all_total_price + _quantity * row[4]
session['all_total_quantity'] = all_total_quantity
session['all_total_price'] = all_total_price
checksumstr = f"pid={pid:s}&sid={sid:s}&amount={all_total_price:.1f}&token={secret:s}" #this will use the variables sid, pid and the secret token to form the checksum which will form a secure connection to the payment system allowing payments to go through
#print('checksumstr is', checksumstr)
checksum = md5(checksumstr.encode('utf-8')).hexdigest()
session['checksum'] = checksum
#print('checksum is', checksum)
session['sid'] = sid
session['pid'] = pid
return redirect(url_for('.home'))
return 'Error while adding item to cart'
except Exception as e: