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morarul committed Mar 20, 2020
1 parent f059819 commit 7b465cad2e208dd39f1d1e51cacd9ab4ebfe13b5
Showing 1 changed file with 207 additions and 0 deletions.
207 b
@@ -0,0 +1,207 @@
#include <iostream>
#include "Character.h"
#include "Fight.h"
#include "Items.h"
#include "Minigame.h"

int main()
cout << " Welcome to Dead Man's Reality " << endl << "To begin, enter your name:";
string Username; cin >> Username;
string _name;
int hp, at, sp, def;
cout << Username << ", it's time to choose your class." << endl << endl;;
cout << "Warrior(Improved attack and defence <1>" << endl << endl;
cout << "Mage (Improved health and defence) <2>" << endl << endl;
cout << "Assassin (Improved attack and speed) <3>" << endl << endl;
cout << "Which would you choose? ";
int answer; cin >> answer;
_name = "Warrior";
hp = 150;
def = 30;
at = 20;
sp = 20;
if (answer == 2)

_name = "Mage";
hp = 200;
def = 10;
at = 40;
sp = 20;
if (answer == 3)
_name = "Assassin";
hp = 130;
def = 25;
at = 20;
sp = 30;
if ((answer != 1 && answer != 2) && answer != 3)
throw std::runtime_error("Invalid choice!");
Character Player(_name, hp, at, def, sp);
cout << "Your choice is " << Player << endl;
Character* pointerPlayer = &Player;
Character Zombie("Zombie", 150, 20, 20, 15);
Character Skeleton("Skeleton", 100, 30, 10, 40);
Character Golem("Golem", 200, 40, 50, 10);

std::vector<Character> characterList;
int i;
/* std::cout << "Enter your stage progress:" << std::endl;
std::cin >> i;*/
i = 0;
cout << "You enter into a dungeon. " << endl;

while (i < characterList.size())
int number = characterList.size() - i;
cout << number << " enemies alive."<<endl;
std::cout << "You encounter an enemy: " << characterList[i] << std::endl;
std::cout << "Choose your action:" << std::endl;
if (i != characterList.size() - 1)
std::cout << "Fight[1] Run[2]" << std::endl;
if (i == characterList.size() - 1)
std::cout << "This is the last fight" << std::endl;
std::cout << "Fight[1]" << std::endl;
int action;
std::cin >> action;
if (action == 1)

std::cout << "You entered into a battle. Choose your action: " << std::endl;
//fight the monster
Character* pointerEnemy = &characterList[i];
Fight(pointerPlayer, pointerEnemy);
//kill him, deconstruct the object of the class
//change the value of i to i+1
if (Player.dead == true)

if (i == 0&&"Warrior")
Item Sword("Sword", 80, 20, 0, 0);
Item* pSword = &Sword;
Equip(pointerPlayer, pSword);
if (i == 0&&"Mage")
Item Staff("Staff", 80, 20, 0, 0);
Item* pStaff= &Staff;
Equip(pointerPlayer, pStaff);
if (i == 0&&"Assassin")
Item Dagger("Dagger", 80, 20, 0, 0);
Item* pDagger = &Dagger;
Equip(pointerPlayer, pDagger);
if (i == 1&&"Warrior")
Item Shield("Shield", 50, 5, 20, -5);
Item* pShield = &Shield;
Equip(pointerPlayer, pShield);
if (i == 1 && == "Mage")
Item Robe("Robe", 50, 5, 20, -5);
Item* pRobe = &Robe;
Equip(pointerPlayer, pRobe);
if (i == 1 && == "Assassin")
Item Cloak("Cloak", 50, 5, 20, -5);
Item* pCloak = &Cloak;
Equip(pointerPlayer, pCloak);
if (i == 2 && == "Warrior")
Item Armor("Armor", 70, 20, 30, 40);
Item* pArmor = &Armor;
Equip(pointerPlayer, pArmor);
if (i == 2 && == "Mage")
Item Spellbook("Spellbook", 70, 20, 30, 40);
Item* pSpellbook = &Spellbook;
Equip(pointerPlayer, pSpellbook);
if (i == 2 && == "Assassin")
Item Bow("Bow", 70, 20, 30, 40);
Item* pBow = &Bow;
Equip(pointerPlayer, pBow);
if (i == 2)
Item Special_item("Undead's Slayer", 70, 20, 30, 40);
Item* pSpecial = &Special_item;
Equip(pointerPlayer, pSpecial);
if (action == 2 && i != characterList.size() - 1)

//run from the enemy
std::cout << "You ran from the enemy!" << std::endl;
//change the value of the current enemy with the next one
Character aux;
aux = characterList[i];
characterList[i] = characterList[i + 1];
characterList[i + 1] = aux;

if (action != 1 && action != 2)
throw std::runtime_error("Invalid choice!");

if (Player.dead == false)
std::cout << "You destoryed all the enemies, the boss will appear soon." << std::endl;
cout << "The boss has been summoned." << endl;
Character Boss("Dead Man Master", 400, 50, 60, 20);
Character* pointerBoss = &Boss;
Fight(pointerPlayer, pointerBoss);

Item Blade("Dad Man's Blade", 70, 100, 30, 40);
Item* pBlade = &Blade;
Equip(pointerPlayer, pBlade);
std::cout << "You finished the game! Good job." << std::endl;

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