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import sqlite3, os, hashlib, secrets
#finds the current directory the program is running in
file_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))
#defines the file paths for all the needed databases to make it easier to use later
file_names = {"database1" : file_dir + "\\databases\\users.db"}
#defines the some sql commands to CREATE the tables later
cursor_create_table = {"create_database" : ("""CREATE TABLE Users (Username TEXT,
Password TEXT,
Salt TEXT,
Plain_Password TEXT,
Email TEXT,
Account_Type TEXT,
Active INT);""")}
#defines the some SELECT sql commands in order to gather data from the table to make it easier to call them later
cursor_display_commands = {"select_users" : ("SELECT * FROM Users ORDER BY Username"),
"get_user" : ("SELECT * FROM Users WHERE Username = ?")}
#defines the some UPDATE sql commands in order to make it easier to call them later
cursor_update_commands = {"update_users" : ("UPDATE Users SET Passowrd = ? WHERE Username = ?")}
#defines the some INSERT sql commands in order to make it easier to call them later
cursor_add_commands = {"new_row" : ("INSERT INTO Users VALUES(?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)")}
#defines the values that will be put into the sql databases later
table_details = {"table1" : [["bigBoss1", "", "", "passWord1!", "", "admin", 1],
["averageJoe1", "", "", "Password123?", "", "user", 1],
["businessman101", "", "", "password", "", "seller", 1],
["headOfDanube", "", "", "5p]B9m,u3O", "", "admin", 1],
["averageJoe2", "", "", "4Wa]60h2,E", "", "user", 1],
["salesman1", "", "", "E7e788>*@}", "", "seller", 1],
["danubEmployee1", "", "", "96W9xs`o%n", "", "admin", 0],
["averageJoe3", "", "", "p2P94|\yLR", "", "user", 0],
["trader", "", "", "J86£rHpDE3", "", "seller", 0]]}
#executes a given sql query on the given the file and then returns the results to the user
def getDetails(file_path, cursor_command):
connection = sqlite3.connect(file_path) #creates a connection to the given database
cursor = connection.cursor() #creates a cursor that can be used to execute SQL queries
extracted_data = cursor.execute(cursor_command) #executes the sql query on the given database
data = extracted_data.fetchall() #stores all the data returned from the sql query in a 2d array
connection.commit() #commits changes to the database
connection.close() #closes the connection to the database
return data #returns the data out of the function
#executes a given sql query on the given the file and parameters then returns the results to the user
def getDetailsWithParam(file_path, cursor_command, parameter):
connection = sqlite3.connect(file_path) #creates a connection to the given database
cursor = connection.cursor() #creates a cursor that can be used to execute SQL queries
extracted_data = cursor.execute(cursor_command, parameter) #executes the sql query on the given database
data = extracted_data.fetchall() #stores all the data returned from the sql query in a 2d array
connection.commit() #commits changes to the database
connection.close() #closes the connection to the database
return data #returns the data out of the function
#executes a given sql query on the given the file
def addDetails(file_path, cursor_command, details):
connection = sqlite3.connect(file_path) #creates a connection to the given database
cursor = connection.cursor() #creates a cursor that can be used to execute SQL queries
cursor.execute(cursor_command, details) #executes the sql query on the given database
connection.commit() #commits changes to the database
connection.close() #closes the connection to the database
return True
#executes a given sql query on the given the file
def executeSQLCommand(file_path, cursor_command):
connection = sqlite3.connect(file_path) #creates a connection to the given database
cursor = connection.cursor() #creates a cursor that can be used to execute SQL queries
cursor.execute(cursor_command) #executes the sql query on the given database
connection.commit() #commits changes to the database
connection.close() #closes the connection to the database
return True
#defines a function to create the necessary sql databases
def createTable():
if not os.path.exists(file_names["database1"]): #if the walks database does not exist
executeSQLCommand(file_names["database1"], cursor_create_table["create_database"]) #runs the sql query in order to create it
for details in table_details["table1"]: #loops through all the rows of data that need entering into the database
details[2] = generateSalt() #gets a unique salt
details[1] = hashPassword(details[3], details[2]) #gets the hashed password
addDetails(file_names["database1"], cursor_add_commands["new_row"], details) #executes the sql query
def generateSalt():
return secrets.token_hex(16) #generates 16 bytes of random data
def hashPassword(password, salt):
return hashlib.sha256((salt + password).encode()).hexdigest() #hashes the salted password
def validateLogin(test_user, test_pass):
found_user = getDetailsWithParam(file_names["database1"], cursor_display_commands["get_user"], (test_user,)) #searches database for user
if not found_user: #checks if user exists
return "no user found"
found_user = found_user[0] #reformats result
test_pass_hashed = hashPassword(test_pass, found_user[2]) #hashes the inputted password with the found users salt
if test_pass_hashed == found_user[1]: #checks to see if the hashed passwords match
return True
return False
createTable() #creates the table
database = getDetails(file_names["database1"], cursor_display_commands["select_users"]) #displays all the data in the table to the user
for row in database: #displays the database for debug purposes
test_user = input("username: ") #takes input for username
test_pass = input("password: ") #takes input for password
result = validateLogin(test_user, test_pass) #validates the login attempt
print("logged in:", result) #prints the result