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148 lines (129 sloc) 7.26 KB
from main import app
from flask import Flask,redirect,url_for,render_template,abort,request,abort,make_response,session,g,flash
import sqlite3
from werkzeug.utils import secure_filename
import os
@app.route('/add', methods=['POST'])
def add_product_to_cart():
cursor = None
_quantity = int(request.form['quantity']) #when the add to cart button is pressed it returns the quantity and the unique ISBN that are saved in _quantity and _code
_code = str(request.form['ISBN'])
all_total_price = 0
all_total_quantity = 0
if _quantity and _code and request.method == 'POST':
#code for creating shopping cart is based on 5001CEM (2021), Teaching Materials
con = sqlite3.connect('prime.db')
cur = con.cursor();
cur.execute("SELECT * FROM stock WHERE ISBN=?;", [_code])
row = cur.fetchone()
#session['book'] is a dictionary of dictionaries, which means that each isbn number inside it correlates to some data about a book, which we will later use when creating a shopping cart
itemArray = { str(row[3]) : {'name' : row [0], 'code' : row[3], 'quantity' : _quantity, 'price' : row[6], 'image' : row[5], 'total_price' : _quantity * row[6]}}
print('itemArray is', itemArray)
code = str(row[3])
session.modified = True
if 'book' in session:
print('in session')
if code in session['book']: #if user already added to basket at least one copy of this book
for key, value in session['book'].items(): #search trough the session untill we find the book that needs updating
if code == key:
old_quantity = session['book'][key]['quantity']
total_quantity = old_quantity + _quantity
if total_quantity > row[8]: # if the quantity asked from the add to cart button is more than the stock we use a flash
flash('You cannot add more books than there are in stock same item')
return redirect(url_for('homepage'))
session['book'][key]['quantity'] = total_quantity
session['book'][key]['total_price'] = total_quantity * row[6]
else: #if the item is not the first item added and is different from the one allready added we merge the 2 dictionaries
session['book'] = array_merge(session['book'], itemArray)
for key, value in session['book'].items(): # we update the all_total_quantity and all_total_price
individual_quantity = int(session['book'][key]['quantity'])
individual_price = float(session['book'][key]['total_price'])
if individual_quantity > row[8] : # if the quantity asked from the add to cart button is more than the stock we use a flash
flash('You cannot add more books than there are in stock not same item')
return redirect(url_for('homepage'))
all_total_quantity = all_total_quantity + individual_quantity
all_total_price = all_total_price + individual_price
else: # if there is no book in the cart we add the first item and update all_total_price and all_total_quantity
session['book'] = itemArray #add the fist instance of a book to the session
all_total_quantity = all_total_quantity + _quantity
all_total_price = all_total_price + _quantity * row[6]
if all_total_quantity > row[8] : # if the quantity asked from the add to cart button is more than the stock we use a flash
flash('You cannot add more books than there are in stock first item')
return redirect(url_for('homepage'))
#update the sessions
session['all_total_quantity'] = all_total_quantity
session['all_total_price'] = all_total_price
return redirect(url_for('homepage'))
#end of adapted code
@app.route('/homepage', methods=['GET', 'POST'])
def homepage():
if request.method == 'POST':
if request.form['Submit'] == 'STOCK LEVEL':
return redirect(url_for('stock_level'))
elif request.form['Submit'] == 'LOGOUT':
session.clear() #clears everything from our session
return redirect(url_for('login'))
elif request.form['Submit'] == 'CART':
return redirect(url_for('shopping_cart')) #this function is located in file
con = sqlite3.connect('prime.db') # in order to show the books on our page, we first have to get them from our database
cur = con.cursor()
cur.execute("SELECT * FROM stock") #select everything from books table
rows = cur.fetchall() #put it inside a variable
return render_template('homepage.html',page=url_for('homepage'),rows=rows) #render a html file
def delete_product(code):
#the code for deleting an item from the shopping cart is based on 5001CEM (2021), Teaching Materials
all_total_price = 0
all_total_quantity = 0
session.modified = True
for item in session['book'].items():#iterates trough session['book'] to find the item that needs to be deleted
if item[0] == str(code):
session['book'].pop(item[0], None)
#checks if there is still an item in the cart
if 'book' in session:
#updates all_total_quantity and all_total_price
for key, value in session['book'].items():
individual_quantity = int(session['book'][key]['quantity'])
individual_price = float(session['book'][key]['price'])
all_total_quantity += individual_quantity
all_total_price += individual_price
if all_total_quantity == 0: #clear session if all_total_quantity = 0
session['all_total_quantity'] = all_total_quantity #updates all_total_quantity
session['all_total_price'] = all_total_price #updates all_total_price
return redirect(url_for('shopping_cart'))
except Exception as e:
#end of adapted code
def array_merge( first_array , second_array ):
#code for creating shopping cart is based on 5001CEM (2021), Teaching Materials
if isinstance( first_array , list ) and isinstance( second_array , list ):
return first_array + second_array
elif isinstance( first_array , dict ) and isinstance( second_array , dict ):
return dict( list( first_array.items() ) + list( second_array.items() ) )
elif isinstance( first_array , set ) and isinstance( second_array , set ):
return first_array.union( second_array )
return False
#end of borrowed code
'''do_payment is not working yet'''
def do_payment():
con = sqlite3.connect('prime.db')
cur = con.cursor()
cur.execute("SELECT * FROM stock") #select everything from books table
rows = cur.fetchall() #put it inside a variable
return render_template('homepage.html',page=url_for('homepage'),rows=rows) #render a html file
#for key, value in session['book'].items():
#not implemented yet
if __name__ == "__main__":