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230 lines (197 sloc) 10.5 KB
from Discord_chatbot.Process_Functions import *
from Discord_chatbot.Data_Control_Files.Reusable_Functions import alphanumericString
from nltk.stem import WordNetLemmatizer
import copy, json, os
filePath = os.path.dirname(__file__)
gameAliasesPath = os.path.join(filePath, "Discord_chatbot/Data_Control_Files/game_aliases.json")
with open(gameAliasesPath, "r") as jsonFile:
steamAliases = json.load(jsonFile)["aliases"][0]
twitchAliasesPath = os.path.join(filePath, "Discord_chatbot/Data_Control_Files/twitch_aliases.json")
with open(twitchAliasesPath, "r") as jsonFile:
twitchAliases = json.load(jsonFile)["aliases"][0]
lem = WordNetLemmatizer()
availableFunctions = [[["undefined"], unknownRequest, 0, [], 1000],
[["stream"], stream_details, 0, ["streamerID"], 400],
[["stream", "clip","clip"], overallTopStreamerClips, 0, ["streamerID"], 630],
[["top", "streamers", "play"], gameCurrentTopStreamers, 0,["userID", "gameIdentifier"], 300],
[["compare", "vs"], generateCompareGraph, 0, ["diObjectID", "diObjectID", "referenceType"], 50],
[["graph"], generateSingleGraph, 0, ["ObjectID", "referenceType"], 60],
[["set", "preference", "set", "set"], setPreference, 0, ["userID", "preferenceID", "preferenceType"], 10],
[["delete", "delete", "remove", "remove"], deletePreference, 0, ["userID", "preferenceID", "preferenceType"], 9],
[["favourite", "stream"], userFavouriteStreamersStreaming, 0, ["userID"], 550],
[["game", "play"], checkUserPlayingGame, 0, ["steamID"], 490],
[["favourite", "game", "play"], currentPlayerCountFavouriteGames, 0, ["userID"], 510],
[["friends", "game", "play"], friendsPlaying, 0, ["userID"], 520],
[["friends", "with", "long", "when"], friendsSince, 0, ["userID", "friendID"], 800],
[["what", "command"], botCommands, 0, [], 345],
[["greet", "hi", "hello"], botGreeting, 0, [], 950],
[["info", "information", "yourself"], botInfo, 0, [], 970],
[["play"], game_details, 0, ["gameID"], 15],
[["stats", "csgo", "counter", "strike"], csgo_stats, 0, ["userID"], 74]]
linkingVerbs = ["be", "for", "with"]
def aliasesCheck(rawReference):
if rawReference in steamAliases.keys():
rawReference = steamAliases[rawReference]
elif rawReference in twitchAliases.keys():
rawReference = twitchAliases[rawReference]
return rawReference
def requestProcessing(userRequest, userID):
if userRequest[0] in ["#"]:
return ""
argumentList = []
possibleFunctions = copy.deepcopy(availableFunctions)
rawRequest = userRequest.split(" ")
originalRequest = rawRequest[:]
for i in range(0, len(rawRequest)):
rawRequest[i] = alphanumericString(rawRequest[i])
originalRequest[i] = rawRequest[i]
rawRequest[i] = lem.lemmatize(rawRequest[i],'v')
for i in range(1, len(possibleFunctions)):
for expectedWord in possibleFunctions[i][0]:
if lem.lemmatize(expectedWord,'v') in rawRequest:
possibleFunctions[i][2] += 1
largestIndexList = []
largestIndex = 0
largestValue = 0
for i in range(1, len(possibleFunctions)):
if possibleFunctions[i][2] > largestValue:
largestValue = possibleFunctions[i][2]
largestIndexList = [i]
elif possibleFunctions[i][2] == largestValue:
if len(largestIndexList) > 1:
newIndex = largestIndex
highestPriority = possibleFunctions[largestIndex][4]
for checkIndex in largestIndexList:
if possibleFunctions[checkIndex][4] < highestPriority:
highestPriority = possibleFunctions[checkIndex][4]
newIndex = checkIndex
largestIndex = newIndex
if largestIndexList:
largestIndex = largestIndexList[0]
referenceType = ""
if {"stream", "streamer", "streamers"} & set(rawRequest):
referenceType = "twitch"
referenceType = "steam"
for loopCounter in range(len(possibleFunctions[largestIndex][3])):
if not argumentList and "userID" in possibleFunctions[largestIndex][3]:
elif {"preference", "set", "delete", "remove"} & set(rawRequest):
if {"steam", "id"} & set(rawRequest) == {"steam", "id"}:
steamIndex = rawRequest.index("steam")
rawRequest[steamIndex] = "steamid"
originalRequest[steamIndex] = "steamid"
rawRequest.pop(steamIndex + 1)
originalRequest.pop(steamIndex + 1)
addPreference = True
preferenceFirst = True
indicatorTuple = ("set", "remove", "delete")
connectTuple = ("a", "my", "from")
dividerTuple = ("as", "to")
for possibleIndicator in indicatorTuple:
if possibleIndicator in rawRequest:
indicatorIndex = rawRequest.index(possibleIndicator)
if not possibleIndicator == "set":
addPreference = False
for possibleConnect in connectTuple:
if possibleConnect in rawRequest:
connectIndex = rawRequest.index(possibleConnect)
dividerIndex = connectIndex
for possibleDivider in dividerTuple:
if possibleDivider in rawRequest:
dividerIndex = rawRequest.index(possibleDivider)
if indicatorIndex + 1 in [connectIndex]:
preferenceFirst = False
indicatorIndex += 1
connectIndex = dividerIndex
referencedObject = ""
for gameSectionIndex in range(indicatorIndex + 1, dividerIndex):
referencedObject += f"{originalRequest[gameSectionIndex]} "
referencedObject = ""
for gameSectionIndex in range(connectIndex + 1, len(rawRequest)):
referencedObject += f"{originalRequest[gameSectionIndex]} "
referencedObject = referencedObject[:-1]
if not preferenceFirst:
argumentList[1], argumentList[2] = argumentList[2], argumentList[1]
argumentList[2] = argumentList[2].replace(" ", "_")
if argumentList[2] in ["favourite_streamer", "favourite_game", "blacklisted_streamer"]:
argumentList[2] += "s"
if argumentList[2] == "steamid":
argumentList[2] = "steam_id"
if addPreference:
return setPreference(argumentList[0], argumentList[1], argumentList[2])
argumentList[1] = argumentList[1].replace(" ", "")
return deletePreference(argumentList[0], argumentList[1], argumentList[2])
if "play" in rawRequest or ("for" in rawRequest and "and" not in rawRequest and "vs" not in rawRequest):
indicatorTuple = ("play", "for")
for possibleIndicator in indicatorTuple:
if possibleIndicator in rawRequest:
indicatorIndex = rawRequest.index(possibleIndicator)
referencedGame = ""
for gameSectionIndex in range(indicatorIndex+1, len(rawRequest)):
referencedGame += f"{originalRequest[gameSectionIndex]} "
if referencedGame:
referencedGame = referencedGame[:-1]
referencedGame = aliasesCheck(referencedGame)
elif "graph" in rawRequest or "compare" in rawRequest:
indicatorIndex = ""
connectIndex = ""
indicatorTuple = ("for", "compare")
connectTuple = ("and", "vs")
for possibleIndicator in indicatorTuple:
if possibleIndicator in rawRequest:
indicatorIndex = rawRequest.index(possibleIndicator)
for possibleConnect in connectTuple:
if possibleConnect in rawRequest:
connectIndex = rawRequest.index(possibleConnect)
if str(indicatorIndex) and str(connectIndex):
referencedObject = ""
for gameSectionIndex in range(indicatorIndex + 1, connectIndex):
referencedObject += f"{originalRequest[gameSectionIndex]} "
referencedObject = referencedObject[:-1]
referencedObject = aliasesCheck(referencedObject)
referencedObject = ""
for gameSectionIndex in range(connectIndex + 1, len(rawRequest)):
referencedObject += f"{originalRequest[gameSectionIndex]} "
referencedObject = referencedObject[:-1]
referencedObject = aliasesCheck(referencedObject)
for verb in linkingVerbs:
if verb in rawRequest:
linkingVerb = rawRequest.index(verb)
extractedArgument = originalRequest[linkingVerb + 1]
extractedArgument = aliasesCheck(extractedArgument)
if "referenceType" in possibleFunctions[largestIndex][3]:
if not argumentList:
return possibleFunctions[largestIndex][1]()
elif len(argumentList) == 1:
return possibleFunctions[largestIndex][1](argumentList[0])
elif len(argumentList) == 2:
return possibleFunctions[largestIndex][1](argumentList[0], argumentList[1])
elif len(argumentList) == 3:
return possibleFunctions[largestIndex][1](argumentList[0], argumentList[1], argumentList[2])
raise Exception("Redundant arguments extracted from request")
def tryRequestProcessing(userRequest, userID):
return requestProcessing(userRequest, userID)
except Exception as errorMessage:
return unknownRequest()