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singhi8 committed Nov 27, 2020
1 parent 0d25dec commit fd8b4e06d6ee9a21f775543ca894dd1ab75adf7d
Showing 1 changed file with 122 additions and 0 deletions.
@@ -337,6 +337,114 @@ def countPoll(message,communityName,pollReactions):
return countDesc
#end of the functions masud did

#==================inderjit-singh functions start ===================#

client = commands.Bot(command_prefix='!')
memberDBDict = {}
memberCreated = []

async def getMembers():
while True:
#print("Getting Members")
for member in client.get_all_members(): #fetching the data in the dictionnarie into many dictionnaries
memberName =
roleFound = False
if member.activity is None:
memberDict = {"member": member, "notif30": 1, "notif60": 1, "notif90": 1, "notifOnce": 0,
"lastnotif": datetime.utcnow(), 'lastAct': None, "actStart": datetime.utcnow()}
elif int(member.activity.type) == 0:
memberDict = {"member": member, "notif30": 1, "notif60": 1, "notif90": 1, "notifOnce": 0,
"lastnotif": datetime.utcnow(), 'lastAct':, "actStart": member.activity.created_at}
memberDict = {"member": member, "notif30": 1, "notif60": 1, "notif90": 1, "notifOnce": 0,
"lastnotif": datetime.utcnow(), 'lastAct':,
"actStart": datetime.utcnow()} # in this sections we organise the members based on their activity using if elif and else statements
for role in member.roles:
if == "GameTime Users":
roleFound = True
if == "GT 60 Min":
memberDict["notif30"] = 0
if == "GT 90 Min":
memberDict["notif30"] = 0
memberDict["notif60"] = 0
if roleFound and memberName not in memberCreated:
print(f"Member Added/Overwritten: {memberName}")
memberDBDict[memberName] = memberDict
elif roleFound is False and memberName in memberCreated:
print(f"Member Removed: {memberName}")
await sleep(5)
#getting members variables using a for loop and organising them in a variable using if , else elif statements

async def sendDM(member, gamingtime):
timeParse = (datetime.min + gamingtime).time() #calculating the gaming time
if timeParse.hour == 0:
message = f"Consider taking a break. You have been playing for {timeParse.minute} minutes!"
elif timeParse.hour == 1 and timeParse.minute == 0:
message = f"Consider taking a break. You have been playing for 1 hour! work on yourself!!!"
elif timeParse.hour == 1 and timeParse.minute != 0:
message = f"Consider taking a break. You have been playing for 1 hour and {timeParse.minute} minutes!you woul've made a fortune if you spent this time working on yourself"
elif timeParse.hour > 1 and timeParse.minute == 0:
message = f"Consider taking a break. You have been playing for {timeParse.hour} hours! the whole world is moving and your not"
elif timeParse.hour > 1 and timeParse.minute != 0:
message = f". You have been playing for {timeParse.hour} hours , poor people became rich , and rich people became poor and you still PLAYING! "
message += f" and {timeParse.minute} minutes!"
await member.send(content=message, delete_after=10)
print(f"Message sent to {member}: {message}") #notifying users about the time spent gaming
#sending the dms based on the time spent gaming using if statements

async def equivalentTimespent():
while True:
#print("Sending Notifications if any.")
for memberName in memberDBDict:
if memberDBDict[memberName]["member"].activity is not None: # creating arguments to trigger the dms
if memberDBDict[memberName]["member"] == memberDBDict[memberName]["lastAct"]:
if int(memberDBDict[memberName]["member"].activity.type) == 0:
timeGaming = datetime.utcnow() - memberDBDict[memberName]["actStart"] # creating time limits to send the dms
timeLimit30 = timedelta(minutes=30)
timeLimit60 = timedelta(minutes=60)
timeLimit90 = timedelta(minutes=90)
timeLimit120 = timedelta(minutes=120)
timeSinceNotif = datetime.utcnow() - memberDBDict[memberName]["lastnotif"] # equations to calculate the time spent gaming since the last notifications
notifLimit = timedelta(minutes=30)
#print(f"{memberDBDict[memberName]['member'].name}: {memberDBDict[memberName]['member']}: {str(timeGaming)}")
if memberDBDict[memberName]["notifOnce"] == 0:
#print("This was triggered!")
timeSinceNotif = notifLimit
memberDBDict[memberName]["notifOnce"] = 1
if timeGaming >= timeLimit120: # sending dm when gaming time is 2 h
if timeSinceNotif >= notifLimit:
memberDBDict[memberName]["lastnotif"] = datetime.utcnow()
await sendDM(memberDBDict[memberName]["member"], timeGaming)
elif timeGaming >= timeLimit90 and memberDBDict[memberName]["notif90"] == 1: #sending dms when the gaming time is 90 min
if timeSinceNotif >= notifLimit:
memberDBDict[memberName]["lastnotif"] = datetime.utcnow()
await sendDM(memberDBDict[memberName]["member"], timeGaming)
elif timeGaming >= timeLimit60 and memberDBDict[memberName]["notif60"] == 1: #sending dms when the gaming time is 60 min
if timeSinceNotif >= notifLimit:
memberDBDict[memberName]["lastnotif"] = datetime.utcnow()
await sendDM(memberDBDict[memberName]["member"], timeGaming)
elif timeGaming >= timeLimit30 and memberDBDict[memberName]["notif30"] == 1: #sending dms when the gaming time is 30 min
if timeSinceNotif >= notifLimit:
memberDBDict[memberName]["lastnotif"] = datetime.utcnow() #sending dms when the time since the last notifications is more than the notifications limit
await sendDM(memberDBDict[memberName]["member"], timeGaming)
#print("Changing Activity")
memberDBDict[memberName]["lastAct"] = memberDBDict[memberName]["member"]
memberDBDict[memberName]["actStart"] = memberDBDict[memberName]["member"].activity.created_at
#print("Changing to None")
memberDBDict[memberName]["lastAct"] = memberDBDict[memberName]["member"].activity
memberDBDict[memberName]["actStart"] = datetime.utcnow()
await sleep(10)
#organising the notifications sent based on how much time and how many notificatons we sent to a certain user using variables and if , else statements

#==================END OF DEFINITIONS===================

@@ -466,7 +574,21 @@ async def on_message(message): #checks for a message
await"Sorry, No timeFrame was given so here is you play time in minutes "+timePlayed)
#BenHB End=====================================================================

#==================inderjit-singh start==================#

async def on_raw_reaction_add(payload):
# Set GameTime User Role
member = payload.member
#print(f"{} reacted")
channel = discord.utils.get(client.get_all_channels(), )

async def on_ready():
print("GameTime is online!")
client.loop.create_task(deployNotifs()) #this is the token of the discord bot. You can create your own bot and put that token in here or the .env file to run the code

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