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lycette2 committed Nov 23, 2020
2 parents 1aad393 + 16da5c0 commit 1a2390bd399937230215366f752552fe81d101e4
Showing 1 changed file with 104 additions and 55 deletions.
@@ -190,6 +190,35 @@ def registerSteamID(message, discordID):
return("To link your steam requires a SteamID64 a guide for which can be found at:")
#SteamID END

#ChangeSteamID START
def changeSteamID(message, discordID): #Changes a registered users steamID to whatever new id they input.
sharedRelationshipIndex = tempIDArrayDiscord.index(discordID)
formattedSteamID = message.lower()
formattedSteamID = formattedSteamID.replace(" ","") #Formats the recieved message into an acceptable form for the program to iterate through
for charNum in range(len(formattedSteamID)):
if charNum == 0:
count = 0
adjacencyStartIndex = 0
currentChar = formattedSteamID[charNum]
if currentChar.isdigit():
count = count + 1
count = 0
adjacencyStartIndex = charNum + 1
if count == 17:
formattedSteamID = formattedSteamID[adjacencyStartIndex:charNum+1]
if len(formattedSteamID) == 17 and formattedSteamID.isdigit(): #and formattedSteamID.is_valid(): in the documentation but currently doesn't work
if (formattedSteamID not in tempIDArraySteam):
tempIDArraySteam[sharedRelationshipIndex] = formattedSteamID #This checks if the input steamID is valid and not already present in the database / two sorted lists that simulate a database
return("Thank You! \nI have now changed your SteamID! It is currently registered as " +formattedSteamID)
elif formattedSteamID in tempIDArraySteam:
return("This Steam ID is already taken sorry")
return ("Sorry, I couldn't seem to find the new SteamID")
#ChangeSteamID END

#SpecificGameID START
def fetchGameID(gameName): #This function fetches the appID of specific game on steam based on the name the user inputs
gameName = gameName[gameName.find('(') +1 :gameName.find(')')]#Formats the recieved message so as to only search with text in between the brackets when looking for gameID
@@ -254,7 +283,59 @@ def timeFormat(timePlayed, message, parsedLetters, letterIndex):# A recursive fu
#TimeFormatted END


#masud will do some functions and code here

polls = {} # masud added this to hold poll data. Can be switched to a database in the future

def getPollID(message,communityName,polls):

if communityName.upper() in polls.values(): # if there is a poll active already
pollID = list(polls.keys())[list(polls.values()).index(communityName.upper())] # get the ID of the poll
return [True, pollID]

else: # and if there is not an active poll already...
return [False,0]

def addPoll(poll,communityName):
polls[] = communityName.upper() # save the pollID and communityName together
return polls

def makeEmbed(discord, countDesc, communityName):
countEmbed = discord.Embed() # Discord embed object
countEmbed.description = countDesc # add embed description to embed
countEmbed.title = f"Is the community {communityName} salty or supportive?" # title of countEmbed object. DevOps work item 32
return countEmbed

def countPoll(message,communityName,pollReactions):
tickCount = 0
crossCount = 0
countDesc = ""

for emj in pollReactions: # for each emoji in the reactions object
emojiCount = emj.count - 1 # remove 1 vote, which was from the bot.
# print("[BOT DEBUG] emj.emoji:",emj.emoji) # debug code for reactions.emoji object
if emj.emoji == "✅": # if emoji is tick emoji
tickCount = emj.count - 1 # this reaction will be tickCount
elif emj.emoji == "❌": # if emoji is cross emoji
crossCount = emj.count - 1 # this reaction will be crossCount

if emojiCount == 1: # adjust embed description accordingly
countDesc = countDesc + f'\n{emj.emoji} : {emojiCount} vote'
countDesc = countDesc + f'\n{emj.emoji} : {emojiCount} votes'

# add a message to the end of the results depending on the votes for the emojis. DevOps work item 34
# print("[BOT DEBUG] tick cross :",tickCount,crossCount) # this code was used to debug the tick and cross counts.
if tickCount == crossCount:
countDesc = countDesc + "\n This community seems to be both supportive and salty."
elif tickCount > crossCount:
countDesc = countDesc + "\n This community seems to be more supportive."
elif tickCount < crossCount:
countDesc = countDesc + "\n This community seems to be more salty."

return countDesc
#end of the functions masud did

#==================END OF DEFINITIONS===================
@@ -271,8 +352,6 @@ async def on_ready():
members = '\n - '.join([ for member in guild.members])
print(f'Guild Members:\n - {members}')

polls = {} # masud added this to hold poll data. Can be switched to a database in the future

async def on_message(message): #checks for a message
if == client.user: #makes sure it's a user
@@ -291,7 +370,6 @@ async def on_message(message): #checks for a message

banWords = ["banned", "ban", "bans"]
if "steam" in message.content.lower() and [entry for entry in banWords if(entry in message.content.lower())]:
@@ -316,76 +394,47 @@ async def on_message(message): #checks for a message
# ================ Masud did this ================
if "salt " == (message.content.lower())[:5]: # checks if the input matches "salt "
communityName = (message.content)[5:] # saves the rest of the input as communityName

await message.add_reaction("🆗") # devops work item 35

if communityName.upper() in polls.values(): # if there is a poll active already
pollID = list(polls.keys())[list(polls.values()).index(communityName.upper())] # get the ID of the poll
await'The community: {communityName} already has a poll active. Poll ID:{pollID}.') # message to discord
else: # and if there is not an active poll already...
result = getPollID(message, communityName, polls)
if result[0] == True:
await'The community: {communityName} already has a poll active. Poll ID:{result[1]}.') # message to discord
await message.add_reaction("🆗")
poll = await'vote here for {communityName}:') # create the vote poll
# print(f'[BOT DEBUG] {communityName} added to list of polls') # print to console for debugging only
polls[] = communityName.upper() # save the pollID and communityName together
# print("[BOT DEBUG] Poll dict:\n",polls) # print list of polls active for debugging only
await poll.add_reaction("✅") # add the tick emoji for the poll
await poll.add_reaction("❌") # add the cross emoji for the poll

if "count " == (message.content.lower())[:6]: # checks if the input matches "count ". DevOps work item 33
communityName = (message.content)[6:] # saves the rest of the input as communityName

if communityName.upper() not in polls.values(): # checks if the poll does not exist already
if getPollID(message, communityName, polls)[0] == False: # checks if the poll does not exist already
await'No poll found for community: {communityName}.') # messages to discord
else: # if the poll does exist ...

pollID = list(polls.keys())[list(polls.values()).index(communityName.upper())] # get the pollID with the matching communityName
pollID = getPollID(message, communityName, polls)[1]

pollMessage = await # get the message object with the pollID
pollReactions = pollMessage.reactions # accesses the reactions for the pollMessage object

await'Here are the saltiness statistics for the community {communityName}\nPoll ID:{pollID}') # message to discord

countEmbed = discord.Embed() # Discord embed object
countDesc = "" # description of countEmbed object
countEmbed.title = f"Is the community {communityName} salty or supportive?" # title of countEmbed object. DevOps work item 32

tickCount = 0
crossCount = 0

for emj in pollReactions: # for each emoji in the reactions object
emojiCount = emj.count - 1 # remove 1 vote, which was from the bot.
# print("[BOT DEBUG] emj.emoji:",emj.emoji) # debug code for reactions.emoji object
if emj.emoji == "✅": # if emoji is tick emoji
tickCount = emj.count - 1 # this reaction will be tickCount
elif emj.emoji == "❌": # if emoji is cross emoji
crossCount = emj.count - 1 # this reaction will be crossCount

if emojiCount == 1: # adjust embed description accordingly
countDesc = countDesc + f'\n{emj.emoji} : {emojiCount} vote'
countDesc = countDesc + f'\n{emj.emoji} : {emojiCount} votes'

# add a message to the end of the results depending on the votes for the emojis. DevOps work item 34
# print("[BOT DEBUG] tick cross :",tickCount,crossCount) # this code was used to debug the tick and cross counts.
if tickCount == crossCount:
countDesc = countDesc + "\n This community seems to be equally supportive and salty."
elif tickCount > crossCount:
countDesc = countDesc + "\n This community seems to be more supportive."
elif tickCount < crossCount:
countDesc = countDesc + "\n This community seems to be more salty."

countDesc = countPoll(message, communityName, pollReactions)
countEmbed = makeEmbed(discord,countDesc,communityName)
# add the description to the embed and message it to the channel.
countEmbed.description = countDesc # add embed description to embed
await = countEmbed) # send the embed to the channel the message is in
await # send the embed to the channel the message is in

# ================ up to about here ================

# ================ up to about here ================
#BenHB Start==================================================================
#These ifs are used to access a function when a user gives a valid input
if ' steamid ' in message.content.lower() or ' steam id ' in message.content.lower() or 'steamid' in message.content.lower() or 'steam id' in message.content.lower():
messageInfo = registerSteamID(message.content,
#Ben did above

if (' steamid ' in message.content.lower() or ' steam id ' in message.content.lower() or 'steamid' in message.content.lower() or 'steam id' in message.content.lower()) and not in tempIDArrayDiscord:
output = registerSteamID(message.content, for when the users wants to register their SteamID for the first time
if (' steamid ' in message.content.lower() or ' steam id ' in message.content.lower() or 'steamid' in message.content.lower() or 'steam id' in message.content.lower()) and 'change' in message.content.lower() and 'my' in message.content.lower() and in tempIDArrayDiscord:
output = changeSteamID(message.content, for when the user wants to change their SteamID once they have registered
if 'displayid ' in message.content.lower():
displayedID = fetchGameID(message.content.replace('displayid ',''))
displayedID = fetchGameID(message.content.replace('displayid ',''))#An if for a test function that returns the Steam gameID of whatever game you put in. Was left in because it's a nice feature

if ('play' in message.content.lower() or 'many' in message.content.lower()) and ('time' in message.content.lower() or 'minute' in message.content.lower() or 'day' in message.content.lower() or 'second' in message.content.lower() or 'hour' in message.content.lower() or 'week' in message.content.lower() or 'month' in message.content.lower() or 'year' in message.content.lower()) and in tempIDArrayDiscord:

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