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constant = rep(1, times = length(y))
X1 = Dataframe$x1
X2 = Dataframe$x2
model_matrix = cbind((X1^3), X2, X1, constant)
# Use a Uniform distribution as prior, around the estimated parameter values for those 2 parameters
prior1 = runif(10000, 4.181390 - 1, 4.181390 + 1)#0.078 because the when set to 1, the max and min accepted ranges +-0.57
prior2 = runif(10000, -6.651400 -1, -6.651400 + 1)#0.1
# Create empty array to store parameters
accepted_params = matrix(nrow = 0, ncol = 3)
num_iter = 100000
tolerance = 0.018
for (i in 1:num_iter) {
# Draw parameters from prior
theta3 = sample(prior1, 1)
thetaBias = sample(prior2, 1)
# Fix other parameters as constant
thetahat = c(2.715713, -3.151350, theta3, thetaBias)
# Compute simulated data using the model
y_sim = model_matrix %*% theta
# Compute distance between simulated and observed data
dist = (sqrt(sum((y_sim - y)^2)))/n
# Accept or reject parameter values based on the distance
if (dist < tolerance) {
accepted_params = rbind(accepted_params, c(theta3, thetaBias, dist))
# Plot joint posterior distribution
# Extract accepted parameters
theta3_posterior = accepted_params[, 1]
thetaBias_posterior = accepted_params[, 2]
# Plot joint posterior distribution
#plot(accepted_params[,1], accepted_params[,2], type = "p",
# xlab = "Theta 3", ylab = "Theta Bias",col="blue", main = "Joint Posterior Distribution", lwd=1)
ggplot(data.frame(theta3_posterior, thetaBias_posterior), aes(x=theta3_posterior, y=thetaBias_posterior)) +
geom_bin2d(bins = 15, colour="green") +
labs(x = expression(theta[3]), y = expression(theta[Bias]))
#plot the marginal distribution
hist(theta3_posterior, col="orangered1", main = ("Posterior distribution for Theta 3"), xlab="Value", ylab="Frequency")
hist(thetaBias_posterior, col="limegreen", main = ("Posterior distribution for Theta Bias"), xlab="Value", ylab="Frequency")