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# Starting a conversation
greeting = input("What is your name?: ")
user = str(greeting)
if user[0].isupper():
print("Hello " + user + ",i'm glad to meet you" + "!")
print("Hello " + user + ",i'm glad to meet you" + "!")
print("Next time you should write your name starting with capital letter :)")
print("The number of letters of your name is: ")
# keep going the conversation
userAge = input("How old are you?: ")
userNumber = int(userAge)
if userNumber < 0:
print("That's not possible!") # If user puts a number below 0 it prints "That's not possible"
elif userNumber < 50:
print("Well, you are young, you have plenty of time to do anything you want, that's great, isn't it?") # If user puts a number below 50 it prints "You have very big knowledge about everything and anything."
elif userNumber < 100:
print("You have very big knowledge about everything and anything.") # If user puts a number below 100 it prints "You have very big knowledge about everything and anything."
elif userNumber < 120:
print("I don't know what to say, that is incredible.") # If user puts a number below 120 it prints "I don't know what to say, that is incredible."
print("Hmm, i think you lying ")
print("Next year you will be " + str(int(userNumber) + 1))
# keep going the conversation
question1Answer = ["Bad", "bad", "Boored", "boored", "Super", "super", "Terrible", "terrible", "Tired", "tired",
"Depressed", "depressed", "Angry", "angry", "annoyed", "Annoyed", "gloomy", "Gloomy", "Grumpy",
"grumpy", "Indifferent", "indiffrent", "Rejected", "receted", "Stressed", "stressed", "Irritated",
"irritated", "weird", "Weird"]
question1Answer1 = ["Good", "good", "Okey", "okey", "Amazing", "amazing", "I'm okey", "i'm okey", "great", "Great",
"Awesome", "awesome", "happy" "Happy", "Optimistic", "optimistic", "joyful", "Joyful", "Loving",
"loving", "Mellow", "mellow", "Peaceful", "peaceful", "Silly", "silly", "Sympaetic", "sympaetic",
"Calm", "calm", "Excited", "excited"]
question1 = input("How are you feeling today?: ")
if question1 in question1Answer:
print("Ahhh, that is not good, i hope you gonna feel better as soon as possible :) ")
elif question1 in question1Answer1:
print("Wow, atleast someone has a good day, that's nice")
print("This is the first time i've heard this kinda mood")
# keep going the conversation
question2Answer = ["6"]
smart = input(
"Hey, quick math question, if you gonna answer it correctly, i'm gonna give you a candy(just kidding)! 2+2*2?: ")
if smart in question2Answer:
print("Well done! Wasn't so hard, right?")
print("PIIIP, WRONG! First you need to calculate 2*2 and then +2, that is simple math")
# keep going the conversation
import random # This is required to include random module
jokekeywords = ["Yes", "yes", "Sure", "sure", "Why not", "why not", "Okey", "okey", "Ok", "ok", "Yeah", "yeah"]
jokekeywords1 = ["No", "no", "No, thanks", "no thanks", "Nah", "nah"]
joke_responces = ["My dog used to chase people on a bike a lot. It got so bad, finally I had to take his bike away.",
"What is the difference between a snowman and a snowwoman? -Snowballs.",
"I can’t believe I forgot to go to the gym today. That’s 7 years in a row now.",
"A naked women robbed a bank. Nobody could remember her face.",
"I’m selling my talking parrot. Why? Because yesterday, the bastard tried to sell me.",
"A wife is like a hand grenade. Take off the ring and say good bye to your house.",
" Don’t be sad when a bird craps on your head. Be happy that dogs can’t fly."]
joke = input("Do you wanna hear a joke? ")
if joke in jokekeywords:
print("Okey, here you go" + "!" + "-" + random.choice(joke_responces))
elif joke in jokekeywords1:
print("Meh, that is not interesting")
print("What do you mean?")
# keep going the conversation
movie = input("Do you like movies? Yes/No ")
movieanswer = str(movie)
if movieanswer == "Yes":
movie1 = input("What was the last movie you watched? ")
movieanswer1 = str(movie1)
print("Oh, i want to watch this movie too" + "!")
elif movieanswer == "No":
print("Whaaat? How is that possible")
print("What do you mean?")
# keep going the conversation
import time # This is required to include time module
localtime = time.asctime(time.localtime(time.time())) #
print("Have you eaten today? " + "It's already " + localtime)
print("If you haven't, then you should get something or better idea is to cook something, that's gonna be cheaper")
# keep going the conversation
import requests # This is required to include request module
city = input("So, which city you live in?:")
api_address = "{}&units=metric".format(
city) #
json_data = requests.get(api_address).json() # This is used to communicate between the web server and client
weather_data = json_data['main']['temp']
print("The weather in this City right know is - ")
print("The temperature is {}".format(weather_data))
# Ending the conversation
import bs4 # This is required to include bs4 module
conversation_words = ["No", "no" "Nah", "nah", "No, i don't", "no, i don't"]
conversation_words1 = ["Yea", "yea", "Yeah", "yeah", "Yes", "yes", "Yes, i like", "yes, i like"]
bye = input("Bye the way, do you like our conversation? ")
if bye in conversation_words:
print("Okey, i'm gonna leave you alone!")
elif bye in conversation_words1:
print("Thank'ya, same here")
search = input("Do you want to search for something? Yes/No ") #
if search == "Yes":
search1 = input("What do you want to search for? Write without spaces! ")
sus_adress = '' + (search1)
result = requests.get(sus_adress)
result1 = bs4.BeautifulSoup(result.text, "html.parser") # This is used for pulling data from the HTML files
link1 ='.r a')
link2 = min(2, len(link1))
print("So the most popular information is - ")
for i in range(link2):
m = sus_adress + link1[i].get('href')