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210 lines (170 sloc) 6.27 KB
import discord
import urllib.request
import urllib.parse
import re
import asyncio
from datetime import datetime
TOKEN = 'NTA0NzgyMjc4MjYyNzg0MDAy.Dspoqg.pLuBwseJIhILqFByxueoNQO5Isg'
client = discord.Client()
weatherList = ["cold", "hot", "weather", "typhoon", "forecast", "wind", "temperature"]
yes = ["yes"]
no = ["no"]
listTime = ["time", "day", "month", "year", "minute", "hour", "date"]
day = ["day"]
time = ["time"]
both = ["both"]
neither = ["neither"]
class gV():
flagTimeQ = 0
flagWeather = 0
flagWeatherA = 0
flagRandom = 0
def timeFunction(text):
now =
currentYear = now.year
currentMonth = now.month
currentDay =
currentHour = now.hour
currentMin = now.minute
if currentMonth == 1:
currentMonth = "January"
elif currentMonth == 2:
currentMonth = "February"
elif currentMonth == 3:
currentMonth = "March"
elif currentMonth == 4:
currentMonth = "April"
elif currentMonth == 5:
currentMonth = "May"
elif currentMonth == 6:
currentMonth = "June"
elif currentMonth == 7:
currentMonth = "July"
elif currentMonth == 8:
currentMonth = "August"
elif currentMonth == 9:
currentMonth = "September"
elif currentMonth == 10:
currentMonth = "October"
elif currentMonth == 11:
currentMonth = "November"
elif currentMonth == 12:
currentMonth = "December"
if currentHour <= 12:
hour = " pm "
currentHour = currentHour - 12
hour = " am "
if currentMin == 1:
min = " minute "
min = " minutes "
if gV.flagTimeQ == 1 and day[0] in text:
gV.flagTimeQ = 0
return "Today is " + currentMonth + " " + str(currentDay) + ", " + str(currentYear) + "."
elif gV.flagTimeQ == 1 and time[0] in text:
gV.flagTimeQ = 0
return "It's " + str(currentHour) + hour + "and " + str(currentMin) + min + "."
elif gV.flagTimeQ == 1 and both[0] in text:
gV.flagTimeQ = 0
return "Today is " + currentMonth + " " + str(currentDay) + ", " + str(currentYear) + " and it's " + \
str(currentHour) + hour + "and " + str(currentMin) + min + "."
elif gV.flagTimeQ == 1 and neither[0] in text:
gV.flagTimeQ = 0
return "What do you want to talk about then?"
return "I can't understand you."
return "Something went wrong."
def weatherForecast(city):
url = '' + city + '/forecasts/latest'
headers = {}
headers['User-Agent'] = "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) " \
"Chrome/ Safari/537.36"
# the 2 next lines were based on
req = urllib.request.Request(url, headers=headers)
resp = urllib.request.urlopen(req)
respData =
temperature = re.findall(r'class="temp">\S+<', str(respData))
weather_text = re.findall(r'"b-metar-table__weather-text">\D+<', str(respData))
n = 0
while n < 4:
t = temperature[n]
wt = weather_text[n]
if "Dry" in wt:
weather = "Dry"
elif "clowdy" or "Clowdy" in wt:
weather = "Clowdy"
elif "snow" in wt:
weather = "snowy"
elif "rain" or "Rain" in wt:
weather = "Rainy"
elif "Fog" or "fog" in wt:
weather = "Foggy"
elif "No report." in wt:
weather = "Something..."
if n == 0:
sentence0 = "The temperature and weather in different spots of " + city + " today will be: "
sentence1 = t[13:len(t) - 21] + "ºC, and " + weather
if n == 1:
sentence2 = t[13:len(t) - 21] + "ºC, and " + weather
elif n == 2:
sentence3 = t[13:len(t) - 21] + "ºC, and " + weather
elif n == 3:
sentence4 = t[13:len(t) - 21] + "ºC, and " + weather
return sentence0 + "\n" + sentence1 + "\n" + sentence2 + "\n" + sentence3 + "\n" + sentence4
n = n + 1
except Exception as error:
return "Sorry, but im afraid I don't know that city."
def weatherAnswer(text):
if any(word in text for word in weatherList):
gV.flagWeather = 1
return "Do you want to talk about the weather?"
elif gV.flagWeather == 1 and gV.flagWeatherA == 1:
gV.flagWeather = 0
gV.flagWeatherA = 0
return weatherForecast(text)
elif any(word in text for word in yes) and gV.flagWeather == 1:
gV.flagWeatherA = 1
return "You want the weather forecast of which city?"
elif any(word in text for word in no) and gV.flagWeather == 1:
gV.flagWeather = 0
return "Ok then."
return "I didn't understand."
return "Something went wrong."
def on_message(message):
message.content = message.content.lower()
if == client.user:
if any(word in message.content for word in weatherList):
gV.flagWeather = 1
botmsg = "Do you want to talk about the weather?"
elif gV.flagWeather == 1:
botmsg = weatherAnswer(message.content)
elif any(word in message.content for word in listTime) and gV.flagTimeQ == 0:
gV.flagTimeQ = 1
botmsg = "Do you want to know what day it is, what time it is, both or neither?"
elif gV.flagTimeQ == 1:
botmsg = timeFunction(message.content)
botmsg = "Something went wrong."
botmsg = "Sorry, but I didn't understand."
yield from client.send_message(, botmsg)
def on_ready():
print('Logged in as')