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from flask import flash, Blueprint, request, render_template, url_for, redirect
from .database_models import User, Item # imports user and item class
#ensures no passwords are stored as plain text
from import generate_password_hash, check_password_hash
from werkzeug.utils import secure_filename # allows me to change the uploaded files name
from . import db
from flask_login import login_user, login_required, logout_user, current_user # login management modules
import os
from datetime import datetime, timedelta
import smtplib
routes = Blueprint("routes", __name__) # blueprint allows splitting up routes over several files
# sets where uploaded images are saved and which image extensions are allowed
UPLOAD_FOLDER = "/home/codio/workspace/auction/static/images"
@routes.route("/", methods=['GET', 'POST'])
#@login_required # requires the user to be logged in to access
def home_page():
items = Item.query.all() # gets all rows of items
users = User.query.all() # gets all rows of items
dt =
return render_template("home_page.html", items=items, user=current_user, users=users, dt=dt) # sends items to the html and keeps track of login status
@routes.route("/login", methods=['GET', 'POST'])
def login(): # users can login to the website using an existing account
if request.method == 'POST':
email = request.form.get("email") # gets values from form
password = request.form.get("password")
user = User.query.filter_by(email = email).first() # checks all the users with the email entered
if user: # if there is an existing user with the corresponding email
if check_password_hash(user.password, password): # hashes password and checks it against the one in the database
login_user(user, remember=True) # remembers the user is logged while the web server is using
return redirect(url_for('routes.home_page')) # redirects the user to the home page
flash("Password incorrect", category="warning") # shows a warning
flash("Account does not exist", category="warning")
return render_template("login.html", user=current_user)
@routes.route("/register", methods=['GET', 'POST'])
def register(): # users can register for a new account, saves new user to the database
if request.method == 'POST':
email = request.form.get("email") # gets data from the form
phone = request.form.get("phone")
username = request.form.get("username")
password = request.form.get("password")
confirm = request.form.get("confirm")
user = User.query.filter_by(email = email).first() # checks all the users with the email entered
if user: # if user already exists
flash("Email used on another account.", category = "warning")
elif password != confirm:
flash("Both passwords must be the same", category = "warning")
elif len(password) <= 5:
flash("Password must be > 5 characters", category = "warning")
else: #add new user to the database
#creates a new User object, and applies a hashing algorithm to the password
new_user = User(email=email, phone=phone, username=username, password=generate_password_hash(password, method='sha256'))
db.session.commit() # commits the new user
login_user(new_user, remember=True) # logs in the new user
flash("Account created.", category="success")
return redirect(url_for('routes.home_page'))
return render_template("register.html", user=current_user)
def logout(): # allows users to logout
logout_user() # remembers that the user has logged out
flash("You are now logged out.", category="success")
return redirect(url_for("routes.home_page")) # redirects user back to the login page
def allowed_file(filename): # checks the image uploaded is of the write extension
return '.' in filename and \
filename.rsplit('.', 1)[1] in ALLOWED_EXTENSIONS
@routes.route("/sell", methods=['GET', 'POST'])
def sell(): # user can enter information about an item they would like to add to the home page in order to sell
if request.method == 'POST':
item_name = request.form.get("item_name") # forms gather information
item_name = item_name.capitalize() # capitalizes name
description = request.form.get("description")
description = description.capitalize()
price = request.form.get("price")
dt =
td = timedelta(days=3)
auction_end = dt + td # gets the auction end time, set to 3 days in the future
#creates a new Item object
new_item = Item(item_name=item_name, description=description, price=price, auction_end=auction_end,
db.session.commit() # commits the new item to the database
item_id = new_item.item_id # gets the current items id
if request.files: # if a file is sent, saves it to the item_image variable
item_image = request.files["item_image"] # gets the file from the form
if allowed_file(item_image.filename): # only allows the file input, and commits to the database, if the image is .jpg
# saves image to the default directory given in the init file, as item_id.fileextension
filename = secure_filename(str(item_id) + ".jpg") # + '.' + item_image.filename.rsplit('.', 1)[1] for other filetypes, filename)) # saves the file to the specified upload folder
flash("Item added.", category="success")
return redirect(url_for('routes.home_page')) # once item is created redirects to the home page
flash("Invalid filetype.", category="warning")
# if the file uploaded is not a jpg, remove the item from the database
return render_template("sell.html", user=current_user)
@routes.route("/myitems", methods=['GET', 'POST'])
def my_items(): # shows items the user has for put sale
length = len(current_user.items) # how many items the user has for sale
dt = # gets the current date and time
if length > 0:
return render_template("my_items.html", user=current_user, dt=dt) # shows the user their items
else: # if the user has no items for sale
return render_template("no_items.html", user=current_user) # tells the user they have nothing for sale
@routes.route("/item/<int:item_id>", methods=['GET', 'POST'])
def item_info(item_id): # route shows users a dedicated page for each item, with all its information
user = current_user
users = User.query.all() # gets all users
item = Item.query.filter_by(item_id=item_id).first() # finds the item the user clicked ons information
dt =
# if statements show different html depending on if the item is marked as sold, expired, or still for sale
if item.sold == True:
return render_template("item_sold.html", user=current_user, users=users, item=item)
elif dt > item.auction_end:
return render_template("item_expired.html", user=current_user, users=users, item=item)
elif item.sold == False:
return render_template("item.html", user=current_user, users=users, item=item)
@routes.route("/delete/<int:item_id>", methods=['GET', 'POST'])
def item_delete(item_id): # allows a user to delete their item from the website
user = current_user
item = Item.query.filter_by(item_id=item_id).first() # finds the item they clicked on
# prevents another user deleting items they don't own
if item.user_id == # if the current user is the items owner
Item.query.filter_by(item_id=item_id).delete() # deletes the item
flash("Item deleted", category="success")
return redirect(url_for('routes.my_items'))
flash("Unauthorised user", category="warning") # tells the user if they try to delete someone elses item
return redirect(url_for('routes.home_page')) # redirects to the home page
@routes.route("/sold/<int:item_id>", methods=['GET', 'POST'])
def sold(item_id): # allows a user to mark an item as sold
item = Item.query.filter_by(item_id=item_id).first() # finds the item they want to mark
# prevents another user marking items they don't own
if item.user_id == # if the current user is the items owner
item.sold = True
flash("Unauthorised user", category="warning") # tells the user if they try to mark someone elses item
return redirect(url_for('routes.home_page')) # redirects to the home page
winner = User.query.filter_by(id=item.sold_to).first()
if item.sold_to > 0:
notify_winner(winner, item) # sends an email to the winner
return redirect(url_for('routes.my_items')) # redirects to the home page
@routes.route("/bid/<int:item_id>", methods=['GET', 'POST'])
def bid(item_id): # allows a user to bid on an item
user = current_user
item = Item.query.filter_by(item_id=item_id).first()
if item.sold_to == 0: # if this is the first bid
new_bid = request.form.get("new_bid") # gets the bid from the form
item.current_bid = new_bid # sets the values in the database = to the new values
item.sold_to =
db.session.commit() # updates the database
else: # if the item has been bid on before
outbid_user = User.query.filter_by(id=item.sold_to).first()
notify_outbid(outbid_user, item) # emails the person being outbid
new_bid = request.form.get("new_bid") # gets the bid from the form
item.current_bid = new_bid # sets the values in the database = to the new values
item.sold_to =
return redirect(url_for('routes.item_info', item_id=item.item_id)) # redirects to the home page
def notify_winner(winner, item): # emails a user if they win an auction
message = "you have won the "+item.item_name+" auction!!" # not allowing me to send an email with a link in it, coming in blank
winner_email =
send_email("", "", message) # changed reciever to reduce spam when testing
def notify_outbid(user, item): # emails a user if they are outbid
message = "you have been outbid on the "+item.item_name+" auction!" # wont allow me to put a link in the email
outbid_email =
send_email("", "", message)
def send_email(sender, reciever, message): # sends the email using smtplib module
password = "Python150*"
server = smtplib.SMTP("", 587)
server.login(sender, password)
server.sendmail(sender, "", message)