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408 lines (346 sloc) 23.8 KB
from flask import Blueprint, jsonify, request
from . import db
from .models import MOVIE_DETAILS, USER_DETAILS, REVIEW_DETAILS #the columns and the data from there are imported
from flask_cors import CORS
import base64 #used for decrypt hash
main = Blueprint('main', __name__)
CORS(main, supports_credentials=True)
@main.route('/addreview', methods=['POST'])
def addReview():
movieID = request.get_json() #gets movieID from the page URL by using userParams function
movieToReview = db.session.query((,
(MOVIE_DETAILS.movieLength), #gets the movie details to show on the page filtered down to the right movie
thisMovie = [] #empty array created
for movie in movieToReview: #loop through data
thisMovie.append({ 'movieId' :,
'title': movie.title,
'rating': movie.averageRating,
'category': movie.category,
'coverPhoto': movie.coverPhoto, #appends the empty array with data from the query
'longDescription': movie.longDescription,
'release': movie.release,
'movieLength': movie.movieLength})
return jsonify ({'thisMovie': thisMovie[0]})
@main.route('/addnewreview', methods=['POST'])
def addnewreview():
details = request.get_json() #gets the user input from add review form
newReview = REVIEW_DETAILS(rating=details[0],review=details[1],userId=details[2],movieId=details[3],reviewDate=details[4]) #assigns the input to the right columns in the database
db.session.add(newReview) #adds newReview to be commited
db.session.commit() #data is commited to the database
return jsonify ()
@main.route('/removereview', methods=['POST'])
def removereview():
details = request.get_json() #gets the review data from myReviews page
REVIEW_DETAILS.query.filter(REVIEW_DETAILS.userId == details["userID"]).filter(REVIEW_DETAILS.movieId == details["movieId"]).delete() #the data is filtered down to get the intersection between the correct user and movieID
db.session.commit() #commit the delete
return 'Done', 201 #successful return
def movies():
movie_list = db.session.query((,
(MOVIE_DETAILS.movieLength), #gets the movie details to show on the page grouped and joined to review datails to show ratings
movies = [] #empty array created
for movie in movie_list:
movies.append({ 'id' :,
'title' : movie.title,
'release' : movie.release,
'description' : movie.description,
'rating' : movie.averageRating,
'movieLength' : movie.movieLength, #movies data added to the array
'category' : movie.category,
'coverPhoto' : movie.coverPhoto,
'pagePhoto' : movie.pagePhoto,
'longDescription' : movie.longDescription})
return jsonify ({'movies': movies}) #movies data returned
def users():
user_list = USER_DETAILS.query.all() #all user data is queried
users = [] #empty array created
for user in user_list:
users.append({ 'id' :,
'userName' : user.userName, #user data is added to the array
'userPassword' : user.userPassword})
return jsonify ({'users': users}) #json object returned with details
@main.route('/register', methods=['POST'])
def addUser():
details = request.get_json() #the details are taken from user input
check = db.session.query(([0]).all() #a check is ran to see if username already exists
if len(check)==1:
return jsonify ({'userID': None}) #if the username already exists the userID will be set to None so no new user will be added
newUser = USER_DETAILS(userName=details[0],userPassword=details[1],joinDate=details[2]) #new user details are added to the database
db.session.commit() #data is commited to the database
userID = db.session.query([0]).all() #userID is queried from the database to get user logged in
return jsonify ({'userID': userID[0][0]}) #userID returns username and password
def login():
userID=None #userID is set to none to initialize it by default
token = request.headers.get('Authorization') #the authorisation headers are taken
[type,hash]=token.split() #authorisation token is split to get only the hash
decryptedHash=base64.b64decode(hash.encode('ascii')) #the has is decrypted using base64
decryptedHashArray=((decryptedHash).decode('utf-8')).split(':') #the decrypted data is decoded to utf-8 and is split by the : symbol
checkUserName = db.session.query((,(USER_DETAILS.userPassword)).filter(USER_DETAILS.userName==decryptedHashArray[0]).all() #filter the userid and password if the username data equals to what the hash is
if len(checkUserName)==1:
if checkUserName[0][1]==decryptedHashArray[1]: #login details and database match checked
return jsonify ({'userID': userID}) #userID is returned either with an existing one or None to either let the login happen or to stop it
def reviews():
review_list = REVIEW_DETAILS.query.all() #all of the reviews are taken from the database
reviews = [] #empty array created
for review in review_list:
reviews.append({ 'reviewId' : review.reviewId,
'movieId' : review.movieId,
'userId' : review.userId,
'rating' : review.rating, #array appended with data from review table
'review' :,
'reviewDate' : review.reviewDate})
return jsonify ({'reviews': reviews}) #the reviews are returned
@main.route('/recommended', methods=['POST'])
def recommended():
id = request.get_json() #id is taken to show the correct user's data
recommended_list = db.session.query((MOVIE_DETAILS.category)).outerjoin(REVIEW_DETAILS).group_by(MOVIE_DETAILS.category).filter(REVIEW_DETAILS.userId==id).all() #MOVIE_DETAILS and REVIEW_DETAILS joined and get data by the userId
moviesRecommended = [] #empty array created
for movie in recommended_list:
movie_list = db.session.query((,
(MOVIE_DETAILS.coverPhoto), #gets the movie details to show on the page grouped and joined to review datails to show ratings
movies = [] #empty array created
for movie2 in movie_list:
movies.append({ 'id' :,
'title' : movie2.title,
'release' : movie2.release,
'description' : movie2.description,
'rating' : movie2.averageRating,
'movieLength' : movie2.movieLength,
'category' : movie2.category, #appends data to the movies array
'coverPhoto' : movie2.coverPhoto,
'pagePhoto' : movie2.pagePhoto,
'longDescription' : movie2.longDescription})
moviesRecommended.append({'category' : movie.category, 'movies' : movies}) #the category and all data from movies is appended to moviesRecommended
return jsonify ({'moviesRecommended': moviesRecommended}) #the moviesRecommended array is returned
def myReviews():
userId=None #userID is set to none to initialize it by default
token = request.headers.get('Authorization')
[type,hash]=token.split() #authorisation token is split to get only the hash
decryptedHash=base64.b64decode(hash.encode('ascii')) #the has is decrypted using base64
decryptedHashArray=((decryptedHash).decode('utf-8')).split(':') #the decrypted data is decoded to utf-8 and is split by the : symbol
checkUserName = db.session.query((,(USER_DETAILS.userPassword)).filter(USER_DETAILS.userName==decryptedHashArray[0]).all() #filter the userid and password if the username data equals to what the hash is
userId = checkUserName[0][0] #userId equals to the first element in the array which is the id
myReview_list = db.session.query((,
(REVIEW_DETAILS.rating).label('reviewRating'), #MOVIE_DETAILS and REVIEW_DETAILS are both used so they are joined and filtered so it only shows the reviews of the logged in user
myreviews = [] #empty array created
for review in myReview_list:
averageRating = db.session.query((,db.func.avg(REVIEW_DETAILS.rating).label('averageRating'),).outerjoin(REVIEW_DETAILS).group_by(
print(averageRating) #average rating is worked out using the .func.avg and has joined the MOVIE_DETAILS and REVIEW_DETAILS to do so using the REVIEW_DETAILS.movieId and
myreviews.append({ 'movieId' :,
'averageRating': averageRating[0][1], #avarage rating is the second element in the array so second element is appended to array
'reviewRating' : review.reviewRating,
'review' :, #rest of the data is appanded to the array
'userId' : review.userId,
'reviewDate' : review.reviewDate,
'coverPhoto' : review.coverPhoto})
return jsonify ({'myReviews': myreviews}) #array is returned
@main.route('/categories', methods=['POST'])
def categories():
category = request.get_json() #catergory is taken from useParams function
movie_list = db.session.query((,
(MOVIE_DETAILS.coverPhoto), #data is queried to get MOVIE_DETAILS and REVIEW_DETAILS of specific category
movies = [] #empty array craeted
for movie in movie_list:
movies.append({ 'id' :,
'title' : movie.title,
'release' : movie.release,
'description' : movie.description,
'rating' : movie.averageRating,
'movieLength' : movie.movieLength, #data for a category is appeneded to the array
'category' : movie.category,
'coverPhoto' : movie.coverPhoto,
'pagePhoto' : movie.pagePhoto,
'longDescription' : movie.longDescription})
return jsonify ({'categories': movies}) #movie data is returned
@main.route('/search', methods=['POST'])
def search():
searchTerm = request.get_json() #the term being searched by user is requested through the input on the page
movie_list = db.session.query((,
(MOVIE_DETAILS.pagePhoto), #MOVIE_DETAILS and REVIEW_DETAILS are queried to show on the page using the .contains function to get all movies that contain the search term in the title
movies = [] #empty array created
for movie in movie_list:
movies.append({ 'id' :,
'title' : movie.title,
'release' : movie.release,
'description' : movie.description,
'rating' : movie.averageRating,
'movieLength' : movie.movieLength, #movie data appended to array
'category' : movie.category,
'coverPhoto' : movie.coverPhoto,
'pagePhoto' : movie.pagePhoto,
'longDescription' : movie.longDescription})
return jsonify ({'searchResults': movies}) #search results are returned
@main.route('/movieReviews', methods=['POST'])
def movieReviews():
id = request.get_json() #id is requested to know which movie is being shown
movie_list = db.session.query((,
(MOVIE_DETAILS.coverPhoto), #MOVIE_DETAILS data is queried for the current movie id joined with REVIEW_DETAILS to work out average rating
review_list = db.session.query((REVIEW_DETAILS.rating),(,(REVIEW_DETAILS.reviewDate),(REVIEW_DETAILS.userId), #REVIEW_DETAILS are needed to show all reviews of current movie
movies = []
for movie in movie_list:
movies.append({ 'id' :,
'title' : movie.title,
'release' : movie.release,
'description' : movie.description,
'rating' : movie.averageRating, #movie data is appeneded to array
'movieLength' : movie.movieLength,
'category' : movie.category,
'coverPhoto' : movie.coverPhoto,
'pagePhoto' : movie.pagePhoto,
'longDescription' : movie.longDescription})
reviews = []
for review in review_list:
reviews.append({ 'reviewId' : review.reviewId,
'movieId' : review.movieId,
'userId' : review.userId,
'rating' : review.rating, # review data is appanded to array
'review' :,
'reviewDate' : review.reviewDate,
'userName' : review.userName})
return jsonify ({'movieDetails': movies,'movieReviews': reviews}) #both arrays are returned
@main.route('/myaccount', methods=['POST'])
def myaccount():
userID = request.get_json() #userID is taken to know which user is logged in
user_list = USER_DETAILS.query.filter( #all user information is queried if userID matches id in the MOVIE_DETAILS table
review_list = db.session.query((REVIEW_DETAILS.rating),
(REVIEW_DETAILS.userId), #reviews of logged in user are queried
reviews = []
for review in review_list:
reviews.append({ 'reviewId' : review.reviewId,
'movieId' : review.movieId,
'userId' : review.userId,
'rating' : review.rating, #review data added to review array
'review' :,
'reviewDate' : review.reviewDate,
'userName' : review.userName})
movieID=(reviews[-1])['movieId'] #movieID needed to be altered as it wasn't showing the right movie
movie_list = db.session.query((,
(MOVIE_DETAILS.movieLength), #movie details are queried where there REVIEW_DETAILS movieId matches the movieID so it shows the right movie details per review
users = []
for user in user_list:
users.append({ 'id' :,
'userName' : user.userName,
'userPassword' : user.userPassword, #user data is appended to users array
'joinDate' : user.joinDate})
movies = []
for movie in movie_list:
movies.append({ 'id' :,
'title' : movie.title,
'release' : movie.release,
'description' : movie.description,
'rating' : movie.averageRating, #movie details are appended to movies array
'movieLength' : movie.movieLength,
'category' : movie.category,
'coverPhoto' : movie.coverPhoto})
return jsonify ({'movieDetails': movies,'userDetails': users,'userReviews': reviews}) #all three arrays are returned