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"#"" written by John Halloran. Please acknowledge if used """
""" below, there are spaces for you to add comments. You may want to add more comments than this, which is fine """
#draws board for tic-tac-toe
import random
def main():
boardsize = 3 #deleted inputBoardSize() #define board dimension
board = defineBoard(boardsize)
createBoardLabels(board, boardsize)
drawBoard(board, boardsize)
Player_1(board, boardsize)
letter = '' ##### not my code
def Player_1(board, boardsize):
elem = 'X'
position = input('Player 1, enter number you want to play: ')
print('Player 1, you are', elem, 'and you want to play Cell', position)
for i in range(boardsize):
for j in range(boardsize): # call on this code in player 1
if board[i][j] == int(position):
board [i][j] = elem
#update needs to find the input in the board and change it to X
#if board[1][0] == input
#board[1][0] = 'X'
if position != 'quit':
print('Player, you entered', position)
drawBoard(board, boardsize)
if Win_Checker(board) != True:
AI_Player(board, boardsize, moveList)
print("Congratulations player 1, You win")
def moveList (board, boardsize):
moveList = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9]
def AI_Player(board, boardsize, moveList):
movesToChoose = []
for i in range (boardsize):
for j in range (boardsize):
if type(board[i][j]) == int:
move = random.choice(movesToChoose)
for i in range (boardsize):
for j in range (boardsize):
if board [i][j] == int (move):
board[i][j] = "O"
print ('computer has entered',move)
drawBoard(board, boardsize)
Player_1 (board, boardsize)
def Player_2(board, boardsize):
elem = '0'
position = input('Player 2, enter number you want to play: ')
print('Player 2, you are', elem, 'and you want to play Cell', position)
if position != 'quit':
print('Player, you entered', position)
for i in range(boardsize):
for j in range(boardsize): # call on this code in player 1
if board[i][j] == int(position):
board [i][j] = elem
drawBoard(board, boardsize)
if Win_Checker(board) != True:
Player_1(board, boardsize)
print("Congratulations player 2, You win")
#def getPlayerMove(board):
# Let the player type in his move.
# move = ' '
# while move not in '1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9'.split() or not isSpaceFree(board, int(move)): ###### not my code
# print('What is your next move? (1-9)')
# move = input()
def defineBoard(boardsize):
board = [[""] * boardsize for i in range(boardsize)] #make the basic (non-drawable) version of theboard
print ('board in defineBoard is', board)
return board
def inputBoardSize(): #this is so we can make a board of any dimension we like
boardsize = input('enter board dimension: ') #not used in this version, but if it was, how?
return int(boardsize)
def createBoardLabels(board, boardsize): #<I think this is to change what is printed in the board>
counter = 0
for i in range(boardsize):
for j in range(boardsize):
counter +=1 # call on this code in player 1
board[i][j] = counter
print ('board in creatBoardLabels is', board)
return (board)
def print_divider (boardsize): #<your comment>
print ('|'.join(['____' for x in range(boardsize)]))
def print_blank (boardsize):
print ('|'.join([' ' for x in range(boardsize)])) #<your comment>
def print_labels(counter, board, boardsize): #<this might be to input the X and O>
row = ' | '.join(['%2s' % board[counter][x] for x in range(boardsize)])
row = ' ' + row #if you want too get rid of the numbers then take out the + row in this line of code
def Win_Checker(board):
if board[0][0]==board[0][1] and board[0][1]==board[0][2]:
return True
elif board[1][0]==board[1][1] and board[1][1]==board[1][2]:
return True
elif board[2][0]==board[2][1] and board[2][1]==board[2][2]:
return True
elif board[0][0]==board[1][0] and board[1][0]==board[2][0]:
return True
elif board[0][1]==board[1][1] and board[1][1]==board[2][1]:
return True
elif board[0][2]==board[1][2] and board[1][2]==board[2][2]:
return True
elif board[0][0]==board[1][1] and board[1][1]==board[2][2]:
return True
elif board[0][2]==board[1][1] and board[1][1]==board[2][0]:
return True
return False
def drawBoard(board, boardsize): #<your comment>
for i in range(boardsize):
print_labels(i,board, boardsize)
if (i == boardsize-1):
main() #run the program