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178 lines (169 sloc) 7.48 KB
from main import app
from flask import Flask, session, g, redirect, url_for, render_template, abort, flash, make_response, request
import os
import sqlite3
from functools import wraps
# more extension types can be added to the array
EXTENSIONS = ['jpg', 'png']
BOOK_COVERS = '/home/codio/workspace/main/static/book_covers'
# ALWAYS check user session
def user_logged_in():
user_id = session.get('access_mode')
if user_id is None:
# Session not found
g.user = None
g.user= user_id
# Wrappers allow additional functionality
# Code inspired by
def login_req(view):
def wrapped_view(**kwargs):
# if no login
# massive help from
if g.user is None:
# login again
return redirect(url_for('login'))
return view(**kwargs)
# decorated func
return wrapped_view
# Wrapper
# Code inspired by
def admin_req(view):
def wrapped_view(**kwargs):
# check if user is admin
if g.user == 'admin':
# display view
return view(**kwargs)
if g.user is None:
return redirect(url_for('login')) # login again
# already logged in?
return redirect(url_for('homepage'))
return wrapped_view
@app.route('/homepage', methods=['GET','POST'])
def homepage():
if request.method == 'POST':
# doesnt show stock list unless session user is admin
if request.form['Submit'] == 'STOCK LEVELS':
return redirect(url_for('stock_levels'))
elif request.form['Submit'] == 'LOGOUT':
# Logout therefore remove everything from session
return redirect(url_for('login'))
elif request.form['Submit'] == 'CART':
# View shopping cart function
return redirect(url_for('shopping_cart')) #this function is located in file
# Connect to database and get ALL book data for ALL books
con = sqlite3.connect('bookshop_database.db')
cur = con.cursor()
cur.execute("SELECT * FROM books")
# Put into variable
rows = cur.fetchall()
# Render the homepage
return render_template('homepage.html',page=url_for('homepage'),books=rows)
# Add books to stock
@app.route('/homepage/add_book',methods = ['POST'])
def add_book():
_isbn = request.form['isbn']
con = sqlite3.connect('bookshop_database.db')
cur = con.cursor()
# Check if any existing row that has the same primary key (isbn13)
cur.execute("SELECT * FROM books WHERE isbn13=?;", [_isbn])
row = cur.fetchone()
# session['book'] is nested dictionary
book_dict = {row[3]:{'title':row[0],'cover':row[5],'isbn':row[3],'price':row[7],'quantity':1,'total_individual_price' : row[7],'qty_left' : row[8],}}
if 'book' in session:
# If book isbn has already been added to the cart:
if row[3] in session['book']: # (row[3] is isbn number (PRIMARY KEY))
# Quantity of same book + 1
session['book'][row[3]]['quantity'] += 1
# Add retail price to the existing total for that book
session['book'][row[3]]['total_individual_price'] += row[7]
# Update total cost of cart
session['total_price'] += row[7]
# Quantity + 1
session['total_quantity'] += 1
# Book with diff isbn13 number added to cart:
# Add book to session dict
session['book'] = dict(list(session['book'].items())+list(book_dict.items()))
# Price of book added to order
session['total_price'] += row[7]
# Quantity + 1
session['total_quantity'] += 1
# If no book has been added yet (notice quantity is set to 1)
session['book'] = book_dict
session['total_price'] = row[7]
session['total_quantity'] = 1
return redirect(url_for('homepage'))
# Page for viewing stock (admin required)
# Template checks session for admin priviledges before this is run
@app.route('/homepage/stocklist', methods=['GET','POST'])
def stock_levels():
if request.method == 'POST':
# 2 buttons (POST)
if request.form['Submit'] == 'ADD STOCK':
return redirect(url_for('add_stock'))
elif request.form['Submit'] == 'GO BACK':
return redirect(url_for('homepage'))
# list all books from db if method not post (default)
con = sqlite3.connect('bookshop_database.db')
cur = con.cursor()
cur.execute("SELECT * FROM books")
rows = cur.fetchall()
return render_template('stock_checker.html', page = url_for('stock_levels'), books = rows)
# Add new books or update if isbn (PK) is the same as existing
@app.route('/homepage/stocklist/add_stock', methods=['GET','POST'])
def add_stock():
if request.method == 'POST':
if request.form['Submit'] == 'SUBMIT':
file = request.files["inpt_file"]
# When file uploaded is true
if file: # if the user had given us a file
# basic function to check if filetype is valid:
if allowed_file(file.filename):
filename = file.filename
# Save img file to book covers folder['BOOK_COVERS'],filename))
con = sqlite3.connect('bookshop_database.db')
con.row_factory = lambda cursor, row: row[0]
cur = con.cursor()
# Check if book with same primary key exists
cur.execute("SELECT isbn13 FROM books WHERE isbn13=?",(request.form['isbn'],))
row = cur.fetchall()
# If it does, before we insert we must delete the current row
if len(row) != 0:
cur.execute("DELETE FROM books WHERE isbn13=?",(request.form['isbn'],))
# we add values that we provided in a form into our database
cur.execute("INSERT INTO books VALUES(?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)",(request.form['book_title'],request.form['author'],request.form['pub_date'],request.form['isbn'],request.form['desc'],filename,request.form['trade_price'],request.form['retail_price'],request.form['qnty']))
# return to stock page with new stock details added
return redirect(url_for('stock_levels'))
flash('Bad file extension.')
# essentially try again
return redirect(url_for('add_stock'))
# essentially try again
flash('No image uploaded.')
return redirect(url_for('add_stock'))
return render_template('add_edit_stock.html',page=url_for('add_stock'))
# use of rsplit taken from
def allowed_file(filename):
# a '.' is required in order for it to be a valid filename
if '.' not in filename:
return False
# if there is a '.' then ANY of the allowed extensions
if filename.rsplit('.', 1)[1].lower() in EXTENSIONS:
return True
return False