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jaffala committed Nov 2, 2022
1 parent ce80de7 commit 28850df6e62bd7c3cb266f46aebcc4368ac063f3
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"cell_type": "markdown",
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"github test\n",
"The Ant Colony optimisation was successfully executed using the Sci-kit package, using the function. \n",
"## For n = 50 \n",
"Results are as follows :- \n",
"Cost of travel, Euclidean = 117.30634693659576\n",
"Cost of travel, Euclidean - Greedy= 124.5160306576604\n",
"Cost of travel for asymmetric graph is = 117\n",
"Cost of travel for asymmetric graph Greedy= 71\n",
"Cost of travel for symmetric graph is = 87\n",
"Cost of travel for symmetric graph Greedy= 81\n",
"## Images of graphs and plots \n",
"$$ Euclidean \\space graph $$\n",
"$$ Euclidean \\space Plot $$\n",
" \n",
"$$ Asymmetric \\space graph $$\n",
"$$ Asymmetric \\space Plot $$\n",
" \n",
"$$ Symmetric \\space graph $$\n",
"$$ Symmetric \\space Plot $$\n",
" \n",
"$$ $$ \n",
"## For n = 100\n",
"Results are as follows :- \n",
"Cost of travel, Euclidean = 178.95818153604972\n",
"Cost of travel, Euclidean - Greedy= 206.00052858467922\n",
"Cost of travel for asymmetric graph is = 182\n",
"Cost of travel for asymmetric graph Greedy= 120\n",
"Cost of travel for symmetric graph is = 211\n",
"Cost of travel for symmetric graph Greedy= 132\n",
"$$ Euclidean \\space graph $$\n",
"$$ Euclidean \\space Plot $$\n",
" \n",
"$$ Asymmetric \\space graph $$\n",
"$$ Asymmetric \\space Plot $$\n",
" \n",
"$$ symmetric \\space graph $$\n",
"$$ symmetric \\space Plot $$\n",
" \n",
"$$ $$ \n",
"## For n = 150\n",
"Results are as follows :- \n",
"Cost of travel, Euclidean = 178.95818153604972\n",
"Cost of travel, Euclidean - Greedy= 206.00052858467922\n",
"Cost of travel for asymmetric graph is = 182\n",
"Cost of travel for asymmetric graph Greedy= 120\n",
"Cost of travel for symmetric graph is = 211\n",
"Cost of travel for symmetric graph Greedy= 132\n",
"$$ Euclidean \\space graph $$\n",
"$$ Euclidean \\space Plot $$\n",
" \n",
"$$ Asymmetric \\space graph $$\n",
"$$ Asymmetric \\space Plot $$\n",
" \n",
"$$ Symmetric \\space graph $$\n",
"$$ Symmetric \\space Plot $$\n",
" \n",
"## For n = 200\n",
"Results are as follows :- \n",
"Cost of travel, Euclidean = 287.6057902102739\n",
"Cost of travel, Euclidean - Greedy= 301.31792232560036\n",
"Cost of travel for asymmetric graph is = 242\n",
"Cost of travel for asymmetric graph Greedy= 220\n",
"Cost of travel for symmetric graph is = 210\n",
"Cost of travel for symmetric graph Greedy= 221\n",
"$$ Euclidean \\space graph $$\n",
"$$ Euclidean \\space Plot $$\n",
"$$ Asymmetric \\space graph $$\n",
"$$ Asymmetric \\space Plot $$\n",
" \n",
"$$ Symmetric \\space graph $$\n",
"$$ Symmetric \\space Plot $$\n",
" \n",
"## For n = 250\n",
"Results are as follows :- \n",
"Cost of travel, Euclidean = 280.671643559593\n",
"Cost of travel, Euclidean - Greedy= 307.56913052707324\n",
"Cost of travel for asymmetric graph is = 221\n",
"Cost of travel for asymmetric graph Greedy= 225\n",
"Cost of travel for symmetric graph is = 422\n",
"Cost of travel for symmetric graph Greedy= 225\n",
"$$ Euclidean \\space graph $$\n",
"$$ Euclidean \\space Plot $$\n",
"$$ Asymmetric \\space graph $$\n",
"$$ Asymmetric \\space Plot $$\n",
" \n",
"$$ Symmetric \\space graph $$\n",
"$$ Symmetric \\space Plot $$\n",
" \n",
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def top_down(arr, n):
memo = {}

# recursive top down memoized solution
def solve(i, j):
if i > j or i >= n or j < 0:
return 0

k = (i, j)
if k in memo:
return memo[k]

# if the user chooses ith number, the opponent can choose from i+1th or jth number.
# if he chooses i+1th number, user is left with [i+2,j] range.
# if opp chooses jth number, then user is left with [i+1,j-1] range to choose from.
# Also opponent tries to choose
# in such a way that the user has minimum value left.
option1 = arr[i] + min(solve(i+2, j), solve(i+1, j-1))

# if user chooses jth number, opponent can choose ith number or j-1th number.
# if opp chooses ith number,user can choose in range [i+1,j-1].
# if opp chooses j-1th number, user can choose in range [i,j-2].
option2 = arr[j] + min(solve(i+1, j-1), solve(i, j-2))

# since the user wants to get maximum money
memo[k] = max(option1, option2)
return memo[k]

return solve(0, n-1)

def bot_up(arr, n):

#Create a table to store
#solutions of subproblems
table = [[0 for i in range(n)]
for i in range(n)]

# Fill table using above recursive
# formula. Note that the table is
# filled in diagonal fashion
# from diagonal elements to
# table[0][n-1] which is the result.
for gap in range(n):
for j in range(gap, n):
i = j - gap

# Here x is value of F(i + 2, j),
# y is F(i + 1, j-1) and z is
# F(i, j-2) in above recursive
# formula
x = 0
if((i + 2) <= j):
x = table[i + 2][j]
y = 0
if((i + 1) <= (j - 1)):
y = table[i + 1][j - 1]
z = 0
if(i <= (j - 2)):
z = table[i][j - 2]
table[i][j] = max(arr[i] + min(x, y),
arr[j] + min(y, z))
return table[0][n - 1]

# Test Code
list1 = [5, 3, 7, 10]
n = len(list1)
print('Maximum Profit of P1 using Top Down approach = ', top_down(list1, n))

print('Maximum Profit of P1 using Bottom Up approach = ', bot_up(list1, n))

list2 = [8, 15, 3, 7]
n = len(list2)
print('Maximum Profit of P1 using Top Down approach = ',top_down(list2, n))
print('Maximum Profit of P1 using Bottom Up approach = ', bot_up(list2, n))

list3 = [20, 30, 2, 2, 2, 10]
n = len(list3)
print( 'Maximum Profit of P1 using Top Down approach = ',top_down(list3, n))
print('Maximum Profit of P1 using Bottom Up approach = ', bot_up(list3, n))
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@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
# Import all classes of PuLP module
from pulp import *

# Create the problem variable to contain the problem data
model = LpProblem("ToolsProblem", LpMaximize)

# Create 3 variables Steel, Molding_machine, and Assembly_machine

T1 = LpVariable("Tool1", 0, None, LpInteger)
T2 = LpVariable("Tool2", 0, None, LpInteger)
T3 = LpVariable("Tool3", 0, None, LpInteger)

# Create maximize objective function
model += 0.13 * T1 + 0.1 * T2 + 0.12 * T3


model += 1*T1 + 0.7 * T2 + 0.6 * T3 <= 10000, "Steel"
model += 1*T1 + 1 * T2 + 1 * T3 <= 20000, "Molding_machine"
model += 0.3*T1 + 0.5 * T2 + 0.4 * T3 <= 9000, "Assembly_machine"

#Demand limits:

model += T1 <= 15000, "T1_DemandLimit"
model += T2 <= 16000, "T2_DemandLimit"
model += T3 <= 12000, "T3_DemandLimit"


for v in model.variables():
print(, "=", v.varValue)

# print("T1 = ", T1.varValue)
# print("T2 = ", T2.varValue)
# print("T3 =" , T3.varValue)

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@@ -0,0 +1,60 @@
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import seaborn as sns
from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split
from sklearn.tree import DecisionTreeClassifier
from sklearn import tree
from sklearn.metrics import accuracy_score
import warnings


data1 = pd.read_csv('datasets/weather.numeric.csv')
data2 = pd.read_csv('datasets/weather.nominal.csv')

X= data1.drop(columns=['play'], axis=1)

y= data1['play']

X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test= train_test_split(X,y,test_size= 0.3)

d1tree= DecisionTreeClassifier(),y_train)
predictions= d1tree.predict(X_test)


from sklearn.metrics import classification_report, confusion_matrix


from sklearn import preprocessing
string_to_int= preprocessing.LabelEncoder() #encode your data
data2=data2.apply(string_to_int.fit_transform) #fit and transform it

#To divide our data into attribute set and Label:
feature_cols = ['outlook','temperature','humidity','windy']
X = data2[feature_cols] #contains the attribute
y = #contains the label

X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test = train_test_split(X, y, test_size=0.30)

d2tree =DecisionTreeClassifier(criterion="entropy", random_state=100) # create a classifier object, y_train)

y_pred= d2tree.predict(X_test)

print("Accuracy:",accuracy_score(y_test, y_pred))

print(confusion_matrix(y_test, y_pred))
print(classification_report(y_test, y_pred))

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