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557 lines (404 sloc) 25.1 KB
import numpy as np
import tensorflow as tf
# for reproducibility set a seed
import pandas as pd
from tensorflow.keras.layers import Activation, Dense
from tensorflow.keras.optimizers import Adam
from tensorflow.keras.metrics import categorical_crossentropy
from keras.models import Sequential
from keras.layers import *
from sklearn.preprocessing import MinMaxScaler, RobustScaler
from keras.models import load_model
import csv
import sys
import os
import math
import joblib
from datetime import datetime
#Creates the models based on the Training Data, and then saves the X/Y/Z models and the Scaler used to scale things for later use
def createTheModels(TrainingDataCSVFile):
training_data_df = pd.read_csv(TrainingDataCSVFile)
#Define the Scaler that will be used for all data
TrainingScaler = MinMaxScaler(feature_range =(0,1))
ScaledTraining = TrainingScaler.transform(training_data_df)
#Create the csv file just so we can debug things later
scaled_training_df = pd.DataFrame(ScaledTraining, columns=training_data_df.columns.values)
scaled_training_df.to_csv("D:\OneDrive\Desktop\Scaled_Training_Data.csv", index = False)
X = scaled_training_df.drop(['NewXPOS', 'NewYPOS', 'NewZPOS'], axis=1).values #<---- Drop them all
inputLength = len(X[0])
XPOSY = scaled_training_df[['NewXPOS']].values
YPOSY = scaled_training_df[['NewYPOS']].values
ZPOSY = scaled_training_df[['NewZPOS']].values
modelActivation = 'relu'
modelLevels = [50,100,50,1]
modelOptimizer = "adam"
modelLoss = "mean_squared_error"
model = Sequential()
model.add(Dense(modelLevels[0], input_dim=inputLength, activation=modelActivation))
model.add(Dense(modelLevels[1], activation=modelActivation))
model.add(Dense(modelLevels[2], activation=modelActivation))
model.add(Dense(modelLevels[3], activation=modelActivation))
model.compile(loss=modelLoss, optimizer=modelOptimizer)
es = tf.keras.callbacks.EarlyStopping(monitor='loss', mode='min', verbose=1, patience=10)
print("Fitting X ..."),XPOSY,epochs=50,shuffle=True,verbose=2,callbacks=es)"Xtrained_model.h5")
print("Fitting Y ..."),YPOSY,epochs=50,shuffle=True,verbose=2,callbacks=es)"Ytrained_model.h5")
print("Fitting Z ..."),ZPOSY,epochs=50,shuffle=True,verbose=2,callbacks=es)"Ztrained_model.h5")
#Save the Scaler for later use
joblib.dump(TrainingScaler, "")
#end def createTheModels
#Test how good the models are on a set of testing data
def testTheModels(TestDataCSVFile, simplePrediction):
# Bring back all three models
Xmodel = load_model("Xtrained_model.h5")
Ymodel = load_model("Ytrained_model.h5")
Zmodel = load_model("Ztrained_model.h5")
# Load the scaler
Scaler = joblib.load("")
testing_data_df = pd.read_csv(TestDataCSVFile)
ScaledTesting = Scaler.transform(testing_data_df)
scaled_testing_df = pd.DataFrame(ScaledTesting, columns=testing_data_df.columns.values)
#Create the csv file just so we can debug things later
scaled_testing_df.to_csv("D:\OneDrive\Desktop\Scaled_Testing_Data.csv", index = False)
X_test = scaled_testing_df.drop(['NewXPOS', 'NewYPOS', 'NewZPOS'], axis=1).values #<---- Drop them all
Y_testX = scaled_testing_df[['NewXPOS']].values
Y_testY = scaled_testing_df[['NewYPOS']].values
Y_testZ = scaled_testing_df[['NewZPOS']].values
test_error_rate = Xmodel.evaluate(X_test, Y_testX, verbose=0)
print("X Mean squared error is: {}".format(test_error_rate))
test_error_rate = Ymodel.evaluate(X_test, Y_testY, verbose=0)
print("Y Mean squared error is: {}".format(test_error_rate))
test_error_rate = Zmodel.evaluate(X_test, Y_testZ, verbose=0)
print("Z Mean squared error is: {}".format(test_error_rate))
if simplePrediction:
#Load in the simple scaled prediction data
pred = pd.read_csv("D:\OneDrive\Desktop\Scaled_Prediction_Data.csv").values
pred = scaled_testing_df.drop(['NewXPOS', 'NewYPOS', 'NewZPOS'], axis=1).values #<---- Drop them all
predictions = []
CompleteXPredictions = Xmodel.predict(pred)
CompleteYPredictions = Ymodel.predict(pred)
CompleteZPredictions = Zmodel.predict(pred)
for x in range(0,len(pred)):
Xprediction = CompleteXPredictions[x][0]
Yprediction = CompleteYPredictions[x][0]
Zprediction = CompleteZPredictions[x][0]
Xpred = (Xprediction * (Scaler.data_max_[23] - Scaler.data_min_[23])) + Scaler.data_min_[23]
Ypred = (Yprediction * (Scaler.data_max_[24] - Scaler.data_min_[24])) + Scaler.data_min_[24]
Zpred = (Zprediction * (Scaler.data_max_[25] - Scaler.data_min_[25])) + Scaler.data_min_[25]
if simplePrediction:
print("Prediction of X_POS is {}".format(Xprediction))
print("Prediction of Y_POS is {}".format(Yprediction))
print("Prediction of Z_POS is {}".format(Zprediction))
print("Scaled prediction of X_POS is {}".format(Xpred))
print("Scaled prediction of Y_POS is {}".format(Ypred))
print("Scaled prediction of Z_POS is {}".format(Zpred))
#end def testTheModels
#Write a CSV file which compares what the actual new X/Y/Z positions are vs. the predicted ones, just so we can see how good or bad things are
def compareActualVsPrediction(TestDataCSVFile, logFile):
# Load the scaler
Scaler = joblib.load("")
comparisonCSVFile = "Comparison.csv"
#Open the csvFile. Note that the newline='' stops the writer from inserting extra lines in the csv file
csvFile = open(comparisonCSVFile, "w+", newline='')
except IOError:
print("Could not write file:", comparisonCSVFile)
testing_data_df = pd.read_csv(TestDataCSVFile).values
#Create a list with all of the column headers for the CSV file
csv_columns = ["OldJD","OldJDFR","NewXPOS","NewYPOS","NewZPOS","PredXPOS","PredYPOS","PredZPOS","XErrorKM","YErrorKM","ZErrorKM"]
csv_writer = csv.writer(csvFile)
csv_writer.writerow(csv_columns) # write header
predictions = testTheModels(TestDataCSVFile, False)
count = 0
LargestXError = 0
LargestYError = 0
LargestZError = 0
for item in testing_data_df:
OldJD = item[0]
OldJDFR = item[1]
NewXPOS = item[23]
NewYPOS = item[24]
NewZPOS = item[25]
PredXPOS = predictions[count][0]
PredYPOS = predictions[count][1]
PredZPOS = predictions[count][2]
XError = math.sqrt((NewXPOS - PredXPOS)**2)
YError = math.sqrt((NewYPOS - PredYPOS)**2)
ZError = math.sqrt((NewZPOS - PredZPOS)**2)
if XError > LargestXError:
LargestXError = XError
if YError > LargestYError:
LargestYError = YError
if ZError > LargestZError:
LargestZError = ZError
row = [OldJD,OldJDFR,NewXPOS,NewYPOS,NewZPOS,PredXPOS,PredYPOS,PredZPOS,XError,YError,ZError]
count = count + 1
print("Written the CSV File:", comparisonCSVFile)
largestError = max(LargestXError, LargestYError, LargestZError)
print("Largest Absolute Error:", round(largestError,2), "XError:YError:ZError", round(LargestXError,2), round(LargestYError,2), round(LargestZError,2), file=logFile, flush=True)
#end def testTheModel
#Main Processing loop which runs all the experiments
#Define what to run, and how long to run it for
#Normally run it twice including training just to get round any restarting inconsistencies
#Or simply set the range to zero to stop running them
Run24946onTest = 0
Run24907onTest = 0
RunMergedSatellite = 0
Run34367Debris = 0
Run35479Debris = 0
Run37558Debris = 0
RunMergedDebris = 0
logFile = open("D:\OneDrive\Desktop\Results.txt", 'w')
print("Running the experiments ...", file=logFile, flush=True)
dataToTrainOn = ["D:/OneDrive/Desktop/Training/Ext_Labelled24946_20200101_20201230.csv",
print("Running the first part of the experiments ...", file=logFile, flush=True)
for x in range (Run24946onTest):
for trainingData in dataToTrainOn:
now =
current_time = now.strftime("%H:%M:%S")
print("Training for ID 24946 (1997-051C) on: ", trainingData, "at:", current_time, file=logFile, flush=True)
print("Testing the model trained on ID 24946 (1997-051C) data on ID 24946 test data.", file=logFile, flush=True)
dataToTestOn = ["D:/OneDrive/Desktop/Test/Labelled24946_20210101_20210101.csv",
for testData in dataToTestOn:
print("Accuracy for : ", testData, file=logFile, flush=True)
#See if the 24946 data can be used for the other Satellite 1997-043E – Id: 24907
print("Testing the model trained on ID 24946 (1997-051C) data on ID 24907 test data.", file=logFile, flush=True)
dataToTestOn = ["D:/OneDrive/Desktop/Test/Labelled24907_20210101_20210101.csv",
for testData in dataToTestOn:
print("Accuracy for : ", testData, file=logFile, flush=True)
print("Running the second part of the experiments ...", file=logFile, flush=True)
#Repeat the test for the 24907 data
dataToTrainOn = ["D:/OneDrive/Desktop/Training/Ext_Labelled24907_20200101_20201230.csv",
for x in range (Run24907onTest):
for trainingData in dataToTrainOn:
now =
current_time = now.strftime("%H:%M:%S")
print("Training for ID 24907 (1997-043E) on: ", trainingData, "at:", current_time, file=logFile, flush=True)
print("Testing the model trained on ID 24907 (1997-043E) data on ID 24946 test data.", file=logFile, flush=True)
dataToTestOn = ["D:/OneDrive/Desktop/Test/Labelled24946_20210101_20210101.csv",
for testData in dataToTestOn:
print("Accuracy for : ", testData, file=logFile, flush=True)
#See if the 24946 data can be used for the other Satellite 1997-043E – Id: 24907
print("Testing the model trained on ID 24907 (1997-043E) data on ID 24907 test data.", file=logFile, flush=True)
dataToTestOn = ["D:/OneDrive/Desktop/Test/Labelled24907_20210101_20210101.csv",
for testData in dataToTestOn:
print("Accuracy for : ", testData, file=logFile, flush=True)
print("Running the third part of the experiments ...", file=logFile, flush=True)
dataToTrainOn = ["D:/OneDrive/Desktop/Training/Ext_LabelledM24946_24907_20200101_20201230.csv",
for x in range (RunMergedSatellite):
for trainingData in dataToTrainOn:
now =
current_time = now.strftime("%H:%M:%S")
print("Training for Merged Dataset of 24946 and 24907 on: ", trainingData, "at:", current_time, file=logFile, flush=True)
print("Testing the model trained on Merged Dataset of 24946 and 24907 on ID 24946 test data.", file=logFile, flush=True)
dataToTestOn = ["D:/OneDrive/Desktop/Test/Labelled24946_20210101_20210101.csv",
for testData in dataToTestOn:
print("Accuracy for : ", testData, file=logFile, flush=True)
#See if the 24946 data can be used for the other Satellite 1997-043E – Id: 24907
print("Testing the model trained on Merged Dataset of 24946 and 24907 on ID 24907 test data.", file=logFile, flush=True)
dataToTestOn = ["D:/OneDrive/Desktop/Test/Labelled24907_20210101_20210101.csv",
for testData in dataToTestOn:
print("Accuracy for : ", testData, file=logFile, flush=True)
print("Running the fourth part of the experiments ...", file=logFile, flush=True)
#Now repeat for one of the debris models
dataToTrainOn = ["D:/OneDrive/Desktop/Training/Ext_Labelled34367_20201201_20201230.csv",
for x in range (Run34367Debris):
for trainingData in dataToTrainOn:
now =
current_time = now.strftime("%H:%M:%S")
print("Training for ID 34367 (1997-051FK) on: ", trainingData, "at:", current_time, file=logFile, flush=True)
print("Testing the model trained on ID 34367 (1997-051FK) data on ID 34367 test data.", file=logFile, flush=True)
dataToTestOn = ["D:/OneDrive/Desktop/Test/Labelled34367_20210101_20210103.csv",
for testData in dataToTestOn:
print("Accuracy for : ", testData, file=logFile, flush=True)
print("Running the fifth part of the experiments ...", file=logFile, flush=True)
#Now repeat for another of the debris models
dataToTrainOn = ["D:/OneDrive/Desktop/Training/Ext_Labelled35479_20201201_20201225.csv",
for x in range (Run35479Debris):
for trainingData in dataToTrainOn:
now =
current_time = now.strftime("%H:%M:%S")
print("Training for ID 35479 (1997-051PZ) on: ", trainingData, "at:", current_time, file=logFile, flush=True)
print("Testing the model trained on ID 35479 (1997-051PZ) data on ID 35479 test data.", file=logFile, flush=True)
dataToTestOn = ["D:/OneDrive/Desktop/Test/Labelled35479_20210102_20210110.csv",
for testData in dataToTestOn:
print("Accuracy for : ", testData, file=logFile, flush=True)
print("Running the sixth part of the experiments ...", file=logFile, flush=True)
#Now repeat for another of the debris models
dataToTrainOn = ["D:/OneDrive/Desktop/Training/Ext_Labelled37558_20201201_20201228.csv",
for x in range (Run37558Debris):
for trainingData in dataToTrainOn:
now =
current_time = now.strftime("%H:%M:%S")
print("Training for ID 37558 (1997-051XT) on: ", trainingData, "at:", current_time, file=logFile, flush=True)
print("Testing the model trained on ID 37558 (1997-051XT) data on ID 37558 test data.", file=logFile, flush=True)
dataToTestOn = ["D:/OneDrive/Desktop/Test/Labelled37558_20210103_20210105.csv",
for testData in dataToTestOn:
print("Accuracy for : ", testData, file=logFile, flush=True)
print("Running the seventh and final part of the experiments with merged debris data ...", file=logFile, flush=True)
dataToTrainOn = ["D:/OneDrive/Desktop/Training/Ext_LabelledMergedDec2020.csv",
for x in range (RunMergedDebris):
for trainingData in dataToTrainOn:
now =
current_time = now.strftime("%H:%M:%S")
print("Training for Merged Debris Dataset on: ", trainingData, "at:", current_time, file=logFile, flush=True)
print("Testing the model trained on the merged Debris dataset on ID 34367 test data.", file=logFile, flush=True)
dataToTestOn = ["D:/OneDrive/Desktop/Test/Labelled34367_20210101_20210103.csv",
for testData in dataToTestOn:
print("Accuracy for : ", testData, file=logFile, flush=True)
print("Testing the model trained on the merged Debris dataset on ID 35479 test data.", file=logFile, flush=True)
dataToTestOn = ["D:/OneDrive/Desktop/Test/Labelled35479_20210102_20210110.csv",
for testData in dataToTestOn:
print("Accuracy for : ", testData, file=logFile, flush=True)
print("Testing the model trained on the merged Debris dataset on ID 37558 test data.", file=logFile, flush=True)
dataToTestOn = ["D:/OneDrive/Desktop/Test/Labelled37558_20210103_20210105.csv",
for testData in dataToTestOn:
print("Accuracy for : ", testData, file=logFile, flush=True)
#Top up tests
#Now repeat for another of the debris models
print("Running the seventh and final part of the experiments with merged debris data ...", file=logFile, flush=True)
dataToTrainOn = ["D:/OneDrive/Desktop/Training/Ext_LabelledMergedOctDec2020.csv"]
for x in range (5):
for trainingData in dataToTrainOn:
now =
current_time = now.strftime("%H:%M:%S")
print("Training for Merged Debris Dataset on: ", trainingData, "at:", current_time, file=logFile, flush=True)
print("Testing the model trained on the merged Debris dataset on ID 34367 test data.", file=logFile, flush=True)
dataToTestOn = ["D:/OneDrive/Desktop/Test/Labelled34367_20210101_20210103.csv",
for testData in dataToTestOn:
print("Accuracy for : ", testData, file=logFile, flush=True)
print("Testing the model trained on the merged Debris dataset on ID 35479 test data.", file=logFile, flush=True)
dataToTestOn = ["D:/OneDrive/Desktop/Test/Labelled35479_20210102_20210110.csv",
for testData in dataToTestOn:
print("Accuracy for : ", testData, file=logFile, flush=True)
print("Testing the model trained on the merged Debris dataset on ID 37558 test data.", file=logFile, flush=True)
dataToTestOn = ["D:/OneDrive/Desktop/Test/Labelled37558_20210103_20210105.csv",
for testData in dataToTestOn:
print("Accuracy for : ", testData, file=logFile, flush=True)