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Fixed infinite loop
Turns out the seemingly random crashes we were having were actually being caused by an infinite while loop that was created when the user tried to send a message whilst the entry box was blank as it just kept on checking for a message without letting the user alter anything. The function now just quits early when the message is blank
  • Loading branch information
hortonr6 committed Nov 15, 2017
1 parent e3e1f4b commit a2a4db3e3d2e08d293224d6917d3318f96b6c28c
Showing 1 changed file with 3 additions and 3 deletions.
@@ -50,9 +50,9 @@ def sendMessage(event=None):
interface and then takes this input from the user and feeds it to the
chatbot/server, allowing it to respond to the input appropriately.'''

sMessage = ""
while sMessage is None or sMessage == "": #loops through until user actually says something
sMessage = userInput.get() #input from user, needs to come from interface
sMessage = userInput.get()
if sMessage is None or sMessage == "": #Checks if the user has actually entered anything before sending
return None #Ends the function before any message is sent to prevent sending of blank message


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