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made getName( ) and getQuestion( )
The code from before is now compressed into 2 functions.
So, getName( ) gets the name of the user and ALSO, asks if their first word is a greeting.
userName = getName(<user's input>)

getQuestion might need to be looked over. Just call it to get the questions I guess ... It also tells the user if they got the question right and shows the answer. :]
  • Loading branch information
dahilj committed Oct 31, 2017
1 parent d1a29ed commit 9e6795b53bc1c2701935eb0e1d856ee05edd84db
Showing 1 changed file with 66 additions and 35 deletions.
@@ -1,67 +1,98 @@
#responding from a sentence on an introduction + choosing other (joke, funfact, etc)
import random
from DataAPI import getQuestion, opentDBCats

from DataAPI import getOpenDB, openDBCats
greetings = ["hi","hello","hey","sup","howdy","henlo","waddup","wassup","heyo","hiya"]

userInput = input("Hello, Human, Can you tell me your name? \n")

userWords = userInput.split()

words = ["My","my","name","is","I","i","am","Hello,","hello,","hey,","Hey,","hi,","Hi,",
"Howdy","howdy","sup","Sup","sup,","Sup,"] #Single out the name

userName = ""
for i in range(len(userWords)): #iterate throught the user's words
foundWord = False #sets True when there's a similar word in the other list
for word in range(len(words)): #iterates and compares the chosen word from the user's list of words to the words list
if userWords[i] == words[word] and foundWord == False:
foundWord = True
if foundWord == False:
userName = userName + userWords[i] + " "

print("Hello, " + str(userName.title()) + "... Nice to meet you! \n")

#picking out a subject
randomStuff = ["Cherophobia is the fear of fun","A flock of crows is called a murder",
"A single cloud can weight more than 1 million pounds",
"A crocodile can't stick it's tongue out","A shrimp's heart is in it's head",
"A pregnant goldfish is called a twit","Rats and horses can't vomit.",
"If you sneeze too hard, you can fracture a rib.",]
#----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- change START
while True:
cats = openDBCats(True)


def getName(sentence):
"""get the name of the user from the inputed sentence"""
#first - getting rid of unwanted chars
unwantedChar = [".","'","!","?",","]
newSentence = ""
for char in sentence:
if char not in unwantedChar:
newSentence = newSentence + char
newSentence = newSentence.lower() # makes all letters into lowercase - much easier and more efficient

userWords = newSentence.split() #the sentence is split up into words and put into a list

# ways of introduction:
# "Hello, my name is ___"
# "Hi, I'm ____"
# "Howdy, I'm called ____"
# Order: Greeting -> pronoun -> Name -> question (optional)
# eg. "Hello, I'm Jasper. How are you?"

words = ["hi","hello","hey","sup","howdy","henlo","waddup","wassup","heyo","hiya"
,"im","i","am","called","my","name","is"] #Single out the name

userName = ""
for i in range(len(userWords)): #iterate throught the user's words
foundWord = False #sets True when there's a similar word in the other list
for word in range(len(words)): #iterates and compares the chosen word from the user's list of words to the words list
if userWords[i] == words[word] and foundWord == False:
foundWord = True
if foundWord == False:
userName = userName + userWords[i] + " "

#ask the user if their first word is a greeting
if userWords[0] not in greetings:
while True:
newGreeting = input('Is your first word a greeting, like "Hello"? \n').lower()
if newGreeting == "yes":
elif newGreetings == "no":
print("Please, type in 'yes' or 'no' \n")

return userName #this is the found name


def getQuestion():
"""just call this ... I guess, if you want questions ... (need some revision)"""
cats = opentDBCats(True)
print("--- Categories ---")
for i in range(3):
userInput = input("Please, pick a subject: \n").casefold()

if userInput == "stop":
elif userInput != "other":

if userInput != "other":
print("You have chosen: " + userInput.title())
#Input question here XD

question, answer, w, t = getOpenDB(userInput, "easy")
question, answer, w, t = getQuestion(userInput, "easy")

userAnswer = input(question)
if userAnswer.lower() == answer.lower():
print("Wehey \n")
elif userAnswer.lower() != answer.lower():
print("This is not the answer fool! \n")
print("This is not the answer fool!")
print("The answer is: \n")
print(answer + "\n")

#----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- change END
#changes - introduced a while loop

elif userInput == "other":
print("You have chosen: " + userInput.title())
userInput = input("Want to hear a joke, fun fact or something random? \n")
if userInput == "Yes" or userInput == "yes":
print(random.choice(randomStuff) + "\n")


#testing zone

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