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Catch empty return answer and don't want to answer
Server checks if the return answer if empty or if the user doesn't want to answer the question
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mateussa committed Nov 2, 2017
1 parent a800468 commit 6b0e00d7c6d0d1f2f014887e2f63bd04c4a67470
Showing 1 changed file with 6 additions and 1 deletion.
@@ -51,16 +51,21 @@ def askSomething(answerType, sendMessages, noAnswers, defaultAnswer):
a list of sentences if not expected answer, and the default fallback
answer returns the answer to the question '''
qAnswerCodes = [2] # List of all answer codes, of questions
dAnswerCodes = [0] # List of all answer codes, user don't want to answer

for i, item in enumerate(sendMessages):
sendMessage(item, (True if i == len(sendMessages) - 1 else False))

answer = receiveMessage()
while (answer[1] != answerType and len(noAnswers) > 0):
while ((answer[1] != answerType and len(noAnswers) > 0) or
((answer[0] == "" or answer[1] != dAnswerCodes) and len(noAnswers) > 0)):
if (answer[1] in qAnswerCodes):
sendMessage("The answer to that is {}.".format(answer[0]), False)
elif (answer[1] != dAnswerCodes):
sendMessage("You should, it would be more fun!")
noAnswers.pop(len(noAnswers) - 1)
sendMessage("Sorry I didn't undertood that.", False)
sendMessage("Can you repeat please.")

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