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Created Chatbot_Requirements.txt
This document lists all of the requirements for the chatbot. Feel free to add to it as we go along so that we know exactly what we need to aim for when we are creating the chatbot and the systems it needs to run.
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hortonr6 committed Oct 31, 2017
1 parent 5c5d877 commit 5b91d25ce400ae6691aefc95b460f8581a42f656
Showing 1 changed file with 22 additions and 0 deletions.
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
Must Have Elements (Highest Priority):
- Recognise user input
- Respond to user input with appropriate responses
- Use clarification responses when user input is not understood
- Pull data from the internet to use in the conversation with the user
- Have a specific theme such as being a teacher
- Have a personality with set characteristics such as age, gender, strict or easy-going etc.
- Work using a client-server system
- Determine whether or not to respond to a message or not
- Identify the topic of conversation with the user
- Have an interface that is not just the terminal

Preferable Elements (Middle Priority):
- Personalise responses to specific users such as using their name or age
- Be able to fool the user into thinking that they are talking to a real person
- Recognise the emotional state of the user from certain messages
- Recognise the role it has in the conversation with the user
- Be able to maintain a conversation with the user
- Be able to give appropriate and relevant advice to a user whilst sticking to its set characteristics

Additional Elements (Low Priority):
- Recognise and answer both factual questions and opinion-based questions

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